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Интервью: Интервью с Фреткой.
Дата: 05.10.2007 17:18
Автор: , добавлено:

Ее любили и ненавидели! Она работала как автомат по выдаче пощечин. Создала уникальный, неповторимый образ персонажа с наплевательским отношением к устоям и авторитетам. Образ, который заслуживает премии самый яркий ньюб 2007 года по версии Бойцовского Клуба.

Одно из последних не публичных заявлений:
Фретка (8/08/2007):
Итак, свершилось! Звезда в шоке, но из последних сил пытается совладать с собой.
Не буду скрывать, что последние события ужаснули меня. Я говорю об актах агрессии, фретконенавистнечества, я бы даже сказала - фреткогеноцида, имевших место недавно. Судьба журналистов-борцов за правду тяжела. Нас запугивают и убивают. Так, диверсионные группы камикадзе-элементалей систематически проникали на территорию общежития в Capital-city, с целью устрашения и нанесения тяжких повреждений отдельным частям моего звездного тела. Остается загадкой, как это допустила служба охраны общежития; полагаю, что диверсанты пробирались в здание под видом поклонниц моего таланта, желающих получить автограф.
Сегодня ситуация лишь усугубилась: злоумышленники захватили контроль надо мной, заблокировали передачи и доступ в Клуб. Я констатирую факт: Фретка пала на поле боя, пала жертвой журналистских баталий, жертвой своих языковых навыков и способностей. Она пала, но дух ее будет вечен. Сегодня, вместе со Scipio, вслед за Мэртвым Пывнем я покидаю Клуб!
Поеду с мамой на украинскую ривьеру, а потом уже и к школе надо будет готовиться.

Спустя два месяца.

Poul Fox: Ситуация: узнала ты о БК и захотелось…
Фретка: Ну, признаться честно, я долгое время проводила в интернете… Играла в другие проекты, не браузерные… Как российские, так и иностранные… Игроки одного из этих проектов меня знают очень хорошо: для них я организовывала вечеринки в реале, одно время была мегаартницей и имела самого богатого персонажа в игре… Потом этот проект мне надоел... Вообще… Захотелось чего-то нового... Как-то увидела, что муж играет в какую-то игрушку… Что-то тыкает там, кого-то бьет... Заинтересовалась, посмотрела… Решила для разнообразия поиграть.

Poul Fox: Игровой процесс не затянул? В то время как люди хотят быть магами и воинами, ты захотела стать журналистом?
Фретка: Ну не знаю. Если предыдущий проект, в котором я проводила свободное время (специально его не называю) мне надоел за полтора года (игры как на русском, так и на американском серверах), то в БК по прошествию пары-тройки недель мне уже наскучило. Наскучило тупо кликать мышкой зоны блока/удара... Захотелось драйва, чего-то большего... Поэтому то, что я стала журналисткой - это вполне естественно.

Poul Fox: Идеал для подражания был из БК или из реальной жизни?
Фретка: Ну почему все думают, что я кому-то подражаю? По-вашему, если личность яркая, запоминающаяся, то это не личность, а лишь тупое подобие чего-то? Нет… Смиритесь с тем, что я - это я. Я такая единственная и неповторимая. Мне будут подражать, я же считаю подражание ниже своего собственного достоинства.

Poul Fox: Направление твоих работ просматривалось сразу: ты пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет известнейших игроков БК? Как выбирались темы для статей/опросов/интервью?
Фретка: "пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет"???? Звучит смешно. Если авторитет можно поставить под вопрос, - какой это авторитет? Сам посуди. Это не авторитет вовсе… Можно сказать, что Фретка - ветер перемен, ворвавшийся в сонное царство, где "авторитеты" пылятся на полке, плесневеют. Но ведь "авторитеты". Я просто реагировала на важнейшие события БКшной жизни. Взвалила на себя тяжкую ношу - открыть глаза рядовым игрокам на то, что творится в игре. Свежим взглядом всегда легче подобное уловить.

Poul Fox: Однако, свои свежие взгляды многим пришлись не по вкусу. Чего ты довилась? Популярности, уважения, известности?
Фретка: Со стороны виднее, чего я добилась. Как говорила, если я не ошибаюсь, Ксюша, "кто меня не любит, тот мне завидует". Значит, если меня многие не любили, то многие мне и завидовали. Значит, я действительно звезда. И как раз-таки я авторитетом и являюсь.

Poul Fox: Какие самые запоминающиеся моменты имели место быть в игре? В игре в журналиста?
Фретка: Ну вот опять. Ты подобными вопросами пытаешься навязать читателю мысль. Что я не та, за кого себя выдаю. Играю, подделываюсь под кого-то. Нет. Я с этим категорически не согласна. Я уже повторяла: игры никакой не было. Просто описывала ярко, живо то, что видела. Вот и все... Что касается самого запоминающегося... Да, много моментов... Меня всегда удивляло, насколько в виртуальных сообществах сложно переплетение интриг... Это как бы концентрат всего того, что мы имеем в реальной жизни. У меня ведь имеется и некоторое количество готового материала. Который не пошел в печать по тем или иным соображениям. Например, из-за невыполнения заказчиком условий и неоплаты заказных обличительных статей. Не люблю халявщиков!

Poul Fox: Бедняжка. Кидалово в БК, к сожалению, не наказуемо. Так много текста и не намека на ответ. Так все же: игра имела яркие моменты? Может встречи в реале? Виртуальная любовь? Угрозы?
Фретка: Да. Не наказуемо... Особенно если недобросовестным заказчиком является паладин. С белым крестом. Встреч в реале не было... В этом проекте я светиться не хотела. Быть может потому, что активно участвовала в жизни предыдущего, а супруг у меня очень ревнив. Любви я тоже не искала особо. Расценки в инфо у меня висели. Хоть бы один человек предложение виртуальной свадьбы сделал. Угрозы... Кто не знает (или просто не может), как по-другому привлечь мое внимание... Угрожали, нападали, используя админский ресурс (анблессед - яркий пример). Уж лучше бы фулл-арт подарил.. Толку было бы больше.

Poul Fox: Что же послужило причиной ухода такой яркой и неповторимой личности? Надоела игра? Перекупили хед-хантеры из других он-лайн проктов?
Фретка: Ну тут есть несколько моментов. главную причину назвать сложно. Во-первых, проблемы в личной, семейной жизни. Это я комментировать не хочу и не буду. Во-вторых, обязательства перед "сильными мира БК". Когда что-то знаешь. Но по принятым на себя обязательствам писать об этом не можешь. Лучше не писать вообще. В-третьих, на данном этапе мне не до БК. Может, игра поднадоела, может, времени просто не хватает. В любом случае, я решила пока приостановить свою игру. Временно... Не уверена, будет ли это месяц-другой. Или пол года – год... Также не уверена, будет ли игра продолжаться Фреткой или же будет создан новый персонаж.

Poul Fox: Среди твоих почитателей - большая часть персонажи женского пола? Что это? Лесбийское начало или у тебя какая-то особенная (не женская) привлекательность?
Фретка: Никогда не занималась статистикой. И даже очень долго не знала, что Мироздатель - это тоже женщина. Быть может, женщинам просто легче понять друг друга?

Poul Fox: Немного цифр?
Фретка: Давай попробуем

Poul Fox: рост:
Фретка: 178

Poul Fox: вес:
Фретка: 73

Poul Fox: объем груди:
Фретка: млин.. я хз.
ммм.. реально хз.. щас возьму рулетку

Poul Fox: сиськастенькая.
Фретка: 80

Poul Fox: Бедра:
Фретка: 100

Poul Fox: А сколько жмешь от груди?
Фретка: Давно в зале не была. Последний раз вроде 70 поднимала.

Poul Fox: А на грудь сколько принять можешь?
Фретка: Не пью.

Poul Fox: Получился вполне нормальный фигурный мужичок.
Фретка: Да)
Фретка: Ой… ((

Poul Fox: Попался.
Теперь колись: что побудило к созданию проекта "Фретка"?
Фретка: Если честно - банальная скука и напряги в реале. Напряги по многим параметрам - как в семейной жизни, так и в делах. Хотелось отвлечься: играл в другие игрушки - надоедали. К тому же не хотел с супругой пересекаться в виртуальном пространстве… Поэтому решил вернуться к БК. Несколько раз начинал, помнится, играть… Но постоянно бросал. Чтобы не было скучно, решил поставить себе задачу - попробовать поработать в веб-коммьюнити, дабы узнать, что это такое. Ну, и параллельно просто скидывал негатив… Сознательно проецировал его на фретку…

Poul Fox: Конченая цель? И были ли цель вообще?
Фретка: Если честно, какой-то глобальной цели как таковой не было. Хотелось, как уже сказал, скинуть негатив, расслабиться в виртуале... Попутно попытаться понять, что такое веб-сообщества изнутри.

Poul Fox: Причины сворачивания проекта те же, что и у самой Фретки?
Фретка: Ну, в общем и целом – да... Вдаваться в детали не хочу. В первую очередь, конечно же, это проблемы в личной жизни... Фретки как таковой рядом со мной сейчас не существует…Вернее - ее реального прототипа.

Poul Fox: Чего не успел сделать? На сколько удалось реализовать потенциал?
Фретка: Это опять же… С какой стороны посмотреть. Если с точки зрения отдыха, возможности скинуть негатив, постебаться - то все прошло отлично… Если же с точки зрения изучения принципов работы в веб-коммьюнити... Были определенные огрехи, которые обязательно учту, если решу делать в БК (или других проектах) что-то новое.
Негативный опыт - тоже опыт.
Фретка: Меня сразу вычислили по той же самой аське. Было немного обидно. Потом, зря я взял за прототип свою супругу. Естессно, в нет ее фото я выкидывать не могу, поэтому образ получился неполным. Скорее нужно было взять кого-либо из знакомых. Например, из мира шоу-бизнеса... Договориться, что буду использовать ее фото. Ее личину для себя. Как с месяц назад я именно так и видел продолжение своей жизни в БК… Вполне возможно, отдохнув, я к этому вернусь.

Poul Fox: Тут проскакивала инфа, что Фретку видели в людях. Люди, кто играют в терру, например. Ничего об этом не слышал?
Фретка: В реале - точно не видели. Наверное, путают с Геополитиком (была у кого-то такая версия). А так - да. Персонаж был мой. Что же касается тех, кто меня видел в реале из БКшников – да, такие люди есть… Я же говорил. Тяжело, будучи журналистом, знать информацию не для разглашения... Которую даже Пывень не знает.

Poul Fox: Как думаешь, персонаж получился положительный или отрицательный?
Фретка: Если честно - не знаю. И даже не пытался задумываться. Уверен лишь в одном. Персонаж получился ярким. А это, безусловно, само по себе положительно.

Poul Fox: Что пожелаешь БКшникам?
Фретка: Если честно, БКщный социум мне напоминает сейчас общество на Украине времен майданов. Находятся люди, которые в смутные времена перемен стараются урвать для себя кусочек славы… В целом., хочу сказать, что для игроков сейчас готовится много новшеств… Кому-то это нравится, кому-то – нет... В любом случае, на мой взгляд, дабы водоем не зарастал, его нужно регулярно осушать и чистить... Воспринимайте то, что сейчас творится - лишь как чистку… Дальше будет лучше. Дальше будет интересней…

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Among the city’s stellar 22 schools, nine were in Manhattan, six were in Brooklyn, five were in Queens and two were in the Bronx. The three additional top scorers were near Rochester, in Buffalo and in Westchester. Sexy Wallpapers Photos
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John Coffee of Columbia Law School said it would now be lessplausible for Halliburton to argue in any litigation between thetwo companies that it had warned BP about something for whichthe evidence was destroyed.

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But the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991 triggered a deeprecession in Finland, prompting its leaders to turn westward andseek greater integration with Europe by joining the EU and theeuro in a switch that economists say helped Finland become oneof the world's richest economies per capita. Sexy Wallpaper Xp
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Bedouin communities in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, believed that any internal disease could be cured by drinking camel milk. In Ethiopia it is said to have aphrodisiac properties and in Somalia, tribes drink milk from camels on the first day that they ingest water after a long period of thirst, considering it to be magical. Sexy Babies Wallpapers
The Barcelona-based company, renamed The Colomer Group(TCG), has since expanded into consumer brands such as NaturalHoney body lotions and Llongueras hair care. It gets 40 percentof its revenue from the United States. Priyamani Sexy Wallpapers
That's where the latest round of deal-making is getting held up: CBS is currently negotiating on behalf of the several local affiliate networks it owns outright, and Time Warner Cable argues that CBS is demanding fees that are much larger than the fees it pays to other independent local stations that carry CBS shows.

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At the same time, the poll indicates the public’s appetite is waning for revisions of the major drivers of the nation’s debt, including the federal retirement and health programs for the elderly and disabled. Katrina Kaif Sexy Hot Wallpaper
The deal is also a bonanza for the banks. Goldman Sachs and UBS have been appointed as joint co-ordinators of the IPO; Barclays is advising Royal Mail; Lazards is advising the Government. Nomura, Royal Bank of Canada and Investec have been appointed as bookrunners. Sexy Wallpapers Hd Download
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The decision permits Governor John Kasich, a Republican who otherwise opposes the reform law known as the Affordable Care Act, to bypass the state's Republican-dominated legislature to expand Medicaid, a move strongly opposed by many Ohio conservatives.

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The fact is, professional complainers about injustice to so-called minorities are often fundamentally irresponsible. For years, they have ignored the harsh and unshakable reality that the overwhelming majority of black or brown homicides are homegrown. They are committed by other members of the same ethnic groups, not police, not racists or Nazis or white supremacists. Veri Sexi Wallpaper
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Дата: 29.05.2019 23:45

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Primark, whose supplier occupied the second floor of theeight storey building, also pledged to pay a furtherthree-months salary to all Rana Plaza workers or their familiesif the other brands fail to contribute. Hot &sexy Wallpaper
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Harry Young, general manager at Aldeburgh Music, said: "I last saw Paddy 10 days ago. He was giving his time by invigilating an exhibition of printmaking in our gallery, a role normally carried out by new volunteers wishing to become concert hall ushers. Free Wallpaper Sexy
The S&P/ASX 200 index rose 61.1 points to 5,136.8 by0146 GMT. The benchmark fell 0.5 percent on Thursday, and hasbeen hovering at the 5,100 point level since bouncing back froma year-to-date low of 4,632.3 hit on June 25.

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The European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Committee forMedicinal Products for Human Use reviewed the medicines after astudy suggested they may increase the risk of pancreatitis, orinflammation of the pancreas, and cellular changes calledpancreatic-duct metaplasia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Sexy Police Wallpaper
During the past couple of weeks, a Texas House committee andthe North Carolina Senate both approved new abortionrestrictions. Texas Democrat Wendy Davis made headlines lastmonth by stalling a Republican-backed measure with a filibuster. Sexy Sports Wallpapers
Odierno stated Wednesday that he was not singling out the use of any particular technology within the nation's arsenal. He highlighted the benefit of outfitting his troops with the most up-to-date equipment and resources. Sexy Anime Christmas Wallpaper
Van Zeller and Torrez's first attempt was to purchase an AK-47, a weapon designed for war and used by combatants in conflicts across the globe. It's a favorite among the Mexican drug cartels. Van Zeller and her team decided to try to purchase one off the Internet. Sexiest Anime Wallpapers Hd
Iran can circumvent some of the obstacles to transferring money internationally by using money dealers, although that is expensive, costing on average 5 percent of the amount and sometimes up to 8 percent, Emadi said.

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"If I had to guess, we're going to see the direction of change be clear, that the moves toward more market-oriented reforms will be clear," Lew told CNN, according to a transcript of an interview conducted on Monday. Sexy Anime Maid Wallpaper
CME, facing falling advertising income in its six central and eastern European markets, saw its veteran chief executive quit in August, to be replaced by two joint CEOs with backgrounds at Time Warner, which has 49.9 percent of the company. Bikini Sexy Wallpaper
The Democratic-majority Senate rejected that plan, designed to gut President Barack Obama's signature health care law. On Friday the Senate approved its own CR that included money for the law known as "Obamacare." Wallpaper Men Sexy
Foreign media were not allowed to attend the trial and Bo's remarks were carried on the court's official microblog, so are likely to have been edited. Still, the transcripts provided by the court mark a level of openness that is unprecedented for a trial in China. Sexy Fireman Wallpaper
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In North Dakota's Bakken shale field, Crestwood Midstream will process about 18 percent of crude oil output after it buys Arrow Midstream, making it one of the largest pipeline and storage providers in the lucrative shale formation. Sexy Wallpapers Photos
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The song-of-sisterhood features a decent enough melody, recalling late-period Michael Jackson ballads. A revelation, it’s not. But it does put a sweet period on one of the nuttiest pop stories ever told. Sex Saver Wallpapers
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But this study found that the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate and two other drugs may transform in a way that raises questions about their impact on the environment. Trenbolone is used to promote weight gain and increase feeding efficiency in cattle. It was once popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters but is no longer allowed to be used in humans.

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Laird shares rose as much as 8.5 percent, making the stockone of the top gainers on the FTSE 250 mid-cap index, asthe rise in orders confirmed that the company was recoveringfrom a slide earlier in the year. Sexy Bilder Wallpaper
Greenpeace insists that the threatened drug charges against crew members of the Arctic Sunrise are part of a campaign of slander against its activists rather than a genuine legal process. "The Investigative Committee is behaving like a tabloid of the yellow press," says Greenpeace-Russia spokesperson Anton Beneslavsky. Sexy Lauren Graham Wallpaper
In the singles chart, Avicii's continued success denied One Direction's "Best Song Ever" the top slot, depriving the boy band of what would have been their fourth number one single. The new track had to settle for number two instead. Sexy Female Celebrity Wallpaper
Jackson’s wife, Sandra Jackson, also was to be sentenced Wednesday for filing joint federal income tax returns that understated the couple’s income. She spent $5,150 in campaign funds on fur capes and parkas, court documents show. Sexy Bikes Wallpapers
— ALIBABA: In September, Yahoo completed a long-awaited, $7.6 billion deal for Chinese e-commerce group Alibaba to buy back nearly half of Yahoo's 40 percent stake. Most of the proceeds have gone back to shareholders, but Mayer has held on to some cash to pay for acquisitions, such as Yahoo's $1.1 billion acquisition of Internet blogging service Tumblr.

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Alain Vigneault observed an “average” training camp from Chris Kreider, as the coach said Monday in Greenburgh, but average sure beats the Rangers’ performance through seven games. And since Kreider has shown improvement during his time in the AHL, the front office ran out of reasons to keep him there. Wallpaper Windows Xp Sexy
Hagemann will move to SAP's supervisory board in a rejig which comes two months after the group announced a management revamp to sharpen its focus on "cloud" computing, a hot area for SAP and its rivals which allows clients to ditch costly servers for network-based software and storage in remote data centers. Wallpapers Sexy Pour Psp
If there's one topic that can fuel the range and fire of human emotion, it's parenting. There's zealotry in the quest to correct and preserve teachings of past generations, profess the rectitude of a chosen parenting style and defend against the readily exchanged judgment about how to win or lose at this paramount task. Bollywood Full Sexiest Wallpapers
Many index providers have fast entry rules in place that determine when a new IPO stock can be added to an index, typically five or six days. Even once an index adds a stock, some ETFs, such as First Trust, wait until their fund's quarterly rebalancing period, which can sometimes be months later. Sexy Hot Psp Wallpapers
Rebels seized Khan al-Assal from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces last month. The opposition Syrian National Coalition has written to Ban saying they were ready to cooperate with the chemical weapons inquiry and "welcome U.N. investigators into all territories under our control."

Дата: 30.05.2019 00:11

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Chris was appointed editor of the Evening Gazette in January 2012. He is also a former Gazette news editor. Chris has more than 20 years experience as a journalist and has previously worked in senior positions in Newcastle, Exeter and Nottingham. Sexy Keira Knightley Wallpaper
"Teen Mom 2" star Jenelle Evans is back in the slammer after being arrested in Caswell Beach, N.C., on April 23, 2013. According to court documents obtained by TMZ, Evans, 21, was booked after police discovered a significant amount of heroin in her possession. Police arrived at Evans' home after a domestic dispute with husband Courtland Rogers. The charges against Evans include drug possession, possession of paraphernalia and simple assault on Rogers. TMZ reports that the assault charge stems from an altercation in which Evans struck Rogers with a piece of furniture. This isn't Evans' first run-in with the law. In fact, the MTV star has racked up quite the collection of mug shots ... S/sexy Wallpaper-related-23.txt 23
FTC lawyers won a delay in a separate contested merger case,one in which the commission sued to block the combination of twoglass-bottle manufacturers: Ireland's Ardagh Glass anda U.S. unit of France's Saint-Gobain. Sexy Male Celebrties Wallpaper
Rio Tinto Ltd climbed 1.5 percent and IlukaResources Ltd jumped 4 percent after reporting aJune-quarter mineral sands revenue of A$241.8 million. Australia's largest gold producer NewcrestMining Ltd jumped 1.3 percent. Wallpapers Of Sex And The City
The Congressional Budget Office estimates Washington would start missing payments between October 22 and the end of the month. America could miss a $12 billion payment due to its Social Security pension program on October 23.

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Last month, Broadcom said it was buying Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics' LTE-related assets for $164 million to speed up its launch of next-generation Long Term Evolution communications technology. Hatsune Miku Anime Girl Wallpaper Sexy
Alastair Machray was appointed editor of The Liverpool Echo in 2005 and is also editor-in-chief of Trinity Mirror Merseyside, Cheshire and North Wales. He is a former editor of The Daily Post (Wales and England) and editor-in-chief of the company's Welsh operations. Married dad-of-two and keen golfer Alastair is one of the longest-serving newspaper editors in the country. His titles have won numerous awards and spearheaded numerous successful campaigns. Sexy Sex Wallpapers
"This arrangement, which has been on autopilot for decades,has gotten us into a situation where we have mortgaged ourselveswell into the future for equipment which is not necessarilyneeded, for a military that can't be trusted, and that iscosting us huge amounts of money," he said in a statementemailed to Reuters. Sexy Male Celebrties Wallpaper
Matt Carpenter had an RBI double in the third that scored David Descalso, who hit a leadoff single. Carpenter came around on Holliday's homer after there were none in the first three games for the first time in NLCS history. Sexy Beach Girls Wallpaper
The Times also quoted an LAPD spokesman who said that at least one arrest was made after rocks and D-cell batteries were thrown at officers at the corner of Washington Boulevard and 10th Avenue. Police also fired non-lethal rounds at the demonstrators. No injuries were immediately reported.

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Many people had been tortured to death in a government military hospital in Mezze, Damascus, the report added. In another military hospital in the northwestern Homs district of Al Waer "doctors were ordered to keep victims alive so that they could be interrogated further", it said. Black Women And Man Sexy Wallpapers
Martin is seeking to clarify whether medical staff would be exempt from prosecution if they helped him commit suicide. Mr Lamb and Mr Nicklinson's widow Jane were also granted leave to appeal the decision. Sexy Keira Knightley Wallpaper
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GSK has run into problems despite conducting up to 20internal audits in China each year, resulting in the sacking ofdozens of staff for misconduct. In 2012, GSK dismissed 312 stafffor policy violations worldwide, according to its annualCorporate Responsibility report, of which 56 were in China. Gay Xvideos
Some critics have wondered why the conflict has gone on for so long and questioned Mr Museveni's commitment to ending the insurgency. The government in turn has pointed to progress since 2011, when the US committed itself to tracking down LRA bases in nearby countries.

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The boom in Hpakant's population coincided with anexponential rise in opium production in Myanmar, the world'ssecond-largest producer after Afghanistan. Its derivative,heroin, is cheap and widely available in Kachin State, andHpakant's workforce seems to run on it. Katrina Kaif Hot Sexy Wallpapers
ARBIL/BAGHDAD, Oct 17 (Reuters) - A new export pipelinemeans Iraqi Kurdistan will soon earn more from its own oil thanit receives from Baghdad as a share of total Iraqi revenues, aturning point that could strengthen the region's hand in itslong search for independence. Sexy Men Wallpapers
The latest 188-megawatt hydro-electric project, the Isimbahydropower dam, would be developed by China International Waterand Electric Corporation (CWE) and China's Export-Import Bankwould give Uganda another loan worth $500 million, which wouldbe on concessional terms, Junior Energy Minister Simon D'Ujangasaid. Xvideos
The speaker insists he knew nothing of William Collins’ coverup within a coverup. Take that denial for what it’s worth. At the least, on Silver’s watch, under a culture he fostered, his office deceived a duly authorized investigation. Sexy 3d Free Wallpapers
“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular President? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

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If, for example, a cyber criminal gains access to a small business’s Twitter handle or Facebook account, the business is at risk of dealing with reputational issues by customers. As we have seen with the AP’s most recent Twitter hack (an “activist” method), the effect of a cyber attack can create a visceral negative reaction among the public, so it’s important to have quick action plans in place to deal with an attack if/when it occurs. Wallpapers Manga Sexy
PopCap's revenue was over $100 million in 2010 before itsacquisition. Supercell is raking in about the same with sales ofabout $106 million or 78.4 million euros last year, according toSoftbank's filing. Sexsy Wallpaper Download
Two Western diplomats said they strongly expect Sellstrom'sreport will confirm the U.S. view that sarin gas was used in theattack, which the United States says killed over 1,400 people,many of them children. Full Sexi Wallpapers
By comparison, Bush played 24 rounds of golf through the first 34 months of his presidency, according to CBS News, but stopped in 2003 because he didn’t want to be seen by the country as a leader who took the nation being at war lightly. Deepika Sexy Wallpaper
ITU also shows that 90% of the globe's 1.1bn families not yet connected to the internet live in the developing world, while a group of 39 countries - mostly African - were not working to launch information and communications technologies.

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Anderson appeared to be uninjured and was taken to an Idaho hospital where crisis counselors and health care providers were assisting her. Her father was expected to arrive in Idaho on Sunday to reunite with her. Wallpaper Dark Sexy Men
Experts said the changes should be introduced because too many children were being denied vital nutrients by poor diets, while getting too little sunshine because they spend too much time indoors on computers and gaming consoles. Free Sexy Angel Wallpaper
London Mayor Boris Johnson had strong evidence for the strength of the relationship between the UK and China when he talked to students at Peking University earlier today. "Who... was Harry Potter's first girlfriend? Who is the first person he kisses? That's right, Cho Chang - who is a Chinese overseas student at Hogwarts school." Hot And Sexy Wallpaper
While Assad is not capable of snatching total victory by delivering a decisive blow to Sunni rebels, he believes he is winning because he has been able to survive for the past two and a half years, Gerges argues. Wallpapers Sex Hot
Kim was out launching her new scent and pulling a major crop top no-no in England. It seems as if the reality TV queen was confused about whether she wanted to go with a '90s inspired look or gold plated armor ... so she piled them both together and called it an outfit.At least she's already married ...

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The civil-fraud trial of former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. trader Fabrice Tourre headed toward an earlier than expected finish, with the closely watched case likely to go to a federal jury in Manhattan by midweek. Wallpaper Edecanes Sexis
Manfred’s letter said MLB would waive the provisions and release the test results. With the tip of his tongue bone dry, Tacopina was forced to verbally backpedal, allowing MLB to regain positive publicity momentum. Sexy Anime Wallpapers 1600x1200
The first is to watch which funds are boosting their U.S.allocation, as Middlefield has done with its income funds, sothat just by staying invested in a certain fund, clientsincrease their U.S. exposure. Sexy Men Wallpapers
SHANGHAI, Sept 26 (Reuters) - China's first thermal coalfutures contract debuted as one of the most heavily tradedcontracts on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on Thursday asminers, traders and investors were eager to trade it. Sexse Wallpapers
Amanda Berry, 27, Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32, were abducted by Castro and held captive for as long as 11 years in his house, where he repeatedly raped them. They were rescued on May 6, along with Berry's 6-year-old daughter fathered by Castro in captivity.

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Gasoline stocks rose by 2.6 million barrels, compared withanalysts' expectations in a Reuters poll for a 500,000 barreldraw, data from industry group the American Petroleum Institute(API) showed. Distillate stockpiles, which include diesel andheating oil, rose by 3.8 million barrels compared withexpectations for a 1.9 million barrel gain. Butt Anime Sexy Wallpaper
The girl's father, Mark Frauenfelder, made headlines when he blogged about the incident on the website Boing Boing. He wrote that a TSA screener had glared at his daughter and mumbled to himself before telling her: "You're only 15, COVER YOURSELF." Sexy Wallpaper 2009
The 18-month SONIA rate rose to 0.4965 percent after theretail sales data, from 0.4900 percent beforehand and 0.47125 onWednesday morning. The two-year SONIA rose to 0.5575 percentfrom 0.54875 percent beforehand as investors are increasinglypricing in a greater chance of a rate hike in 2015 by thecentral bank. Sexy Wallpaper Ru
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McCarthy declined to tell Fox News whether one of the proposals would be passing a so-called “clean” spending bill, or continuing resolution, which would keep open the government for a few days until Congress agrees on a longer-term plan. But he insisted the House will not be responsible for a shutdown and that it will offer a proposal with Democratic support.

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The Nairobi attack was the worst in Kenya since the U.S.Embassy was bombed in the capital by al Qaeda in 1998, killingmore than 200 people, mostly Kenyans. Since then, Kenya has beenseen by the West as an ally in the fight against terrorism. Sexy_women_hd_wallpapers_vol16.rar
Parcells still stays in touch with Pryor, who intends to make the trip from Jonesboro, Ark. to Canton this weekend. The message that Pryor preached about giving players a chance to win never left Parcells. Anjana Sukhani Sexy Wallpapers
Shares in battery maker Samsung SDI advanced asmuch as 4.3 percent on Thursday after U.S. electric car producerTesla Motors Inc reported a better-than-expected profiton Wednesday, raising expectations for the growth of thefledging market. Sexy Wallpaper Emma Watson
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The questions over Sir Michael’s dealings with the NAO have come to light as it emerged that ministers are prepared to consider scrapping the Trust as part of a review of the BBC’s management.

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Robin Ali of the University College of London's Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital led the research, and says it will be at least five years before this technique is ready for human trials. Ali is, however, confident that the treatment will reach human trials. Mom Xvideos
Meanwhile, an A-Rod spokesman told The News Saturday night in reference to a possible plea deal that “nobody from Alex’s team has made any such comments, and as we have said before, we are respecting the process and following the procedures as outlined in the joint agreement." Sexy Motorcycle Wallpaper
The critical difference between ales and lagers is the type of yeast used in fermentation. Ale yeasts ferment around room temperature (65°F to 70°F) and are top-fermenting, meaning they ferment near the top of the fermentor. Lager yeasts ferment around 45°F to 55°F and are bottom-fermenting, sticking closer to the bottom of the fermentor. Wallpaper Sexies
But the actor, who is also a writer and director, has ambition and a little nerve. And with his crafty debut feature, "Don Jon," Gordon-Levitt has written himself a comfortable yet disarming change of pace — that of a smooth, calculating Don Juan type re-imagined for today, but it's a version of modern times existing in a heightened fablelike or theatrical state, as if presented on an Elizabethan stage. Megapol Sexy Wallpapers
The Thomson Reuters/INSEAD Asia Business Sentiment Index fell to 66 in the third quarter from 71 in the secondquarter when it reached the highest level in more than a year.An index reading above 50 indicates an overall positive outlook.

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“As horrible as it was to hear, it doesn’t surprise me to know what (he said) in those few minutes he was awake,” Will Reid’s mother, Anne Reid, told the Daily News on Wednesday. “They lived for one another — up until the end.” 1920x1080 Wallpaper Sexy Video Game Nude
But about 600 U.S. numbers were improperly passed along to the Central Intelligence Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation as suspicious, the records show. In addition, scores of analysts from the sister agencies had access to the calling database without proper training. Sexy Wallpaper Wallpaper Engine
And he told Mr Clegg: "Where I live, I have got tenants I represent coming to me telling me they have got to steal to live. This Government has pushed the poor people in my borough further into such deep poverty that they have got to steal. Is that what the Government really wanted?
The album also features collaborations with Elvis Costello on the song “Losing Game” and an animated music video for the album opener “La Monedita,” by acclaimed Mexican musician and film director Sergio Arau. Sexymobile Wallpapers
The reasons, said Fabian, are clear enough: Unlike in a Chapter 11 corporate bankruptcy proceeding, a Chapter 9 proceeding can't lead to restructuring government — that's a political decision outside a judge's purview. And debt might be wiped away, but the underlying issues of things such as poor governance and management, or of a shrinking population and tax base, won't be.

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For six-year-old Ignatius, it’s too early to tell whether cerebral malaria will have any persistent effects — or whether nitric oxide had any impact on its course. But as his eyes take in the ward around him just three days after he had fallen into a coma, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 4k Sexy Christmas Wallpaper
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While on a cadet force training exercise Mr Farage and his friends had “marched through a quiet Sussex village very late at night shouting Hitler Youth songs”, according to a letter sent to the Master of the college.

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