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"After resolution of the nuclear issue there are no impossibilities in term of advancing other things forward. The foundation for all this is the confidence that has to be built," he said. "That clearly will help everything else. Everything is possible after the settlement."

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More urbanized countries had higher rates of Alzheimer's, independent of life expectancy. Countries where more than three-quarters of the population were located in urban areas had 10% higher rates of Alzheimer's compared to countries where less than one-tenth of people lived in urban areas.

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The Giants actually opened the game by holding Philly to a three-and-out, and their first drive was impressive. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so the Giants flashed more personnel, more formations, even a little bit of pistol early on — and it worked. On their third offensive play, Manning found Hakeem Nicks from 49 yards out, setting up David Wilson's five-yard TD run, a play that gave the Giants their first lead in their last 131:04. They hadn't led a game since 11:37 into the first quarter of their second game of the season, an eventual loss to the Denver Broncos.

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Police have said little about their investigation. Jan Caldwell, a spokeswoman for the San Diego County Sheriff's Department, said authorities are aware of the online comments but couldn't confirm the account is Hannah's.

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I don't like pubs Since the September meeting, some participants had become more confident of sustained improvement in the outlook for the labor market and so thought that a downward adjustment in asset purchases had or would likely soon become appropriate; they saw a need to clearly communicate an intention to lower the pace of purchases before long. However, to some other participants, this approach appeared likely to limit the Committee's flexibility in adjusting asset purchases in response to changes in economic conditions, which they viewed as a key element in the design of the purchase program. Others were concerned that stating an intention to slow the pace of asset purchases, even if the intention were conditional on the economy developing about in line with the Committee's expectations, might be misinterpreted as signaling an end to the addition of policy accommodation or even be seen as the initial step toward exit from the Committee's highly accommodative policy stance. It was suggested that any statement about asset purchases make clear that decisions concerning the pace of purchases are distinct from decisions concerning the federal funds rate.

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Gamblers are also betting more due to higher table limits inthe main casinos such as Galaxy Macau. Minimum table bets startat around 300 patacas ($38) compared to a year ago whencustomers could easily find baccarat tables offering bets for100-200 patacas.

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A win at the 2009 Players Championship in Florida, golf's unofficial fifth major, lifted him to fourth in the world rankings but the 6-foot-1 Swede then suddenly suffered a form slump that saw him crash out of the top 200.

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I read a lot "I'm pretty sure he lied and just said he was sick enough to go to the hospital, but when an adolescent boy would rather be hospitalized than eat McDonald's something has gone horribly wrong," Robinson told DazedDigital.

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When you enter the fortress grounds, there are about fifteen stages with various themes trying to attract your attention. Other than the main stage, the dance arena, and the ‘Fusion’ stage, which showcases so-so musical acts, the rest of the stages are more or less empty. To be clear, whoever wants to hear random people sing Rihanna or Dino Merlin on the karaoke stage, or listen to trance on the trance stage or at the so-called “Latino” stage where they teach you dances like at a cheap hotel on the Mediterranean. You know the kind where the waitress brings you breakfast and at night there is a program for kids at the same time as the aerobics class for pensioners. It seems to me that offering these various stupidities just brings attention to the point that there are fewer people at the concert because the musical acts are weak.

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"I feel for the first time in my life I am making a real difference by coming back to Detroit," said Sarah Brithinee, 26, chief executive of Wedit, which rents out digital cameras for wedding parties and edits the footage into videos. She returned to her hometown in 2011.

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The crash killed local pilot Walter Rediske, co-owner of anair-taxi service, and members of two families from SouthCarolina. The plane was bound from the Soldotna airport for awilderness lodge about 90 miles (145 km) to the southwest,Weener said. Investigators have said the plane appears to havecrashed shortly after take-off.

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Beginning Monday, the Yankee owners will be conducting their organization meetings at Yankee Stadium, at which time the prime topic of discussion is expected to be the Yankee player development and scouting departments and the abysmal performance of both, which led to the embarrassing season just concluded.

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There should be a third line reading, "I just love getting sodomized by the shotcaller on my cellblock! Because I'm a little twit, and without my gun I'm just another bottom to have fun with while I do my life sentence for murder. You should know that even Charlie Manson was a prison b*#@h".

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A growing number of economists are predicting the centralbank will take the Selic back to double digits this year,considered by many a setback for President Dilma Rousseff, whovowed to bring down some of the world's highest interest rates.

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"I told him to stop because I'm trying to go forward and people are crossing," said Olivo, 40, sporting a bandage on his thigh. "He loses his patience. He gets angry. He accelerates. Hits me."

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Superintendent Lawrence Hobbs, of Sussex Police, said: "We are acutely aware of the impact that this is having on the residents of Balcombe and back their call to protesters not to engage in any criminal activity in the pursuit of their aims.

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It's worth being very clear about this: Though both parties have moved toward  their respective poles, Republicans have moved much further right than Democrats have moved left. That's clear in the DW-Nominate data. It's clear from a comparison of the two parties' policy positions, where Democrats are proposing entitlement cuts even as Republicans pledge to never raise taxes under any circumstances. It's clear from a comparison of the two party's political strategies, where the GOP's repeated shutdown and debt-ceiling threats have no analogue in recent Democratic congresses (Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't threaten default unless President Bush agreed to end the Iraq War).

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There are clear differences between the two cases; forinstance, the Wisconsin Central Ltd train that jumped the trackin Weyauwega was operated by a two-man crew, while the Montreal,Maine & Atlantic Railway Corp (MMA) train that derailed inLac-Megantic had a sole engineer who was not on board.

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