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Интервью: Интервью с Фреткой.
Дата: 05.10.2007 17:18
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Ее любили и ненавидели! Она работала как автомат по выдаче пощечин. Создала уникальный, неповторимый образ персонажа с наплевательским отношением к устоям и авторитетам. Образ, который заслуживает премии самый яркий ньюб 2007 года по версии Бойцовского Клуба.

Одно из последних не публичных заявлений:
Фретка (8/08/2007):
Итак, свершилось! Звезда в шоке, но из последних сил пытается совладать с собой.
Не буду скрывать, что последние события ужаснули меня. Я говорю об актах агрессии, фретконенавистнечества, я бы даже сказала - фреткогеноцида, имевших место недавно. Судьба журналистов-борцов за правду тяжела. Нас запугивают и убивают. Так, диверсионные группы камикадзе-элементалей систематически проникали на территорию общежития в Capital-city, с целью устрашения и нанесения тяжких повреждений отдельным частям моего звездного тела. Остается загадкой, как это допустила служба охраны общежития; полагаю, что диверсанты пробирались в здание под видом поклонниц моего таланта, желающих получить автограф.
Сегодня ситуация лишь усугубилась: злоумышленники захватили контроль надо мной, заблокировали передачи и доступ в Клуб. Я констатирую факт: Фретка пала на поле боя, пала жертвой журналистских баталий, жертвой своих языковых навыков и способностей. Она пала, но дух ее будет вечен. Сегодня, вместе со Scipio, вслед за Мэртвым Пывнем я покидаю Клуб!
Поеду с мамой на украинскую ривьеру, а потом уже и к школе надо будет готовиться.

Спустя два месяца.

Poul Fox: Ситуация: узнала ты о БК и захотелось…
Фретка: Ну, признаться честно, я долгое время проводила в интернете… Играла в другие проекты, не браузерные… Как российские, так и иностранные… Игроки одного из этих проектов меня знают очень хорошо: для них я организовывала вечеринки в реале, одно время была мегаартницей и имела самого богатого персонажа в игре… Потом этот проект мне надоел... Вообще… Захотелось чего-то нового... Как-то увидела, что муж играет в какую-то игрушку… Что-то тыкает там, кого-то бьет... Заинтересовалась, посмотрела… Решила для разнообразия поиграть.

Poul Fox: Игровой процесс не затянул? В то время как люди хотят быть магами и воинами, ты захотела стать журналистом?
Фретка: Ну не знаю. Если предыдущий проект, в котором я проводила свободное время (специально его не называю) мне надоел за полтора года (игры как на русском, так и на американском серверах), то в БК по прошествию пары-тройки недель мне уже наскучило. Наскучило тупо кликать мышкой зоны блока/удара... Захотелось драйва, чего-то большего... Поэтому то, что я стала журналисткой - это вполне естественно.

Poul Fox: Идеал для подражания был из БК или из реальной жизни?
Фретка: Ну почему все думают, что я кому-то подражаю? По-вашему, если личность яркая, запоминающаяся, то это не личность, а лишь тупое подобие чего-то? Нет… Смиритесь с тем, что я - это я. Я такая единственная и неповторимая. Мне будут подражать, я же считаю подражание ниже своего собственного достоинства.

Poul Fox: Направление твоих работ просматривалось сразу: ты пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет известнейших игроков БК? Как выбирались темы для статей/опросов/интервью?
Фретка: "пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет"???? Звучит смешно. Если авторитет можно поставить под вопрос, - какой это авторитет? Сам посуди. Это не авторитет вовсе… Можно сказать, что Фретка - ветер перемен, ворвавшийся в сонное царство, где "авторитеты" пылятся на полке, плесневеют. Но ведь "авторитеты". Я просто реагировала на важнейшие события БКшной жизни. Взвалила на себя тяжкую ношу - открыть глаза рядовым игрокам на то, что творится в игре. Свежим взглядом всегда легче подобное уловить.

Poul Fox: Однако, свои свежие взгляды многим пришлись не по вкусу. Чего ты довилась? Популярности, уважения, известности?
Фретка: Со стороны виднее, чего я добилась. Как говорила, если я не ошибаюсь, Ксюша, "кто меня не любит, тот мне завидует". Значит, если меня многие не любили, то многие мне и завидовали. Значит, я действительно звезда. И как раз-таки я авторитетом и являюсь.

Poul Fox: Какие самые запоминающиеся моменты имели место быть в игре? В игре в журналиста?
Фретка: Ну вот опять. Ты подобными вопросами пытаешься навязать читателю мысль. Что я не та, за кого себя выдаю. Играю, подделываюсь под кого-то. Нет. Я с этим категорически не согласна. Я уже повторяла: игры никакой не было. Просто описывала ярко, живо то, что видела. Вот и все... Что касается самого запоминающегося... Да, много моментов... Меня всегда удивляло, насколько в виртуальных сообществах сложно переплетение интриг... Это как бы концентрат всего того, что мы имеем в реальной жизни. У меня ведь имеется и некоторое количество готового материала. Который не пошел в печать по тем или иным соображениям. Например, из-за невыполнения заказчиком условий и неоплаты заказных обличительных статей. Не люблю халявщиков!

Poul Fox: Бедняжка. Кидалово в БК, к сожалению, не наказуемо. Так много текста и не намека на ответ. Так все же: игра имела яркие моменты? Может встречи в реале? Виртуальная любовь? Угрозы?
Фретка: Да. Не наказуемо... Особенно если недобросовестным заказчиком является паладин. С белым крестом. Встреч в реале не было... В этом проекте я светиться не хотела. Быть может потому, что активно участвовала в жизни предыдущего, а супруг у меня очень ревнив. Любви я тоже не искала особо. Расценки в инфо у меня висели. Хоть бы один человек предложение виртуальной свадьбы сделал. Угрозы... Кто не знает (или просто не может), как по-другому привлечь мое внимание... Угрожали, нападали, используя админский ресурс (анблессед - яркий пример). Уж лучше бы фулл-арт подарил.. Толку было бы больше.

Poul Fox: Что же послужило причиной ухода такой яркой и неповторимой личности? Надоела игра? Перекупили хед-хантеры из других он-лайн проктов?
Фретка: Ну тут есть несколько моментов. главную причину назвать сложно. Во-первых, проблемы в личной, семейной жизни. Это я комментировать не хочу и не буду. Во-вторых, обязательства перед "сильными мира БК". Когда что-то знаешь. Но по принятым на себя обязательствам писать об этом не можешь. Лучше не писать вообще. В-третьих, на данном этапе мне не до БК. Может, игра поднадоела, может, времени просто не хватает. В любом случае, я решила пока приостановить свою игру. Временно... Не уверена, будет ли это месяц-другой. Или пол года – год... Также не уверена, будет ли игра продолжаться Фреткой или же будет создан новый персонаж.

Poul Fox: Среди твоих почитателей - большая часть персонажи женского пола? Что это? Лесбийское начало или у тебя какая-то особенная (не женская) привлекательность?
Фретка: Никогда не занималась статистикой. И даже очень долго не знала, что Мироздатель - это тоже женщина. Быть может, женщинам просто легче понять друг друга?

Poul Fox: Немного цифр?
Фретка: Давай попробуем

Poul Fox: рост:
Фретка: 178

Poul Fox: вес:
Фретка: 73

Poul Fox: объем груди:
Фретка: млин.. я хз.
ммм.. реально хз.. щас возьму рулетку

Poul Fox: сиськастенькая.
Фретка: 80

Poul Fox: Бедра:
Фретка: 100

Poul Fox: А сколько жмешь от груди?
Фретка: Давно в зале не была. Последний раз вроде 70 поднимала.

Poul Fox: А на грудь сколько принять можешь?
Фретка: Не пью.

Poul Fox: Получился вполне нормальный фигурный мужичок.
Фретка: Да)
Фретка: Ой… ((

Poul Fox: Попался.
Теперь колись: что побудило к созданию проекта "Фретка"?
Фретка: Если честно - банальная скука и напряги в реале. Напряги по многим параметрам - как в семейной жизни, так и в делах. Хотелось отвлечься: играл в другие игрушки - надоедали. К тому же не хотел с супругой пересекаться в виртуальном пространстве… Поэтому решил вернуться к БК. Несколько раз начинал, помнится, играть… Но постоянно бросал. Чтобы не было скучно, решил поставить себе задачу - попробовать поработать в веб-коммьюнити, дабы узнать, что это такое. Ну, и параллельно просто скидывал негатив… Сознательно проецировал его на фретку…

Poul Fox: Конченая цель? И были ли цель вообще?
Фретка: Если честно, какой-то глобальной цели как таковой не было. Хотелось, как уже сказал, скинуть негатив, расслабиться в виртуале... Попутно попытаться понять, что такое веб-сообщества изнутри.

Poul Fox: Причины сворачивания проекта те же, что и у самой Фретки?
Фретка: Ну, в общем и целом – да... Вдаваться в детали не хочу. В первую очередь, конечно же, это проблемы в личной жизни... Фретки как таковой рядом со мной сейчас не существует…Вернее - ее реального прототипа.

Poul Fox: Чего не успел сделать? На сколько удалось реализовать потенциал?
Фретка: Это опять же… С какой стороны посмотреть. Если с точки зрения отдыха, возможности скинуть негатив, постебаться - то все прошло отлично… Если же с точки зрения изучения принципов работы в веб-коммьюнити... Были определенные огрехи, которые обязательно учту, если решу делать в БК (или других проектах) что-то новое.
Негативный опыт - тоже опыт.
Фретка: Меня сразу вычислили по той же самой аське. Было немного обидно. Потом, зря я взял за прототип свою супругу. Естессно, в нет ее фото я выкидывать не могу, поэтому образ получился неполным. Скорее нужно было взять кого-либо из знакомых. Например, из мира шоу-бизнеса... Договориться, что буду использовать ее фото. Ее личину для себя. Как с месяц назад я именно так и видел продолжение своей жизни в БК… Вполне возможно, отдохнув, я к этому вернусь.

Poul Fox: Тут проскакивала инфа, что Фретку видели в людях. Люди, кто играют в терру, например. Ничего об этом не слышал?
Фретка: В реале - точно не видели. Наверное, путают с Геополитиком (была у кого-то такая версия). А так - да. Персонаж был мой. Что же касается тех, кто меня видел в реале из БКшников – да, такие люди есть… Я же говорил. Тяжело, будучи журналистом, знать информацию не для разглашения... Которую даже Пывень не знает.

Poul Fox: Как думаешь, персонаж получился положительный или отрицательный?
Фретка: Если честно - не знаю. И даже не пытался задумываться. Уверен лишь в одном. Персонаж получился ярким. А это, безусловно, само по себе положительно.

Poul Fox: Что пожелаешь БКшникам?
Фретка: Если честно, БКщный социум мне напоминает сейчас общество на Украине времен майданов. Находятся люди, которые в смутные времена перемен стараются урвать для себя кусочек славы… В целом., хочу сказать, что для игроков сейчас готовится много новшеств… Кому-то это нравится, кому-то – нет... В любом случае, на мой взгляд, дабы водоем не зарастал, его нужно регулярно осушать и чистить... Воспринимайте то, что сейчас творится - лишь как чистку… Дальше будет лучше. Дальше будет интересней…

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Дата: 02.11.2019 00:05

We'd like to invite you for an interview xxx Is offering a pregnant woman a seat on the bus or train sexist? Not at all; it’s thoughtful, and an example of the rapidly eroding fine manners for which this country was once known. But it’s a question of courtesy, not necessity. You should offer a pregnant woman a seat just as you would offer a seat to a person older than you, or a person who looks a bit more tired than you do. But you shouldn’t be offended if she says she’s fine, and would like to stand. beeg This week, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University released a smartphone app called SafeSlinger they say encrypts text messages so they cannot be read by cell carriers, Internet providers, employers "or anyone else." sex videos
By the end of next year, Nissan hopes to have an autonomous vehicle test track built in Japan to test vehicle design and operation. The track will mimic real-world conditions, to the extent of having solid stone buildings to test out the car's ability to handle itself without a hands-on driver. xvideos Strategic Advisers is part of Fidelity's $451 billion global asset allocation division. PAS is the largest mutual fund advisory wrap program in the managed accounts industry with $104 billion in assets under management at the end of June. xxx The Texas Organizing Project (TOP), a grassroots advocacy group with nearly 20,000 low- to moderate-income members, many of them uninsured, has also been running Obamacare canvasses and workshops since May. Earlier this month it packed hundreds of uninsured people into a university auditorium for an Obamacare rally and information session.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:13

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"I am opening the show," she said. "Well, yes, I'm dancing and what you see in the video is where I am now with my body. I'm dancing 'til my feet bleed every day to make sure I give the fans a performance that they won't forget." boobs Boston-based Admirals Bank, arguably the most aggressivemarketer of the solar loan, 18 months ago began offering a solarloan product, which essentially is a second mortgage. It nowworks with about 700 installers, including PetersenDean. xvideos The Irish Justice Ministry declined comment on Campbell's case. A ministry spokesman said that in general, Irish police continuously monitor the activities of paramilitary groups to curb their activities and prosecute their members as needed. sex videos
The deficit, which reached $9.8 billion in the secondquarter, or more than 4 percent of GDP, has become enemy No. 1for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's administration, and anypolicies that worsen the situation have come under fire. xnxx Under WTO rules, Russia has 60 days to satisfy EU concernsabout the recycling levy, by changing or explaining its policy.After that the EU could ask the WTO to adjudicate, which couldforce Moscow to change the rules or face trade sanctions.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:13

Wonderfull great site xvideos While Zara are definitely leading the way with this trend there are other skort options around. We love the hot pink number by Selects at Glassworks Studios as well as the more expensive yellow Tibi skort at Stylebop. xnxx Stuart Lavery, director of IVF at Hammersmith Hospital in London, who was not involved in the work, said the rapid analysis of vast amounts of DNA using the new genome sequencing technique was "amazing science". xxx Republicans think the country – especially business – is wildly over-regulated, and they want to undo a lot of those regulations. True, some regulations are cumbersome to the point of being absurd, and ought to be streamlined, updated or even tossed out. But most regulations were put there for a reason, and often in response to abuses. sex videos
Bulger’s attorneys have vigorously denied that Bulger was a “rat.” But Wyshak said, “It does not matter that Mr. Bulger was an FBI informant when he put the gun to Arthur Barrett’s head and pulled the trigger. Whether he was an informant or not, he’s guilty of murder.” xxx “Instead of balancing the budget on the backs — or stomachs — of our children, for a relatively small amount of money we can provide all children with a nutritious lunch,” Thompson said Thursday. “We have a moral obligation to make sure that our students aren’t going hungry.”

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:13

I'd like to transfer some money to this account xxx Of course, it could be that the “MTV Music Video Awards” show wasn’t the last straw. Perhaps it was the release last week of Miss Cyrus’ music video for her single “Wrecking Ball,” in which she licks a sledgehammer and sings and cries, while sitting stark-naked but for a pair of work boots, on a steel wrecking ball as it swings back and forth into a faux brick wall. (Note to parents: This video can be accessed easily by young viewers.) porn Even December might be too soon. First off, the economy isnot looking as if it is building up towards escape speed. Whilethe jobless rate is improving, Bernanke hinted that if anythingthe Fed might wait longer, referring to the unemployment rate as"unreliable." beeg The executives agreed to form new technical teams with theadministration to help fix the website, which provide onlineaccess to the marketplaces designed to be the main way formillions of uninsured Americans to research and buy healthinsurance plans under the law. xnxx "If you are going to delay your offering because of market volatility, or because of the government shutdown or potential debt ceiling breach, you have to start thinking about the availability of third-quarter numbers," said Michael Zeidel, partner in corporate finance at Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher & Flom LLP. xxx The Google-owned, video-sharing channel was blocked a yearago after clerics organised violent protests against ananti-Islam film posted on the site. Thousands of protestersarmed with sticks and stones battled riot police in majorcities.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:14

Could you ask her to call me? boobs The De la Riva study suggested that saving is not a bigpriority for Dinks. As a group, however, they earn more onaverage than all other types of households, according to a 2010survey by the Mexican statistics office. xvideos Ikrima is a relative of В Musa Dheere,В the operative who was killed at a Mogadishu roadblock alongside Fazul Mohamed,В the suspected mastermind of the 1998 US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.В porn Zimmerman, 29, who is white and Hispanic, said Martin, 17, attacked him on the night of February 26, 2012, in the central Florida town of Sanford. Prosecutors contend the neighborhood watch volunteer in his gated community was a "wannabe cop" who tracked down the teenager and shot him without justification. porn The DIFC, opened in 2004 and now the Gulf's top financialcentre, is one of the United Arab Emirates' "free zones",offering foreign investors 100 percent ownership of theirventures and business-friendly regulation. xvideos AT&T said it will retain the Cricket brand name and expandits presence in the U.S. After the deal closes, AT&T said itplans to use Leap's spectrum in furthering its development ofAT&T's 4G LTE network.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:14

What do you want to do when you've finished? xxx The IMF said China will have to extricate itself from debt boom excess with great care, otherwise there could be a “severe credit crunch” and eventually “a systemic threat to financial stability”. boobs "We know we should eat better, sleep better - it's a universal truth. But there's a gap between intention and action. We need something that's with us day in and day out to give us those small reminders and nudges." porn But with 108,000 kilometers (67,000 miles) of sewer pipes to monitor, and fatbergs forming around even a few wipes that catch on to a corner or a wall, Thames Water says it must be constantly vigilant. xvideos The third man, who has not yet been named, was first treated at Merthyr Tydfil hospital in south Wales before being transferred to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where he died on Tuesday. beeg Hewlett Packard issued a statement Monday night saying that at the time of the shootings, Alexis worked for The Experts, a subcontractor on an HP Enterprise Services contract to refresh equipment used on the Navy Marine Corps Intranet network.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:14

Insert your card xhamster -Manhattan Borough President-in-waiting Gale Brewer, who picked up $72,641. Democrat Brewer scored a decisive victory in the primary, spending less than each of three her rivals. Token opponent David Casavis, who has four lines (GOP, Independence Party, Libertarian and Dump the Dump), reported a balance of only $100 in his war chest. Brewer reported $128,000. xvideos A major sticking point appears to be the level of governmentspending, which has been reduced by the deep, across-the-board"sequester" spending cuts that took effect in March. Anotherround of cuts are scheduled to kick in early next year.McConnell wants to protect them even though most Democrats andsome Republicans want them eased. xvideos Sixteen patients completed the follow-up, which ranged from 17 to 74 months after the final MDMA session. The investigators found that most of the patients who had not responded to previous treatments experienced symptomatic relief using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy and that “no subjects reporting harm from participation in the study.” xvideos "In our opinion markets are a little too complacent. Thedownside risks are horrendous if there is no resolution and thedebt ceiling is breached," said Kevin Corrigan, head of creditat Lombard Odier Investment Managers. xxx Alas not. The other consideration for NS&I, in fact its reason to exist, is that it raises money cheaply for the Government. But the Chancellor, George Osborne, has manufactured his own cheap source of money.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:14

The United States xvideos Under the draft bill, people who joined political rallies from 2006 to 2011 and committed crimes in the course of the protests will be pardoned, saying those people were exercising their democratic rights, Kyodo reported. boobs But they had plenty of early opportunities against the Panthers and never took advantage. Late in the first quarter, tight end Larry Donnell recovered a muffed Panthers punt at the Giants 38, a play that could have jump-started a Manning-led drive, but two unproductive David Wilson runs and a Manning sack later, the Giants were punting again. porn The commissioner’s office is said to believe A-Rod (a) used performance-enhancing drugs over a period of several years and (b) interfered with the Biogenesis investigation. If so, he should be punished. And that’s about to happen. xxx "Why would we want to punish U.S. athletes who've been training for three years to compete in the Olympics over a traitor who can't find a place to call home?" Boehner told reporters at a news conference. xhamster "I think there is a new road map," ElBaradei said. "Mr Mursi failed, but the Brotherhood very much continue to be part of the political process and we would like them to continue to be part of the political process."

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:14

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On June 2, Weiner emailed Lee, "Do you need to talk to a professional PR type person to give u advice? I can have someone on my team call. [Yeah, my team is doing great. Ugh]." It's unclear if Weiner meant someone on his Congressional staff, which, as the report notes, could mean a too-close-for-comfort brush with the rules. Weiner has said he did not use government resources to pursue his hobby of hitting on chicks via Twitter and Facebook, and that he "welcomes" the Ethics Committee investigation ordered up by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. beeg One Massachusetts customer filled out what she thought was a payday loan application that actually was for a credit line on an online shopping site. The consumer did not draw any money from the line but was billed for having it - at a rate that equaled an annual interest rate of 1,000 percent. xhamster On April 15, two days before Klein collapsed, he used a university credit card to overnight a delivery of cyanide, according to the complaint, despite having no active projects that involved the chemical. xnxx BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law. porn Miss White said Miss Jones had confided in her about their relationship, which she said began on a holiday the previous year. The schoolgirl had secretly kept in contact with Mr Ertani via Facebook and Skype before reuniting with him on the trip this year - a reward after sitting her GCSE exams.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:19

The National Gallery boobs The political changes of the 1960s helped create the separatist Parti Quebecois, which wants Quebec to break away from the rest of Canada. Separatist governments have held two referendums on independence, in 1980 and 1995. Both failed. porn He reached down and pulled open his garage door, and there it was, leaning against a wall, under a light coating of dust – a beautiful but neglected steel-blue racer with 'Motobecane' stamped on the frame. Ah, Motobecane – one of the hallowed names of French bike manufacturing, redolent of the era of Eddy Merckx, Brigitte Bardot, Sacha Distel. xnxx Obama…How about rethinking the “violence in workplace” designation by the Defense Department and the Army in the Ft Hood murders. The military victims have been denied Purple Hearts and survivors have lower priority access to medical care and a lower level of financial benefits than available for combat-related injuries xnxx FRANKFURT, Aug 8 (Reuters) - German consumer goods companyHenkel, which makes washing powder, shampoos andcleaning products, joined rivals in taking a more cautious viewof growth in emerging markets. xxx The human rights advocacy group Amnesty International says in a 2011 report that ''more than a dozen activists were convicted in faulty trials simply because they had peacefully voiced criticism of government policies''. A new wave of subversion trial began in 2013.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:19

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Soberon, who now runs the Lima-based Center for Research into Drugs and Human Rights, or CIDDH, cites a litany of errors by the administration of President Ollanta Humala that has allowed the drug trade to flourish here. porn "I have never heard of anything like this here or at other sand dune parks," said Rowe, who has worked at the lakeshore since 1991. "I've never heard of anything like this on a sand dune." xxx CME Group is trying to attract new global customers to allthree oil benchmark contracts, and Gill said the effort ispaying off, citing a rise in trades of energy futures andoptions, among its most profitable contracts. xnxx "We feel horrible for consumers if they can't get metal. Wedon't believe that to be the fact," Chief Operating Officer GaryCohn, said on CNBC. Cohn, who started his career in Goldman'scommodity business, said the bank had secured metal fromproducers over the past week, but had yet to find a singlecustomer ready to take it up on the offer to swap metal.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:19

I'm in a band porn The 1.5 billion pound rescue financing of the CooperativeBank will come at the cost of hundreds of jobs. Thebeleaguered bank's parent plans to announce a cost-cutting planalongside further details of the restructuring in the autumn. () xnxx Market nervousness over a possible Western military strikeagainst Syria abated after President Barack Obama pledgedTuesday to explore a diplomatic plan by Russia to take awaySyria's chemical weapons, though the president voiced skepticismabout it. xhamster While the VIX is still low by historical standards and compared to what it was in 2011 during another debt ceiling debate, it appears likely to drift higher from here, according to Randy Frederick, managing director of active trading and derivatives for Charles Schwab in Austin, Texas. xvideos “The work environment and on-site morale need to beimproved overall,” NRA Chairman Shunichi Tanaka said today at apress conference. “Carelessness is a problem that can’t just beregulated away.” xvideos Analysts say Wenzhou's move does not signal an imminentrelaxation in property purchase restrictions nationwide, andthat it remains to be seen whether the city's policy changewould win the support of government leaders in Beijing.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:20

Could I have an application form? xhamster The number of Americans filing new claims for unemploymentbenefits dropped from a six-month high last week but remainedelevated as California continued to deal with a backlog relatedto computer problems. xvideos Reports of Hammami's death have cropped up every few months in Somalia, only for him to resurface a short while later. But J.M. Berger, a U.S. terrorism expert who closely follows the inner workings of al-Shabab, said he thinks the current death reports are accurate. porn A further four people were killed when two roadside bombs exploded outside a Sunni mosque in Baghdad's southern district of Doura as worshippers were leaving after evening prayers, police said. It was not clear who was behind the attacks. sex videos
For now, I match up the phones' specs and lay out some strengths of each. I'll come back and flesh this out with many more comparisons -- including image quality -- after fully testing the Zoom. The Lumia 1020, for its part, has been fully reviewed. beeg Recent Lumia phones have also emphasised advanced camerafeatures, including the Lumia 920's "floating lens" technologyto adjust for camera shake and six-lens optics on the Lumia 925to produce sharper images.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:20

Could I order a new chequebook, please? boobs The decision to add tributes to the hand-picked group — James Gandolfini, “Family Ties” producer Gary David Goldberg, Monteith, Jean Stapleton and Jonathan Winters — has drawn scorn from critics. porn Of course he doesn't, because Schultz is not stupid. It takes a certain kind of business genius and knowledge of human behavior to convince people to vastly over-pay for something as basic as a cup of joe. But the petition drive isn't about federal finances. It's about Starbucks' finances. The whole idea is to bring more traffic into the stores – which is why Americans are encouraged to bring the petitions into Starbucks for delivery, as opposed to mailing them in. xhamster This became apparent early when the network decided it was a terrific idea not to provide live coverage of press conferences featuring Joe Girardi and Rodriguez. Instead it aired (probably for the 300th time) a Gene Michael Yankeeography. xvideos While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers. xnxx Italian Renaissance city-states were tiny affairs compared to modern conurbations, but rivalries between prominent families and gang warfare (think Verona and the Capulets and Montagues) were always simmering under the surface. Smarter authorities found civic ways to let off steam.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:20

Looking for a job porn But as news of her death broke on Sunday evening, donations for the two charities flooded in. Shortly after 2pm on Tuesday, they stood at almost ВЈ58,000 for Rainbows and more than ВЈ9,000 for Diabetes UK. beeg Any charges against Assange would likely center on conspiring with Manning to have the young soldier violate the Espionage Act. Any case against Assange would have the additional complication of whether the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees press freedom, would apply to Assange in a way that it did not to Manning. beeg “Attacking the media is a loser's game,” Fehrnstrom tweeted about a Priebus-led decision to block the two networks from sponsoring 2016 presidential debates, unless they cancel the shows about Clinton, the undecided but presumptive Democratic front-runner in 2016. xxx McNerney said the reliability of the 787 was averaging 97 percent, a decrease from 98.2 percent that Boeing cited in June, during a congressional hearing on the 787's burning battery problem, which prompted regulators to ground the plane for more three months earlier this year. porn Lavern Wilkinson was the victim of horrific malpractice by Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, N.Y., when doctors didn't tell her she had a lung nodule in 2010. By late 2012, it had grown into stage IV lung cancer that spread to her spine, liver and brain. She died March 7.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:20

good material thanks beeg She wrote: "Despite the scale and seriousness of these threats, the official response from Twitter continues to be extremely weak - simply directing Caroline away from Twitter towards the police, and, belatedly, directing users to abuse reporting forms on Twitter. sex videos
Buried for up to 72 million years, one of the world's largest intact dinosaur tail fossils is now almost fully visible. Archeologists from Mexico's National Institute for Anthropology and History (INAH) and National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) have been brushing away sand and gravel for nearly 20 days, slowly revealing a record 50 connected vertebrae on the 16-foot tail. xnxx U.S. stock index futures were little changed after aseven-days straight rise by stocks and before a jobless claimsreport which could influence investors' bets about the FederalReserve's stimulus policy. S&P 500 futures fell 0.3points, Dow Jones industrial average futures shed 1points, and Nasdaq 100 futures added 3 points. xhamster Wash and roughly chop the ground elder shoots and then wilt them in the butter in a frying pan over a medium heat. In a bowl, beat the eggs together then season them with salt and pepper, and add them to the pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes and then place the pan under a hot grill until the egg mix is brown and bubbling. Serve immediately. xhamster The aide, Jana Nagyova, is among a group of people who have been charged with illegal surveillance of Necas's wife, whom he is now divorcing, or with bribing parliamentary deputies who had rebelled against Necas last year.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:20

Could I take your name and number, please? xvideos Of the voting Fed policymakers who argued it would be wise to curtail bond purchases soon, two thought it should be done "to prevent the potential negative consequences of the program from exceeding its anticipated benefits." sex videos
The Kansas City Chiefs agreed to terms with No. 1 overall pick Eric Fisher on Friday, ensuring that the big right tackle out of Central Michigan will be in training camp with plenty of time to prepare for the season. porn Kepler has four reaction wheels and needs at least two working to look for faint dips of light coming from target stars. Scientists analyze the data to look for orbiting planets passing by, relative to Kepler’s line of sight. sex videos
After avoiding conviction in dozens of other cases over the years, an appeals court upheld a four-year jail sentence – commuted to one year – for the media mogul, and because of a recently passed corruption law, he also faced a ban from public office. To deliver his response to the ruling, Berlusconi did what comes naturally to him – he called his die-hard supporters to rally around him in a public square. beeg "What is unusual is to have the second airing (with) more(viewers) than the first," said Horizon Media analyst BradAdgate. "That never happens to that extent - 2.1 million isn'tsomething that an original movie can do on Syfy."

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:34

Could I borrow your phone, please? boobs Coombs read from a letter Manning will send to the president in which he said: "I regret if my actions hurt anyone or harmed the United States. It was never my intent to hurt anyone. ... When I chose to disclose classified information, I did so out of a love for my country and a sense of duty to others." sex videos
He said he could have published this finding in a scientific journal then, but in the interest of being thorough, he sought out colleagues to confirm the existence of the new species in its natural habitat. porn I think that the average person has an innate capacity for abstract, complex, and ambiguous thinking. While that average capacity has increased over the last 50 years, the average degree of complexity involved in business, government, finance, science – everything – has accelerated at a more rapid pace than the average person’s capacity for complexity. sex videos
Posing as a utility company worker, Ferguson entered the home of Margaret Wooden, 24, on July 27, 1977 in the Miami suburb of Carol City. He pulled a gun, tied her up and called two accomplices into the home to search for drugs and money. xhamster White said he is divorced and has a 16-year-old son and 14-year-old daughter. He said his days working for a Minneapolis electrical contractor "are over," although he said he planned to help his boss, Ron Bowen, finish some projects before quitting.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:34

I'm a trainee xxx With the economy suffering its sixth straight year ofrecession and 1.38 million people officially without jobs, thepain is felt across the board. Borrowers fall behind on loansand fewer workers pay into pension funds. boobs To smooth things over, Lavrov apologized - or at least explained - to Kerry in a phone call, a senior State Department official said. The Kremlin got a bad translation of the secretary of state's remarks, Lavrov told Kerry. boobs Dormer, 31, has been on a meteoric rise since her breakthrough turn as Anne Boyelin on Showtime’s The Tudors. After smaller parts in the Madonna directed “W.E.” and “Captain America: The First Avenger” in 2011, “Game of Thrones” helped propel her to a whole other level of recognition on this side of the Pond. She’ll next be seen in director Ron Howard’s “Rush,” out next month. sex videos
The six-inch pipeline was carrying Bakken oil to the Stampede rail facility outside Columbus, North Dakota, when it ruptured. A farmer harvesting wheat discovered oil spouting from the line on September 29. porn The 256-page book, written with author and filmmaker Marc Scott Zicree, takes readers on a tour of Bleak House, the director's second home and working office, and includes a series of interviews in which he discusses his graphic inspirations, storytelling and film analysis.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:35

Would you like to leave a message? xxx Bezos asked the newspapers' top executives to stay in their roles, including Katharine Weymouth, CEO and Publisher of The Washington Post; Stephen P. Hills, President and General Manager; Martin Baron, Executive Editor; and Fred Hiatt, Editor of the Editorial Page. xvideos The woman, now a senior at the academy, woke up with little recollection of what had happened and later learned that three football players were claiming to have had sexual intercourse with her while she was drunk, her attorney Susan Burke has said. boobs But with Islamist groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) taking territory in parts of the north near the border in recent weeks, it is a strategy that increasingly looks to have been a miscalculation. xnxx While the landscape is very different from 25 years ago, the legacy of the older plant's failure is part of the troubled history the UAW will have to overcome as it tries to represent VW workers again -- this time in Tennessee, where the automaker employs 2,500 people building Passat sedans. xhamster The cases are In re: Standard & Poor's Rating AgencyLitigation, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York,No. 13-md-02446; and U.S. v. McGraw-Hill Cos et al, U.S.District Court, Central District of California, No. 13-00779.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:35

I saw your advert in the paper beeg The fingerprint scanner on the top-of-the-line iPhone lets users unlock their devices or make purchases on iTunes by simply pressing their finger on the home button. It has been hailed as a major step in popularizing the use of biometrics in personal electronics. sex videos
Schapiro had pushed reforms for funds, saying they remainedvulnerable to runs like one in 2008 when investors yanked moneyfrom the Reserve Primary Fund. The run on that fund, which hadheavy exposure to collapsed investment bank Lehman Brothers,pushed its net asset value below $1 a share. It was the firstmoney-market fund in years to "break the buck." xhamster In a coordinated attack, numerous rebel groups fought off a small garrison of government troops and swept into the villages, killing 190 people, according to a Human Rights Watch report to be released on Friday. At least 67 of the dead appeared to have been shot or stabbed while unarmed or fleeing, including 48 women and 11 children, the report said. More than 200 civilians are still being held hostage. sex videos
"This is the case of Telefonica, a direct competitor ofTelecom Italia in Argentina and Brazil, which risks forcingTelecom Italia to sell assets that are precious for itsrelaunch," board member Luigi Zingales said on Wednesday. porn However, please note - if you block/delete all cookies, some features of our websites, such as remembering your login details, or the site branding for your local newspaper may not function as a result.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:36

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law. beeg The “birthday bias”, for example, means numbers under 31, the maximum in a calendar month, are more popular and a disproportionate number of people pick 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the mistaken believe that others won’t. xvideos De la Rionda said Zimmerman "lied" when he told law enforcement that he got out of his car to find an address to give police. The prosecutor pointed out that a visible address was right in front of where Zimmerman would have parked his car. porn Mr. Kent B. Foster serves as Independent Director of J.C. Penney Company, Inc., since September, 1998. He has been Retired Chairman of the Board, Director from 2000 to 2007, and Chief Executive Officer from 2000 to 2005, of Ingram Micro Inc. (wholesale distributor of technology); President of GTE Corporation (telecommunications) from 1995 to 1999; Director of GTE Corporation from 1989 to 1999, serving as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1993 to 1995; President of GTE Telephone Operations Group from 1989 to 1995; Director of Campbell Soup Company from 1996 to 2008; Director of New York Life Insurance Company. xhamster The three officials who will carry out the inspection are Rob Koehler, Wada’s director of education and programme development, standards and harmonisation director Rune Andersen and Kerwin Clarke, manager of results management and legal affairs.

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:36

I'm sorry, I'm not interested boobs The two-pill abortion medication called RU-486 has beenlegally available in the United States since 2000. By 2008 itaccounted for about one-fourth of U.S. abortions performedbefore nine weeks of gestation, according to the GuttmacherInstitute, a research group that supports the right to abortion. porn Care services minister Paul Burstow said: “By helping to define exactly what good care and support looks like, commissioners and care providers know what they should be delivering and people using services know what to expect from a high quality service.” porn Score! While Katie Couric had her eyes on the tennis court at the 2013 U.S. Open, we couldn't tear our eyes away from her left ring finger! The TV host, who got engaged to her financier boyfriend of two years John Molner over Labor Day weekend, flashed her sparkler for all to see as she and her new fiance watched the women's singles quarter finals together on Sept. 4, 2013. porn Reed, the 23-year-old PGA Tour rookie who led by one stroke after two rounds, looked as if he might be in trouble after a pair of bogeys midway through the round dropped him two strokes behind Spieth. porn Before their opus comes to fruition, in the immediate future, fans can look forward to a musical episode ("We're always playing around with a guitar," says Wilson) and a 12-minute-long "depressing" episode inspired by their "Depressing Comics Week."

Дата: 02.11.2019 00:36

How do I get an outside line? xxx Well, I’m sure they’re giving Kate a few more days to see if she goes into labor on her own. However, by this weekend, they may be considering induction. Induction of labor could always lead to an unexpected C-section, but sometimes, that’s the tradeoff that must  be made – especially if there is a concern that delivery is taking too long. xvideos To see this is, perhaps, to become more sceptical about the value of analogies as argumentative tools – to hope, instead, that we might talk about why ideas are sensible or not on their own terms, today. The truth is that the era that worries Mandelson and so many of his contemporaries so much is receding into being a generational psychodrama, rather than a national one. For better or worse, this is now a debate about the country's future. It would be more productive for everyone if we could start by acknowledging it as such. Dog poo, after all, has not been white for an awfully long time. beeg "Almost everyone in the party is convinced that the situation is beyond repair. The best option for Rajoy is to organize a process of handing over leadership to someone else in the party," said a PP member of parliament, who asked not to be named. boobs Does it matter? Yes, I think it does. The government is trying to demonise protestors against fracking as having outlandish and unsubstantiable arguments. It is articles like this that make people like me despair. xhamster They will also provide the new Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, with food for thought as he attempts to formulate a strategy to best support the economy without risking higher inflation.

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  Паладин поднебесья Таможенный паладин Паладин солнечной улыбки Паладин инквизитор Паладин огненной зари Паладин хранитель знаний Паладин неба Старший паладин неба Старший паладин неба Верховный паладин
Текст: Жирный Наклон Подчёркнутый Цитата
Смайлы: БКашные | Палсайта | Дополнительно  :wink:

(C) Орден света, 2004