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We used to work together al4a But is it fair to say that chaos in one institution shows up the whole free schools project as dysfunctional? After all, Dominic Cummings, the outgoing adviser to Michael Gove, accepted, in a (largely misreported) dossier, that some schools “will fail and have predictable disasters, from disastrous teaching to financial fraud”. While a greater proportion of free schools have received “good” or “outstanding” Ofsted reports than those controlled by their local authority counterparts, the fact remains that a quarter are still under-performing. Chaos at one school is hardly a complete surprise.

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Sources familiar with the matter told Reuters earlier this month that one of New York City's biggest landlords, Thor Equities LLC, had raised its offer to buy the Empire State Building to $1.4 billion in cash, hoping to trump the plan to roll the landmark property into a trust.

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