Творчество заграницей написано: 04.10.2004 13:01 (yulana) изменено: 04.10.2004 14:48 (MOSAD) На форуме NewCapital City появилось первое изобразительное творчество английского персонажа Riny под названием "Dustman & Creator"
Текст конечно небольшой и состоит всего из двух абзацев объясняющих нам кто же такие на самом деле Dustman & Creator по её мнению.
Dustman: Often called "The Creator" or "The Establisher". He is considered the creator of the Fight Club and the king and judge of gods. He is the father or creator of all but one of the Gods of Light and the most powerful of all the gods, whether of Light or Evil.
Creator: The Mother of female characters, She is a wife and the goddess of home, family, and the harvest. According to chronicles Creator second creation (after Dustman, the rest of the universe), and she is the most nurturing of the gods and the mother of all characters children. Her hatred for gossip is implacable. Her symbol is a sheaf of wheat tied with a grape vine.
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