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Интервью: Интервью с Фреткой.
Дата: 05.10.2007 17:18
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Ее любили и ненавидели! Она работала как автомат по выдаче пощечин. Создала уникальный, неповторимый образ персонажа с наплевательским отношением к устоям и авторитетам. Образ, который заслуживает премии самый яркий ньюб 2007 года по версии Бойцовского Клуба.

Одно из последних не публичных заявлений:
Фретка (8/08/2007):
Итак, свершилось! Звезда в шоке, но из последних сил пытается совладать с собой.
Не буду скрывать, что последние события ужаснули меня. Я говорю об актах агрессии, фретконенавистнечества, я бы даже сказала - фреткогеноцида, имевших место недавно. Судьба журналистов-борцов за правду тяжела. Нас запугивают и убивают. Так, диверсионные группы камикадзе-элементалей систематически проникали на территорию общежития в Capital-city, с целью устрашения и нанесения тяжких повреждений отдельным частям моего звездного тела. Остается загадкой, как это допустила служба охраны общежития; полагаю, что диверсанты пробирались в здание под видом поклонниц моего таланта, желающих получить автограф.
Сегодня ситуация лишь усугубилась: злоумышленники захватили контроль надо мной, заблокировали передачи и доступ в Клуб. Я констатирую факт: Фретка пала на поле боя, пала жертвой журналистских баталий, жертвой своих языковых навыков и способностей. Она пала, но дух ее будет вечен. Сегодня, вместе со Scipio, вслед за Мэртвым Пывнем я покидаю Клуб!
Поеду с мамой на украинскую ривьеру, а потом уже и к школе надо будет готовиться.

Спустя два месяца.

Poul Fox: Ситуация: узнала ты о БК и захотелось…
Фретка: Ну, признаться честно, я долгое время проводила в интернете… Играла в другие проекты, не браузерные… Как российские, так и иностранные… Игроки одного из этих проектов меня знают очень хорошо: для них я организовывала вечеринки в реале, одно время была мегаартницей и имела самого богатого персонажа в игре… Потом этот проект мне надоел... Вообще… Захотелось чего-то нового... Как-то увидела, что муж играет в какую-то игрушку… Что-то тыкает там, кого-то бьет... Заинтересовалась, посмотрела… Решила для разнообразия поиграть.

Poul Fox: Игровой процесс не затянул? В то время как люди хотят быть магами и воинами, ты захотела стать журналистом?
Фретка: Ну не знаю. Если предыдущий проект, в котором я проводила свободное время (специально его не называю) мне надоел за полтора года (игры как на русском, так и на американском серверах), то в БК по прошествию пары-тройки недель мне уже наскучило. Наскучило тупо кликать мышкой зоны блока/удара... Захотелось драйва, чего-то большего... Поэтому то, что я стала журналисткой - это вполне естественно.

Poul Fox: Идеал для подражания был из БК или из реальной жизни?
Фретка: Ну почему все думают, что я кому-то подражаю? По-вашему, если личность яркая, запоминающаяся, то это не личность, а лишь тупое подобие чего-то? Нет… Смиритесь с тем, что я - это я. Я такая единственная и неповторимая. Мне будут подражать, я же считаю подражание ниже своего собственного достоинства.

Poul Fox: Направление твоих работ просматривалось сразу: ты пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет известнейших игроков БК? Как выбирались темы для статей/опросов/интервью?
Фретка: "пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет"???? Звучит смешно. Если авторитет можно поставить под вопрос, - какой это авторитет? Сам посуди. Это не авторитет вовсе… Можно сказать, что Фретка - ветер перемен, ворвавшийся в сонное царство, где "авторитеты" пылятся на полке, плесневеют. Но ведь "авторитеты". Я просто реагировала на важнейшие события БКшной жизни. Взвалила на себя тяжкую ношу - открыть глаза рядовым игрокам на то, что творится в игре. Свежим взглядом всегда легче подобное уловить.

Poul Fox: Однако, свои свежие взгляды многим пришлись не по вкусу. Чего ты довилась? Популярности, уважения, известности?
Фретка: Со стороны виднее, чего я добилась. Как говорила, если я не ошибаюсь, Ксюша, "кто меня не любит, тот мне завидует". Значит, если меня многие не любили, то многие мне и завидовали. Значит, я действительно звезда. И как раз-таки я авторитетом и являюсь.

Poul Fox: Какие самые запоминающиеся моменты имели место быть в игре? В игре в журналиста?
Фретка: Ну вот опять. Ты подобными вопросами пытаешься навязать читателю мысль. Что я не та, за кого себя выдаю. Играю, подделываюсь под кого-то. Нет. Я с этим категорически не согласна. Я уже повторяла: игры никакой не было. Просто описывала ярко, живо то, что видела. Вот и все... Что касается самого запоминающегося... Да, много моментов... Меня всегда удивляло, насколько в виртуальных сообществах сложно переплетение интриг... Это как бы концентрат всего того, что мы имеем в реальной жизни. У меня ведь имеется и некоторое количество готового материала. Который не пошел в печать по тем или иным соображениям. Например, из-за невыполнения заказчиком условий и неоплаты заказных обличительных статей. Не люблю халявщиков!

Poul Fox: Бедняжка. Кидалово в БК, к сожалению, не наказуемо. Так много текста и не намека на ответ. Так все же: игра имела яркие моменты? Может встречи в реале? Виртуальная любовь? Угрозы?
Фретка: Да. Не наказуемо... Особенно если недобросовестным заказчиком является паладин. С белым крестом. Встреч в реале не было... В этом проекте я светиться не хотела. Быть может потому, что активно участвовала в жизни предыдущего, а супруг у меня очень ревнив. Любви я тоже не искала особо. Расценки в инфо у меня висели. Хоть бы один человек предложение виртуальной свадьбы сделал. Угрозы... Кто не знает (или просто не может), как по-другому привлечь мое внимание... Угрожали, нападали, используя админский ресурс (анблессед - яркий пример). Уж лучше бы фулл-арт подарил.. Толку было бы больше.

Poul Fox: Что же послужило причиной ухода такой яркой и неповторимой личности? Надоела игра? Перекупили хед-хантеры из других он-лайн проктов?
Фретка: Ну тут есть несколько моментов. главную причину назвать сложно. Во-первых, проблемы в личной, семейной жизни. Это я комментировать не хочу и не буду. Во-вторых, обязательства перед "сильными мира БК". Когда что-то знаешь. Но по принятым на себя обязательствам писать об этом не можешь. Лучше не писать вообще. В-третьих, на данном этапе мне не до БК. Может, игра поднадоела, может, времени просто не хватает. В любом случае, я решила пока приостановить свою игру. Временно... Не уверена, будет ли это месяц-другой. Или пол года – год... Также не уверена, будет ли игра продолжаться Фреткой или же будет создан новый персонаж.

Poul Fox: Среди твоих почитателей - большая часть персонажи женского пола? Что это? Лесбийское начало или у тебя какая-то особенная (не женская) привлекательность?
Фретка: Никогда не занималась статистикой. И даже очень долго не знала, что Мироздатель - это тоже женщина. Быть может, женщинам просто легче понять друг друга?

Poul Fox: Немного цифр?
Фретка: Давай попробуем

Poul Fox: рост:
Фретка: 178

Poul Fox: вес:
Фретка: 73

Poul Fox: объем груди:
Фретка: млин.. я хз.
ммм.. реально хз.. щас возьму рулетку

Poul Fox: сиськастенькая.
Фретка: 80

Poul Fox: Бедра:
Фретка: 100

Poul Fox: А сколько жмешь от груди?
Фретка: Давно в зале не была. Последний раз вроде 70 поднимала.

Poul Fox: А на грудь сколько принять можешь?
Фретка: Не пью.

Poul Fox: Получился вполне нормальный фигурный мужичок.
Фретка: Да)
Фретка: Ой… ((

Poul Fox: Попался.
Теперь колись: что побудило к созданию проекта "Фретка"?
Фретка: Если честно - банальная скука и напряги в реале. Напряги по многим параметрам - как в семейной жизни, так и в делах. Хотелось отвлечься: играл в другие игрушки - надоедали. К тому же не хотел с супругой пересекаться в виртуальном пространстве… Поэтому решил вернуться к БК. Несколько раз начинал, помнится, играть… Но постоянно бросал. Чтобы не было скучно, решил поставить себе задачу - попробовать поработать в веб-коммьюнити, дабы узнать, что это такое. Ну, и параллельно просто скидывал негатив… Сознательно проецировал его на фретку…

Poul Fox: Конченая цель? И были ли цель вообще?
Фретка: Если честно, какой-то глобальной цели как таковой не было. Хотелось, как уже сказал, скинуть негатив, расслабиться в виртуале... Попутно попытаться понять, что такое веб-сообщества изнутри.

Poul Fox: Причины сворачивания проекта те же, что и у самой Фретки?
Фретка: Ну, в общем и целом – да... Вдаваться в детали не хочу. В первую очередь, конечно же, это проблемы в личной жизни... Фретки как таковой рядом со мной сейчас не существует…Вернее - ее реального прототипа.

Poul Fox: Чего не успел сделать? На сколько удалось реализовать потенциал?
Фретка: Это опять же… С какой стороны посмотреть. Если с точки зрения отдыха, возможности скинуть негатив, постебаться - то все прошло отлично… Если же с точки зрения изучения принципов работы в веб-коммьюнити... Были определенные огрехи, которые обязательно учту, если решу делать в БК (или других проектах) что-то новое.
Негативный опыт - тоже опыт.
Фретка: Меня сразу вычислили по той же самой аське. Было немного обидно. Потом, зря я взял за прототип свою супругу. Естессно, в нет ее фото я выкидывать не могу, поэтому образ получился неполным. Скорее нужно было взять кого-либо из знакомых. Например, из мира шоу-бизнеса... Договориться, что буду использовать ее фото. Ее личину для себя. Как с месяц назад я именно так и видел продолжение своей жизни в БК… Вполне возможно, отдохнув, я к этому вернусь.

Poul Fox: Тут проскакивала инфа, что Фретку видели в людях. Люди, кто играют в терру, например. Ничего об этом не слышал?
Фретка: В реале - точно не видели. Наверное, путают с Геополитиком (была у кого-то такая версия). А так - да. Персонаж был мой. Что же касается тех, кто меня видел в реале из БКшников – да, такие люди есть… Я же говорил. Тяжело, будучи журналистом, знать информацию не для разглашения... Которую даже Пывень не знает.

Poul Fox: Как думаешь, персонаж получился положительный или отрицательный?
Фретка: Если честно - не знаю. И даже не пытался задумываться. Уверен лишь в одном. Персонаж получился ярким. А это, безусловно, само по себе положительно.

Poul Fox: Что пожелаешь БКшникам?
Фретка: Если честно, БКщный социум мне напоминает сейчас общество на Украине времен майданов. Находятся люди, которые в смутные времена перемен стараются урвать для себя кусочек славы… В целом., хочу сказать, что для игроков сейчас готовится много новшеств… Кому-то это нравится, кому-то – нет... В любом случае, на мой взгляд, дабы водоем не зарастал, его нужно регулярно осушать и чистить... Воспринимайте то, что сейчас творится - лишь как чистку… Дальше будет лучше. Дальше будет интересней…

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Дата: 06.11.2019 11:56

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He added: "It is promising news that Cuadrilla has taken wildlife into account in this case, but in the long term there must be a statutory obligation of drilling firms to assess the impact any proposal will have on birds and other species." xvideos The Irish singer has seen her fair share of controversy over the course of her career, most notably for her unabashed slamming of the Catholic church, but O'Connor has largely advocated from a women's rights platform.

Дата: 06.11.2019 11:56

Where do you live? xxx The Internet and social media in Kenya, which played a central role in this year's elections by allowing Kenyans to question candidates, took on a new function Tuesday—spreading messages of peace to avert new bloodshed. xvideos "The trend is positive but the size of the Islamic fundmanagement industry is miniscule compared to the requirements ofthe pension industry. This is the primary challenge." (Additional reporting by Nevzat Devranoglu in Istanbul; Editingby Andrew Torchia) porn The task force is an independent, voluntary group of primary care and prevention experts that reviews scientific studies and makes recommendations about about preventive services such as screenings, counseling, and preventive medications. xhamster “ The coalition asserts that the threats made by al-Sisi, leader of the military coup, are nothing short of a full call for civil war and a warning that massacres, widespread massacres will be held under a false cover of popular support.” xnxx "Episode VII," to be released in 2015, is being directed by J.J. Abrams (who directed the two most recent "Star Trek" films), and is written by Michael Arndt (an Oscar-winner for "Little Miss Sunshine"). The leads of the original trilogy -- Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher - are expected to return as well.

Дата: 06.11.2019 11:56

Free medical insurance xnxx "There is still confusion about what is happening on the Syrian side. All humanitarian assistance that normally goes through the gate has ceased," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity. xnxx On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand is joined by WFAN's Sweeny Murti during the final day of the season at Yankee Stadium as they talk about Mariano Rivera's emotional Bronx farewell. xxx “People might think that we’re a little bit crazy when we come home and we do it ourself, but why waste money at the store, when we know it’s fresher and cleaner off the side of the road,” Shannon says on the show. boobs The NSA after 9/11 arguably operated in this environment for a while. People like Bob Deitz, the NSA's former general counsel, won't like that characterization at the time, but NSA was left to its own devices for quite a while with only minimal and terribly thin oversight. And THEN, between five and seven years later, the laws caught up. A regime of oversight was imposed. xhamster The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday sold $30 billion ofone-month bills that will pay an interest rate of 0.35 percentto investors. This was the highest one-month federal borrowingcost since October 2008 when markets worldwide were roiled bythe global credit crisis.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

Sorry, I'm busy at the moment xhamster Historically, the Yankees have reserved the right to approve all of their broadcasters. It’s highly doubtful that they would give up that right in this deal. There is every reason to believe Yankees brass is cool with Sterling and Waldman and would vote to retain their services. boobs Countering these unflattering portraits will be difficult for Armstrong, who remains in a legal fetal position while plaintiffs try to claw back the millions he took from them under false pretenses, adamantly swearing that he never doped during his Tour de France reign. Among those suing him is the Justice Department. boobs “Greenie, I want to say this. I challenge you. You’re a Jets fan, there’s no question about it. Raise the expectations up a little bit because our team is going to be a heck of a lot better than people think,” Ryan pleaded. “You’ll see this kind of passion we’ll play with, you and every other Jets fan.” xxx In the past, monetary policy that has encouraged too muchrisk has helped to foster bubbles that have burst withdisastrous consequences, most recently the collapse of the U.S.housing market that sparked the 2007-2009 financial crisis. xvideos Etihad will now take two seats on the board, which will have up to 12 members, one less than initially planned. Jet's founder group will appoint four board members and will have the right to nominate the chairman, whereas Etihad will appoint a vice chairman, according to the document.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

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"We have formulated an alternative for people who were disappointed not only by the FDP but by all the other parties as well," said party leader Bernd Lucke, 51, a previously little-known professor of economics at Hamburg University. xnxx "A mayoral adviser outlined a rough plan to spend $315,000 on efforts such as polling, focus groups, mailing and consultants," the Journal reported, citing the emails. "The [Foundation for Newark's Future] has spent at least $2 million on such efforts since." porn Petra, from Carnoustie and a volunteer for the charity, praised the many Angus and Dundee supporters who had either participated in the event or had supported the daredevils’ 130ft abseil of the University of Dundee Tower Building in June. boobs The Daily News has some of the most memorable photos in sports history. From legendary boxers and iconic tennis players to golfing greats and fabled Olympians, the Daily News has the photos you want of the once-in-a-lifetime sports moments. Find yours today and relive history. porn Tokuda, who was president of Universal at the time of thepayment and who has been working closely with Okada and theboard in responding to the Wynn suit and the briberyallegations, "feared that it would be detected. This led him toaltering the minutes after the fact," the report says.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

I'm doing a phd in chemistry porn is a content destination powered by over 100,000 independent contributors. Every week our contributors post thousands of informative and entertaining articles designed to feed your curiosity on the subjects that you crave. beeg The BRC and employers group the CBI have called on politicians to go further and completely overhaul the system. According to the BRC, high street retailers pay more than three times as much in business rates as they do in corporation tax, putting them at a disadvantage to online rivals, threatening jobs, and stifling entrepreneurs. xxx Despite the generous assistance provided by the UK, the humanitarian appeal for Syria is only 43 per cent funded. The UK Government must continue to urge the international community to fulfil their pledges of support for refugees and their host countries. Without more funding, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent warned that 150,000 people might have to go without food aid in October. boobs “They gave me the first time to launch ‘Wadjda.’ It was a great premiere and I can’t wait to be back in Venice again. It [judging] is not about picking holes in someone else’s work but as much as seeing the potential and seeing what they’ve done really great and celebrating it. And that’s how I always go about it and I hope that the jury agree.” xvideos Outen has many of the details of her global trek obsessively plotted out — routes, distances, miles per day, and goals for where she should be at what time. She hopes to make it back to London by 2015, where she plans to marry her fiancée, Lucy.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

Wonderfull great site boobs Herzog's pervious documentaries include Into the Abyss, in which he interviewed death row inmates; and Grizzly Man - about the bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell who was killed and eaten, along with his girlfriend, by bears in 2003. beeg "[IMF] directors underscored the importance of transitioning to a new growth path that is more consumption-based, inclusive, and environmentally friendly. They welcomed the authorities' reform strategy in this direction, which charts a path toward mitigating risks, rebalancing growth, and addressing income disparities, thus safeguarding China's important contribution to global growth," the Fund said in a press release. xvideos “And we know that eating is a common reaction to stress and anxiety -- that people often engage in more food consumption or more binge eating in response to stressors, so there is a logical connection here in terms of some of the maladaptive coping strategies to try to deal with the stress of being stigmatized," Sutin said. porn The ’64 game was the first time the fledging Mets, who were in just their third season, had a player voted to start — Ron Hunt, their tough second baseman, was picked by the players. In those days, fans did not vote. porn For weeks, Reid has been threatening to invoke a plan known as the nuclear option, which would change Senate rules to allow an executive branch nominee to be confirmed by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the 60 votes normally required by the Senate. It would break filibusters for those nominated to serve in the Cabinet or the federal government, but would not include judges or legislation.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

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The post reported that an indiscriminate gun and bomb attack had killed leading Sinn Fein members including Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, party president Gerry Adams and West Tyrone MLA Barry McElduff. xhamster The U.S. Congress was locked in a highly partisan deadlock on Monday, hours away from a shutdown of the U.S. government, as Republicans continued to insist on delaying Obamacare as a condition of agreeing to a funding measure. xnxx Among other things, the trio went bankrupt after their breakout album, "Crazy, Sexy, Cool"; Lopes torched her boyfriend's mansion; and at one point, the gals just couldn't get along (Lopes once challenged her bandmates to solo discs with a $1.5-million prize for the best project).В boobs Charter captain Matt Bellinger said he expected more than 100 boats filled with fisherman and hospitality workers to join forces. They will demonstrate against the closing of the massive wetland as well as the waters of Florida Bay, an 800-square-mile area of world-class fishing between the southern tip of the mainland and the Florida Keys. xhamster Hirshberg believes that games for the next generation of video game consoles will enhance the connection between players and virtual characters. He claimed that Ghosts will provide the "hair-on-fire, rollercoaster ride of adrenaline that Call of Duty seems to be able to deliver better than anyone."

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

Where did you go to university? boobs Yet when we meet, between tour dates, in a hotel in Shepherd’s Bush, west London, you wouldn’t imagine for a moment that Flanagan is in the public eye. His clothes – jeans, dark blue shirt, black jacket – echo his manner, which is relaxed and unassuming. His most recognisable feature is his luxuriant black hair, which wouldn’t look out of place on one of the Three Musketeers or a Regency-era fop. Then he opens his mouth. Flanagan’s dropped Hs, drawled vowels and contagious bar-room cackle immediately identify the name of the place that runs through him and his comedy as if through a stick of rock: the East End of London. boobs Mgr Cushley has been a papal interpreter and speech writer and accompanied the Pope on visits to English-speaking countries, including Pope Benedict's trip to the UK in 2010 when he celebrated Mass in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow. beeg Cal Fire spokesman Daniel Berlant said that as of early Thursday morning, the fire was 0% contained and had destroyed or damaged 15 structures near Banning, although it was not immediately clear how many of those were homes. xxx Recalling the 2012 presidential campaign, Trump said he was fond of Mitt Romney “personally,” but “I don’t know what the hell happened with his campaign.” He also complained that the Romney campaign didn’t use him as a campaign surrogate enough during the general election: “I think they felt I was a little controversial.” boobs "All I know for sure is I heard my daughter say today she's the happiest she's ever been in her life immediately following (the breakup)," he said. "That's when I saw Miley being so happy."

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

I'm on business boobs He said the gunman, identified as 20-year-old Fuaed Abdo Ahmed, had been threatening to kill his hostages, and shot them when police entered the building. Police then shot and killed the gunman, Paxton said. beeg The two things "are very loosely connected," said New YorkFed President William Dudley. "The amount of time that can passbetween the decision to begin to taper and actually raisingshort-term interest rates could easily be a number of years." boobs The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s $300 million fine was the biggest levied today against the New York-based bank, led by Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon. The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority fined JPMorgan 137.6 million pounds ($221 million), followed by $200 million each from the Federal Reserve and SEC. boobs The Daily News has some of the most memorable photos in sports history. From legendary boxers and iconic tennis players to golfing greats and fabled Olympians, the Daily News has the photos you want of the once-in-a-lifetime sports moments. Find yours today and relive history. beeg The complaint was filed with a Paris civil court, and aprosecutor will now decide whether to open an investigation. Ifthe prosecutor declines to do so, the plaintiffs can still askan investigating magistrate to look into the case.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:21

Do you know the address? boobs Fighting off his shortest layoff in years, Mayweather was sharp, efficient and sometimes brutal in dismantling an unbeaten fighter who was bigger and was supposed to punch harder. He frustrated Alvarez early, pounded him with big right hands in the middle rounds, and made him look just like he said he would -- like any other opponent. boobs Western diplomats said the draft resolution "determines that the use of chemical weapons in Syria constitutes a threat to international peace and security" and "condemns" the August 21 attack on a Damascus suburb that the US says killed some 1,400 people. xhamster GSK has an exclusive worldwide license to develop and commercialize drisapersen and other experimental DMD drugs from Prosensa. The Dutch firm is eligible for up to 428 million pounds ($687 million) in milestone payments from GSK and percentage royalties in the low teens on any future sales. sex videos
Coffee Bean faces an uphill task to compete with StarbucksCorp, the world's biggest coffee chain, which has adominant market share in Asia and controls nearly one-third ofthe $8.9 billion Asia excluding Australia specialty coffee chainmarket, data from research firm Euromonitor International shows. xxx "Shortly after Lynton Crosby started work for the Conservative Party, the government shifted its position in favour of private health companies by trying to sneak NHS regulations through the House forcing services out to the market.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

Would you like to leave a message? xvideos Diabetes UK is calling on health leaders to remove restrictive policies on blood glucose monitoring and wants access to test strips made on a case-by-case basis and in a joint decision-making process between the person with diabetes and their clinician. The charity says that rationing blood glucose test strips because of financial constraints is an unacceptable example of short-termism that could be putting people’s health at risk and is also storing up long term costs for the NHS because diabetes complications are extremely expensive to treat. xnxx JPMorgan's decision is a sharp and unexpected reversal for a bank that has pushed aggressively into the sector since 2008, when it first inherited a host of power trading assets through its acquisition of Bear Stearns during the financial crisis. xvideos "My thing is, as far as I'm concerned ... this is a sham and do what you want with me," Bulger, 83, told U.S. District Court Judge Denise Casper in the Boston court house after his lawyer announced he would not testify. boobs "It would be nice to stand in a classroom again and do the job I was trained for," Zondo, from Bulawayo and in his 40s, said in downtown Johannesburg at the weekend as he sat in a bus loading passengers for a trip to Zimbabwe's second city. porn “The one thing that I don’t understand is positioning,” Girardi said of home plate umpire Alan Porter, who was behind Phegley. “They’re behind where the tag takes place and they’re going to be blocked out a good portion of the time. For the life of me, I don’t understand it. From what I understand, he didn’t tag him. But it’s tough for him to see that.”

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

Do you know each other? beeg "We have had a number of engagements with the Iranians and we'll continue to have conversations on the basis of mutual respect," Josh Earnest, the deputy White House spokesman, told reporters aboard Air Force One during President Barack Obama's flight earlier in the day to Missouri. sex videos
Samsung is estimated to post an operating profit of 38.5trillion won ($35.85 billion) this year, up a third from 2012,according to a survey of 45 analysts by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.The company said on Friday operating profit is likely to reach arecord 10.1 trillion won in the third quarter. xhamster Victims can file a civil suit to fight for the property value of their dog or the cost of vet bills, but such suits often go nowhere because victims have to prove that dog owners were negligent and knew their dog was violent, said dog trainer and advocate Garrett Rosso. porn The Department of Justice and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission have also both launched probes into metal warehousing. When JPMorgan bought the company in 2010, Henry Bath's warehouses were the second largest in the London Metals Exchange system. sex videos
Soriano told he was surprised by the news of the trade talks Tuesday, adding that he had not yet been asked by the Cubs to waive his no-trade clause. “I just focus, play baseball, play the game today,” Soriano said. “If it happens, if I’m getting closer, I’ll think about it. Now, there’s nothing there. If the president and the GM don’t call my agent, it’s because nothing happened, nothing’s close. If it gets close, I want time to think about it. Now, there’s nothing to think about.”

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

Very Good Site xhamster The result for bankers who have long profited from theirclose relationships with mega miners is that they havesacrificed manpower for auctions that have dragged on for over ayear. Many are now taking on deals they know will be tough orimpossible to seal, just to preserve client relationships. sex videos
Probably not. Generally speaking, the results of 3D printing in the home have been disappointing. The polymers used are often brittle and weak. The layering process usually results in an uneven, ridged finish. It’s slow, expensive and most commercially available printers are too small to create anything larger than chess pieces or a bangle. boobs Residents said the killings on Monday evening in the village of Hajar al-Abyad highlighted the growing challenge of mediating between towns held by rebel groups and those controlled by pro-Assad militias known as "shabbiha". xhamster "The telephone system has been damaged and we are not able to talk to someone and find out the exact information about the losses... But we have reports of severe losses in that area," Baloch said. xvideos Egypt's new leadership says the protests have frightened residents of Cairo, sparked deadly violence and disrupted traffic. Leaders of the sit-in say they have been peaceful and blame security forces and "thugs" for violence. More than 250 people have killed in violence since Morsi's ouster.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

I'm from England xnxx According to Cuba, the weapons on the ship included twoanti-aircraft missile batteries, nine disassembled rockets, twoMiG-21 fighter jets, and 15 MiG-21 engines, all Soviet-eramilitary weaponry built in the middle of the last century. xnxx Voyager 2, which is heading out of the solar system in another direction, has five to seven more years before it reaches interstellar space, said Donald Gurnett, a longtime Voyager scientist at the University of Iowa. xnxx Iran's representative said Shaheed's report "has not paidsufficient notice to Iran's legal system and Islamic culture andconsiders whatever he sees in the West as an internationalstandard for the entire world." (Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Cynthia Osterman) xnxx "We are pleased today to have won yet another battle, but the war regarding Dell is far from over," Icahn said in a Friday statement. "We are not satisfied. We believe that an increase of a mere 13 cents is an insult to shareholders." boobs The suspect refused to answer a detective's questions. Police swabbed his cheek to get a DNA sample, and a warrant request was sent to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office. An assistant prosecutor sent it back, asking for more investigation, including looking for possible witnesses and searching the suspect's apartment. On July 31, police released the man, who could no longer be held without criminal charges.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

Could I make an appointment to see ? porn He said patients in the study who had their wounds cleaned out more frequently may have also been better at sticking to other care recommendations - so it's not clear the faster healing time was due solely to extra debridement. xhamster The Yankees snapped Kershaw’s streak of 12 straight outs on Chris Stewart’s two-out single in the eighth. Pinch-hitter Melky Mesa followed with a single, giving the Yankees their first runner in scoring position since the second inning, but Kershaw got Brett Gardner to fly out to left, posting another zero on the board. xxx But Wells, the No. 4 U.S. bank by assets, has some 90 businesses, ranging from credit cards to small business loans, that will benefit as the economy improves, the bank's top executives said on Friday. The mortgage operations contributed just 13 percent of the bank's more than $21 billion of revenues in the latest quarter. boobs Two of them walked gingerly over to the corner and recreated the goals that brought the NHL season to a stunning conclusion. A few took swigs from Champagne bottles. Some posed for pictures. Others took them. xxx As this video is streamed exclusively from West's website, it renders the viewer unable to fast-forward or trace backwards: Black Skinhead demands your attention, and so it should. Even if it may have a deeper meaning, to do with the "secondary experience of the traditional music video" (as stated on his website), the video alone is a startling vision of West's most ferocious track.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

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Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

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Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

What's the interest rate on this account? xnxx Swiss Re.'s net profit of $786 million for the secondquarter was up from $83 million a year earlier, but it beat theaverage forecast of $659 million in a Reuters poll only becauseof unexpected one-off effects worth around $230 million. xnxx The Grapevine, Texas-based company said total revenueslipped about 11 percent to $1.38 billion in the quarter endedJuly 31. Analysts were expecting revenue of $1.36 billion,according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. beeg Also discussing the debt ceiling, Ewen Cameron Watt, chief investment strategist at the BlackRock Investment Institute says: "I think a bill would pass, there are 20-25 moderate Republicans who have said they would back such a measure. The question is whether the Speaker will allow the vote and that's a matter of political calculus." boobs Nordic lender Nordea featured among the top losers,sliding 3.1 percent after the Swedish government said it hadsold its remaining 7 percent stake in the bank for 76 Swedishcrowns per share, a 4 percent discount to Nordea's closing priceof 79.2 crowns on Tuesday. xvideos Firms assess the cost of lending through equity release using a complex mathematical formula. Here, it will suffice to say that the rates depend very heavily on the prevailing returns on government bonds, called gilts.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

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Next day they went back to the shop from where they purchased that beer and returned it, but it felt much strange when the shop members didn’t show their interested to say a one word about this incident. boobs Extreme temperatures, droughts, and sea level rises will allget worse unless governments make sharp cuts to greenhouse gasemissions, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)summary report is expected to conclude. xxx Starboard in June disclosed a 5.7 percent stake inSmithfield, the world's biggest pork processor, and saidSmithfield could be worth 29 percent to 64 percent more than the$34 per share offered by Shuanghui if it split up and shoppedits hog production, pork and international units separately [ID:nL2N0ET03A]. xhamster Drawing lines of presumed rocket flight paths back from two sites on opposite sides of the Syrian capital that were struck on August 21, it said they converged in the hills north of central Damascus where the Republican Guard 104th Brigade is based. xxx "Attackers planted a roadside bomb near a section of the pipeline," one official said. The 900 km pipeline has been bombed by militants around 30 times since the start of the year, according to the oil ministry.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

US dollars xxx * Apple Inc sold 9 million new iPhones during theirfirst three days in stores after China joined the list of launchcountries for the first time, prompting the company to issue arosier financial forecast. xvideos SIR – In your leading article (July 8) on my resignation from the Privy Council, you stated that my voice was “unlikely to be missed”. Luckily, my voice can still point out that your assertion that the Privy Council numbers about 300 people is actually out by about 319 counsellors. sex videos
The email, from an unnamed FBI official to an unnamed recipient at another agency, talks about how Aden Hashi Ayrow, the senior al Shabaab leader based in Somalia killed in the May 2008 missile strike, tried to call one of the defendants - U.S. citizen Basaaly Moalin - in January 2008 but failed to reach him. porn The "Beauty and the Beat" singer isn't winning any style points in this outrageous spiked hat, which he paired with a long chain necklace and thick-rimmed glasses. Bieber sported the strange getup while out in London on Feb. 26, 2013. xnxx His 17-year-old son Taylor — a cousin of former big league pitcher Burt Hooton — committed suicide in July 2003. Doctors attributed Taylor's behavior to depression that occurred when he stopped using performance-enhancing drugs.

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:22

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Дата: 06.11.2019 12:27

We need someone with qualifications xvideos * Wall Street has struggled this week, notching small movesin light volume as an absence of trading incentives kept buyersat bay. Comments from Federal Reserve officials, whichunderlined confusion over when the central bank's stimuluspolicy would start to slow, further added to uncertainty. xxx "Despite your position as a quasi-public official you willingly and frequently accepted entertainment ... over several years," Shusaku Tatara, the presiding judge, said on Thursday in sentencing Takahama. "And on top of it all, you accepted a 2.5 million yen bribe." porn York, who has acknowledged on the show's website that she has undergone "more than five and less than 10" cosmetic surgical procedures herself, was depicted on the series as launching a business partnership with a prominent plastic surgeon to open a day spa in San Diego. beeg “It would be interesting to see them bring skills competitions back,” said Thomas, a six-time Pro Bowler. “I think I would do some of that stuff. It would be kind of fun. It would depend on what it was.” beeg Comey, whose agency is leading the investigation into the shooting, said that in surveillance video the man identified as 34-year-old Aaron Alexis "appears to be moving without particular direction or purpose."

Дата: 06.11.2019 12:28

Recorded Delivery xnxx In a way, this is already happening today. These are the very issues facing social security and medicare. Fewer young people are paying into them and the older generations just keep getting older and requiring medicare and social security to sustain them. It is obvious that these two systems require a closer look. What was the average life span when these programs were instituted? Have the formulas kept up with the times? What does the future hold if more people do live to be 120? How will they be cared for? And, how do we pay for it? porn The Mining and Energy Commission, and its various committees, are scheduled to meet in Raleigh on Thursday and Friday. The full commission will discuss chemical disclosure and could vote on a proposed rule Friday, Womack said. sex videos
The child, who was up-to-date with vaccinations for his age, travelled with a parent from San Diego to Norfolk, Va. on Friday, July 19. The child was seen by medical staff at Rady ChildrenВ’s Hospital shortly before leaving. Tests later confirmed the child had pertussis. sex videos
The kestrel aroused suspicion because of a metal ring on its foot carrying the words "24311 Tel Avivunia Israel", prompting residents in the village of Altinayva to hand it over to the local governor. xhamster Samsung said it was "disappointed" at the lifting of theban. "The ITC's decision correctly recognized that Samsung hasbeen negotiating in good faith and that Apple remains unwillingto take a license," it said in a statement.

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Склонность: Нейтрал Хаос Истинный Хаос Истинный Хаос Тёмный   Гвардия Мироздателя Гвардия Мусорщика   Истинный Тёмный Истинный Тёмный Истинный Тёмный Истинный Тёмный Истинный Тёмный Истинный Тёмный   Белое братство Паладин поднебесья Таможенный паладин Паладин солнечной улыбки Паладин инквизитор Паладин огненной зари Паладин хранитель знаний Паладин неба Старший паладин неба Старший паладин неба Верховный паладин
  Паладин поднебесья Таможенный паладин Паладин солнечной улыбки Паладин инквизитор Паладин огненной зари Паладин хранитель знаний Паладин неба Старший паладин неба Старший паладин неба Верховный паладин
Текст: Жирный Наклон Подчёркнутый Цитата
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(C) Орден света, 2004