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Интервью: Интервью с Фреткой.
Дата: 05.10.2007 17:18
Автор: , добавлено:

Ее любили и ненавидели! Она работала как автомат по выдаче пощечин. Создала уникальный, неповторимый образ персонажа с наплевательским отношением к устоям и авторитетам. Образ, который заслуживает премии самый яркий ньюб 2007 года по версии Бойцовского Клуба.

Одно из последних не публичных заявлений:
Фретка (8/08/2007):
Итак, свершилось! Звезда в шоке, но из последних сил пытается совладать с собой.
Не буду скрывать, что последние события ужаснули меня. Я говорю об актах агрессии, фретконенавистнечества, я бы даже сказала - фреткогеноцида, имевших место недавно. Судьба журналистов-борцов за правду тяжела. Нас запугивают и убивают. Так, диверсионные группы камикадзе-элементалей систематически проникали на территорию общежития в Capital-city, с целью устрашения и нанесения тяжких повреждений отдельным частям моего звездного тела. Остается загадкой, как это допустила служба охраны общежития; полагаю, что диверсанты пробирались в здание под видом поклонниц моего таланта, желающих получить автограф.
Сегодня ситуация лишь усугубилась: злоумышленники захватили контроль надо мной, заблокировали передачи и доступ в Клуб. Я констатирую факт: Фретка пала на поле боя, пала жертвой журналистских баталий, жертвой своих языковых навыков и способностей. Она пала, но дух ее будет вечен. Сегодня, вместе со Scipio, вслед за Мэртвым Пывнем я покидаю Клуб!
Поеду с мамой на украинскую ривьеру, а потом уже и к школе надо будет готовиться.

Спустя два месяца.

Poul Fox: Ситуация: узнала ты о БК и захотелось…
Фретка: Ну, признаться честно, я долгое время проводила в интернете… Играла в другие проекты, не браузерные… Как российские, так и иностранные… Игроки одного из этих проектов меня знают очень хорошо: для них я организовывала вечеринки в реале, одно время была мегаартницей и имела самого богатого персонажа в игре… Потом этот проект мне надоел... Вообще… Захотелось чего-то нового... Как-то увидела, что муж играет в какую-то игрушку… Что-то тыкает там, кого-то бьет... Заинтересовалась, посмотрела… Решила для разнообразия поиграть.

Poul Fox: Игровой процесс не затянул? В то время как люди хотят быть магами и воинами, ты захотела стать журналистом?
Фретка: Ну не знаю. Если предыдущий проект, в котором я проводила свободное время (специально его не называю) мне надоел за полтора года (игры как на русском, так и на американском серверах), то в БК по прошествию пары-тройки недель мне уже наскучило. Наскучило тупо кликать мышкой зоны блока/удара... Захотелось драйва, чего-то большего... Поэтому то, что я стала журналисткой - это вполне естественно.

Poul Fox: Идеал для подражания был из БК или из реальной жизни?
Фретка: Ну почему все думают, что я кому-то подражаю? По-вашему, если личность яркая, запоминающаяся, то это не личность, а лишь тупое подобие чего-то? Нет… Смиритесь с тем, что я - это я. Я такая единственная и неповторимая. Мне будут подражать, я же считаю подражание ниже своего собственного достоинства.

Poul Fox: Направление твоих работ просматривалось сразу: ты пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет известнейших игроков БК? Как выбирались темы для статей/опросов/интервью?
Фретка: "пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет"???? Звучит смешно. Если авторитет можно поставить под вопрос, - какой это авторитет? Сам посуди. Это не авторитет вовсе… Можно сказать, что Фретка - ветер перемен, ворвавшийся в сонное царство, где "авторитеты" пылятся на полке, плесневеют. Но ведь "авторитеты". Я просто реагировала на важнейшие события БКшной жизни. Взвалила на себя тяжкую ношу - открыть глаза рядовым игрокам на то, что творится в игре. Свежим взглядом всегда легче подобное уловить.

Poul Fox: Однако, свои свежие взгляды многим пришлись не по вкусу. Чего ты довилась? Популярности, уважения, известности?
Фретка: Со стороны виднее, чего я добилась. Как говорила, если я не ошибаюсь, Ксюша, "кто меня не любит, тот мне завидует". Значит, если меня многие не любили, то многие мне и завидовали. Значит, я действительно звезда. И как раз-таки я авторитетом и являюсь.

Poul Fox: Какие самые запоминающиеся моменты имели место быть в игре? В игре в журналиста?
Фретка: Ну вот опять. Ты подобными вопросами пытаешься навязать читателю мысль. Что я не та, за кого себя выдаю. Играю, подделываюсь под кого-то. Нет. Я с этим категорически не согласна. Я уже повторяла: игры никакой не было. Просто описывала ярко, живо то, что видела. Вот и все... Что касается самого запоминающегося... Да, много моментов... Меня всегда удивляло, насколько в виртуальных сообществах сложно переплетение интриг... Это как бы концентрат всего того, что мы имеем в реальной жизни. У меня ведь имеется и некоторое количество готового материала. Который не пошел в печать по тем или иным соображениям. Например, из-за невыполнения заказчиком условий и неоплаты заказных обличительных статей. Не люблю халявщиков!

Poul Fox: Бедняжка. Кидалово в БК, к сожалению, не наказуемо. Так много текста и не намека на ответ. Так все же: игра имела яркие моменты? Может встречи в реале? Виртуальная любовь? Угрозы?
Фретка: Да. Не наказуемо... Особенно если недобросовестным заказчиком является паладин. С белым крестом. Встреч в реале не было... В этом проекте я светиться не хотела. Быть может потому, что активно участвовала в жизни предыдущего, а супруг у меня очень ревнив. Любви я тоже не искала особо. Расценки в инфо у меня висели. Хоть бы один человек предложение виртуальной свадьбы сделал. Угрозы... Кто не знает (или просто не может), как по-другому привлечь мое внимание... Угрожали, нападали, используя админский ресурс (анблессед - яркий пример). Уж лучше бы фулл-арт подарил.. Толку было бы больше.

Poul Fox: Что же послужило причиной ухода такой яркой и неповторимой личности? Надоела игра? Перекупили хед-хантеры из других он-лайн проктов?
Фретка: Ну тут есть несколько моментов. главную причину назвать сложно. Во-первых, проблемы в личной, семейной жизни. Это я комментировать не хочу и не буду. Во-вторых, обязательства перед "сильными мира БК". Когда что-то знаешь. Но по принятым на себя обязательствам писать об этом не можешь. Лучше не писать вообще. В-третьих, на данном этапе мне не до БК. Может, игра поднадоела, может, времени просто не хватает. В любом случае, я решила пока приостановить свою игру. Временно... Не уверена, будет ли это месяц-другой. Или пол года – год... Также не уверена, будет ли игра продолжаться Фреткой или же будет создан новый персонаж.

Poul Fox: Среди твоих почитателей - большая часть персонажи женского пола? Что это? Лесбийское начало или у тебя какая-то особенная (не женская) привлекательность?
Фретка: Никогда не занималась статистикой. И даже очень долго не знала, что Мироздатель - это тоже женщина. Быть может, женщинам просто легче понять друг друга?

Poul Fox: Немного цифр?
Фретка: Давай попробуем

Poul Fox: рост:
Фретка: 178

Poul Fox: вес:
Фретка: 73

Poul Fox: объем груди:
Фретка: млин.. я хз.
ммм.. реально хз.. щас возьму рулетку

Poul Fox: сиськастенькая.
Фретка: 80

Poul Fox: Бедра:
Фретка: 100

Poul Fox: А сколько жмешь от груди?
Фретка: Давно в зале не была. Последний раз вроде 70 поднимала.

Poul Fox: А на грудь сколько принять можешь?
Фретка: Не пью.

Poul Fox: Получился вполне нормальный фигурный мужичок.
Фретка: Да)
Фретка: Ой… ((

Poul Fox: Попался.
Теперь колись: что побудило к созданию проекта "Фретка"?
Фретка: Если честно - банальная скука и напряги в реале. Напряги по многим параметрам - как в семейной жизни, так и в делах. Хотелось отвлечься: играл в другие игрушки - надоедали. К тому же не хотел с супругой пересекаться в виртуальном пространстве… Поэтому решил вернуться к БК. Несколько раз начинал, помнится, играть… Но постоянно бросал. Чтобы не было скучно, решил поставить себе задачу - попробовать поработать в веб-коммьюнити, дабы узнать, что это такое. Ну, и параллельно просто скидывал негатив… Сознательно проецировал его на фретку…

Poul Fox: Конченая цель? И были ли цель вообще?
Фретка: Если честно, какой-то глобальной цели как таковой не было. Хотелось, как уже сказал, скинуть негатив, расслабиться в виртуале... Попутно попытаться понять, что такое веб-сообщества изнутри.

Poul Fox: Причины сворачивания проекта те же, что и у самой Фретки?
Фретка: Ну, в общем и целом – да... Вдаваться в детали не хочу. В первую очередь, конечно же, это проблемы в личной жизни... Фретки как таковой рядом со мной сейчас не существует…Вернее - ее реального прототипа.

Poul Fox: Чего не успел сделать? На сколько удалось реализовать потенциал?
Фретка: Это опять же… С какой стороны посмотреть. Если с точки зрения отдыха, возможности скинуть негатив, постебаться - то все прошло отлично… Если же с точки зрения изучения принципов работы в веб-коммьюнити... Были определенные огрехи, которые обязательно учту, если решу делать в БК (или других проектах) что-то новое.
Негативный опыт - тоже опыт.
Фретка: Меня сразу вычислили по той же самой аське. Было немного обидно. Потом, зря я взял за прототип свою супругу. Естессно, в нет ее фото я выкидывать не могу, поэтому образ получился неполным. Скорее нужно было взять кого-либо из знакомых. Например, из мира шоу-бизнеса... Договориться, что буду использовать ее фото. Ее личину для себя. Как с месяц назад я именно так и видел продолжение своей жизни в БК… Вполне возможно, отдохнув, я к этому вернусь.

Poul Fox: Тут проскакивала инфа, что Фретку видели в людях. Люди, кто играют в терру, например. Ничего об этом не слышал?
Фретка: В реале - точно не видели. Наверное, путают с Геополитиком (была у кого-то такая версия). А так - да. Персонаж был мой. Что же касается тех, кто меня видел в реале из БКшников – да, такие люди есть… Я же говорил. Тяжело, будучи журналистом, знать информацию не для разглашения... Которую даже Пывень не знает.

Poul Fox: Как думаешь, персонаж получился положительный или отрицательный?
Фретка: Если честно - не знаю. И даже не пытался задумываться. Уверен лишь в одном. Персонаж получился ярким. А это, безусловно, само по себе положительно.

Poul Fox: Что пожелаешь БКшникам?
Фретка: Если честно, БКщный социум мне напоминает сейчас общество на Украине времен майданов. Находятся люди, которые в смутные времена перемен стараются урвать для себя кусочек славы… В целом., хочу сказать, что для игроков сейчас готовится много новшеств… Кому-то это нравится, кому-то – нет... В любом случае, на мой взгляд, дабы водоем не зарастал, его нужно регулярно осушать и чистить... Воспринимайте то, что сейчас творится - лишь как чистку… Дальше будет лучше. Дальше будет интересней…

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Дата: 29.10.2019 20:25

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The Congolese army's recent successes against rebels have prompted euphoric scenes in Goma with civilians waving leafy branches staging victory runs on the outskirts of town. On Tuesday the government said 120 rebels had been killed in the fighting since Sunday, a claim that could not be independently verified. xxx In 2009, Fisker won a $529 million DOE loan under a U.S.program to promote green vehicles. Fisker also got the backingof prominent investors like venture capital firm Kleiner PerkinsCaufield & Byers and later won rave reviews for the design ofits flagship car, the $100,000-plus Karma plug-in hybrid. xnxx Unions, for instance, are pressing for 50 percent wage hikes this year. The government has yet to respond. But many industry officials worry that with general and presidential elections due next year, it is unlikely to take a tough line. xnxx "There's one Republican in Kentucky who could lose this seat for the Republican Party and that's the guy who's in it," he says, noting McConnell's 37 percent approval rating, the lowest of any sitting senator.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:25

We need someone with experience xnxx “It definitely changes the tone of the workplace,” said Becca Arneson, who works for Urban Outfitters, a subsidiary of URBN, В alongside Shi-Tzu Rooney. “People just seem to feel happier as a result. It’s really nice. It adds to the sort of chemistry around the campus.” xxx I think the whole package we negotiated was – and I was not unaware this was not going to the be the most popular thing I've done in my life, I'm not that naive – but I did know that the alternative was going to be very expensive and would leave a big gap at the top of the BBC which would have been very awkward and embarrassing. xxx Goalie Petr Cech, defender David Luiz and winger Eden Hazard are arguably the EPL’s best players at their respective positions, while veteran mainstays Frank Lampard, John Terry and Ashley Cole should have one more quality season left in them. xhamster "By Sunday evening, we had received more than 8,000 calls and thousands of emails," said Panagiotis Pardalis, spokesman for the charity. He said the organisation's site had received more than 200,000 visits and its Facebook page about half a million. boobs The offensive on Assad’s Alawite heartland is largely seen as morale-boosting retribution, following recent gains made by government troops and Assad loyalist militias against largely Sunni opposition areas in Homs and elsewhere in recent months, often resulting in large numbers of civilian casualties.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:25

Just over two years boobs It turns out that our children are feeling the same paradoxical strains of the 21st century we all are. Increasingly, we live in individualistic democracies whose credo is that anyone can be a winner if she tries. But we are also subject to increasingly fierce winner-take-all forces, which means the winners’ circle is ever smaller, and the value of winning is ever higher. xxx The network has been boosted in the past three months by aseries of big news events, including the Boston Marathonbombings in April and the sensational trial of Jodi Arias,convicted in May for murdering her ex-boyfriend. boobs The Israel-based company said the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration lifted its clinical hold on a mid-stage trial ofthe company's experimental drug for muscle pain. Pluristem saidthe FDA allowed it to go ahead with the study, saying thatPluristem had addressed all issues related to the hold. xvideos Latest EPFR data seems to confirm that trend with Europeanequity funds enjoying their second biggest inflow year-to-datein the week ending Sept. 11, helped by investors' continuedswitch out of bonds and into stocks as the global economyrecovers. boobs MOSUL, Iraq, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Attacks on Shi'ite Muslimskilled at least 59 people across Iraq on Thursday, including asuicide truck bomb targeting members of the country's Shabakminority, police and medics said.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:25

I need to charge up my phone xvideos In two additional developments, the San Diego Sheriff's Department set up a hotline over the weekend for any victims of Filner to lodge a complaint. And the San Diego District Attorney announced that, in the event of a criminal investigation, the state attorney general would handle the decision to prosecute.В xnxx The Bulls hardly made any changes from a roster that upset the Nets in the first round. The one significant addition was signing back-up forward Mike Dunleavy. But Rose's return elevates Chicago to contender status. beeg When Mitsotakis was appointed minister for administrativereform in June, Greece had not put a single public sector employee into a transfer scheme, where workers are redeployed orfired. That compares with a mid-year target of 12,500. beeg "There are pros and cons to the various approaches," behavioral finance expert Shlomo Benartzi explained to Fox News. "But I think the critical ingredient is to make it easier for people to save for retirement." beeg Older savers are especially affected by the Bank's "growth first" policy, as they tend to suffer higher inflation. The Alliance Trust Economic Research Unit, which tracks inflation across several age groups, said in its August report that the over-75s were experiencing the highest rate of inflation of all age groups at 3.1pc. This is above the official rate, which has now dropped below 3pc.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:25

Stolen credit card xnxx Saturday’s event was a counter-demonstration to a pro-independence rally in Catalonia last month and calls for a referendum on breaking away. Those demonstrating on Spain’s national day were eager to show that they hold both their region and the country in their hearts. xvideos Large corporation CEOs are really apolitical and amoral. Their two key drivers are shareholder value and executive compensation. That’s it and nothing else. There is no less patriotic group in America than corporate CEOs. They would NEVER invest their cash hordes to help the country because that would run counter to those two key drivers. A lot of CEOs wear an American flag as a lapel pin but, trust me, that is just theater, just for show. As a retired telecommunications executive I know exactly what I am talking about here. xxx Edwards said Ryan seems like he's back to his 2010 self as well, predicting this Jets team will be free of some of the problems from past years. He said in the past, players have gotten more involved in stuff that didn't concern them, but now everyone is staying in their lanes. boobs All of these changes are meant to bolster the finances of the federal flood insurance program, which has been struggling under the weight of some $30 billion in debt after being hit hard by storms like Sandy and Hurricane Katrina. sex videos
Reports show Marysville Police helped with the removal of 11 children from the house in August and then, three days later, authorities were contacted by the county's Children Protective Services division alleging someone living at the same address had been sexually abused.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:26

On another call boobs "We’re anticipating opening another tiki-themed bar, not necessarily a PKny 2.0 version, but more of a mid-20th century classic tiki bar," former PKny bar manager Nathan Holland told the Daily News. beeg In an accompanying editorial, neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Houzel of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro said scientists have recently taken a heightened interest in the spaces between brain cells, where junk is flushed out. sex videos
In 2003 suicide bombers suspected of having links with al-Qaeda killed 35 people - including a number of foreigners - in the capital Riyadh. Some Saudis referred to the attacks as their own 9/11. The targets of other militant attacks have included foreign workers. The security forces have made thousands of arrests. boobs The Spanish also told the ambassador, Giles Paxman – who is the brother of the BBC broadcaster Jeremy – that the Gibraltarians should remove the 70 concrete blocks dumped in the bay saying the action breached international maritime law. Gibraltarians protested that the blocks had been dropped there after consultation with the Spanish. porn Budweiser holds 9.1 percent of the national beer market in the U.S., but 15 percent of the questionably desirable demographic of people who drink and then end up in the emergency room. Also a top contender in the ER market is Steel Reserve, which only holds 0.8 percent of the U.S. beer market, but a whopping 14.7 percent of alcohol-inclined ER patients.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:26

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Russian officials have told international media the activists could fact terrorism or piracy charges. Mr Hughes, who helped deliver Greenpeace's ice sculptured message this morning, described the allegations of piracy as "patently ridiculous". xnxx Merck's animal health unit said it would require cattlefeeders that use Zilmax to undergo more training as part of afive-step plan to deal with mounting concerns over possiblenegative effects of the drug. xxx Last week Siemens rattled shareholders by abruptlyabandoning its margin target in a brief statement that leftinvestors clamouring in vain for more information. Two dayslater, Siemens said its supervisory board would decide at ameeting on Wednesday on CEO Loescher's early departure. boobs Dan Murphy is a staff writer for the Monitor's international desk, focused on the Middle East.В Murphy, who has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and more than a dozen other countries, writes and edits Backchannels. The focus? War and international relations, leaning toward things Middle East. xhamster He said he does not doubt Mr Burnham's "personal integrity", but added that as health secretary under Labour he presided over a culture where "bad news" about care standards was "discouraged".

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:26

Have you read any good books lately? xvideos Yet, in the end, it did my heart good to see it. I thrilled to every fast reference to long-lost and beloved acts like the Mumps, Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, and the Tuff Darts. More, it was warming to see any depiction of the obliterated New York of old, no matter how vaguely rendered. If, in the end, the movie gets nowhere near its core mission of bringing back punk’s essential passion, it delivers its putrid outlines with loving accuracy. xxx A leading activist for criminalizing the practice is HollyJacobs, a victim herself who launched a website to lobby for greater sanctions againstrevenge porn and to offer assistance to other victims. boobs Defensive coordinator Dennis Thurman, who helped cultivate Revis’ and Cromartie’s talents as their position coach the past few years, will be invaluable in Milliner’s transition from a sophisticated Alabama defense to Ryan’s complex scheme. xxx Two weeks ago, small protests broke out in Juba against the deteriorating security situation. While nobody regrets secession, half the population feels South Sudan is heading in the wrong direction with poverty and crime rising, according to a poll by the International Republican Institute. sex videos
TOKYO, Oct 18 (Reuters) - The dollar languished near aneight-month low versus the euro on Friday as investors countedthe costs of a two-week U.S. government shutdown, with marketsnow seeking clues to when the Federal Reserve would beginreducing its stimulus programme.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:26

A staff restaurant xhamster "As the controlling shareholder in ShuiJingFang, Diageo will continue to work with the senior Chinese management to build ShuiJingFang into the leading international baijiu brand. I have every confidence in the long-term future of the baijiu category in China.” boobs Original Gatling guns were invented just prior to the Civil War and were some of the first rapid fire guns. Hand cranks were used to rotate six barrels and fired ammunition when each barrel reached the top slot. However, with Priebe’s creation, the Gatling-like rotation is purely ornamental. Despite how cool it looks, the gun’s rotation actually decreases the beams’ intensity, since lasers work by focusing on a single point with a heated stream of photons. beeg "This agreement is good news for Rural/Metro and for theclients and communities we serve. We have a solution that keepsour operations moving forward while cutting our debt in half,"Chief Executive Scott Bartos said. xxx Settlements were reached by Matt Sandusky, as well as the young man known as "Victim 2" in court records and three other victims who testified last summer against Jerry Sandusky at his criminal trial, Philadelphia attorney Matt Casey said. beeg Bad boy Charlie Sheen spent his Christmas in an Aspen, Co., pokey. Cops arrested the actor on domestic violence charges at about 8:30 a.m., Aspen Police Department officials said.He was charged with second-degree assault, menacing and criminal mischief and housed in Pitkin County jail, cops said. reported that Sheen had a scuffle with his his then-wife, Brooke Mueller, who was renting an Aspen home. Sheen flew to be with his wife on Christmas, but immediately they began arguing. A source told the site that Mueller called police after Sheen pushed her.

Дата: 29.10.2019 20:26

I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage boobs In the new film, Gru is a single father to three adopteddaughters and becomes a spy for an anti-villain league. Hisdevoted group of workers, the goggle-and-overall-wearingminions, get more screen time for their slapstick antics andsong-and-dance numbers. xxx In Brooklyn, dozens of nurses and doctors had been showing up to work to tend to fewer and fewer patients, until Wednesday when they were given administrative leave notices on pink sheets of paper and escorted out by security guards, union representatives said. xnxx "Sensitive personal information was encrypted and cannot beaccessed. However, we have not been able to rule out thepossibility that some developers' names, mailing addresses,and/or email addresses may have been accessed," Apple tolddevelopers on its website. xxx British sarcasm accounted for 31 per cent of the responses, with the typically British humour regarded by some as an unpopular trait, and 19 per cent of expats also cited British reserve as actually being a negative rather than a positive. xnxx When restructuring of EBX ends, Batista will be left withbetween $1 billion to $2 billion of assets and $1.7 billion oflong-term debt, sources said. That is only a sliver of hisformer fortune, which last year reached about $35 billion.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

It's a bad line xvideos In fact, the IPCC's massive, complex new report acknowledges that none of the models predicted the hiatus. The authors write that it could be due to climate models over-predicting the response to increasing greenhouse gases, or a failure to account for water vapor in the upper atmosphere. boobs In November, California attorney and former Nixon Peabody partner David Tamman was found guilty of helping a onetime client and former investment fund manager cover up a Ponzi scheme that swindled investors out of more than $20 million. He has still to be sentenced. sex videos
Loth said JAMES' programming has been updated to reflect the study's findings, and the robot only acknowledges "people whose position and body posture clearly indicate that they wish to order a drink." xnxx That gives Apple a headstart. It can also build the sensing and security deep into its operating system and the A7 mobile chip which Apple itself designed, putting it ahead of rivals such like Google, which develops the Android mobile OS and licenses it to manufacturers like Samsung, said Taipei-based KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. beeg Ms Griffin said the final months of Hamzah’s life, during which he was at one point observed eating the contents of his own soiled nappy, could only have been horrific. She said: “I can only imagine the pain and the suffering that that child endured.”

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

I'm training to be an engineer xnxx So with that in mind we can look towards what is realistic. Firstly, if history shows us nothing else it’s that Japan will get the PS4 before any other territory. Let’s get that out of the way. It’s done. Secondly, Sony announced their new console at a conference that occurred in New York, stating that the console would launch ‘Holiday 2013.’ We now know that this also applies to the US – and it was also then confirmed as being the case in the UK (this was confirmed by a full page advert in The Metro – a free newspaper in London.) beeg Other commentators who have recently dismissed the idea that a bubble is emerging in housing include the Chancellor, George Osborne, who has staunchly defended government policies to revive mortgage lending. xnxx This has to do more with the mall killings in Nairobi, Kenya but just suppose the Christian majority here in US decided to allow all Christians to leave mall and then open fire on remaining Muslims. I know it won't happen but just imagine the reaction from these same muslims (terrorists) that did the same thing to that church in Pakistan, and mall in Nairobi. xnxx A ho-hum first half "has brought some caution in for sure," said Craig Errington, vice president of marketing at Wrangler, a unit of VF Corp. He declined to comment on the size of orders for the upcoming season. xxx Chairman of the Rwandan Community in London, Patrice Shema, said: "We still can't believe that Linah is gone. You see these things on television but when it happens to you and it's a close friend, that's when the reality hits home.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

Have you got a telephone directory? xxx According to the state Department of Public Health, three dead birds with the virus have been found in Santa Clara County this year. Parman said 2012 had the third-most incidents of the virus in tested bugs and birds since the virus arrived in California a decade before, but this year has had a slow start. beeg The changes proposed by the U.S. Department of Justice and 33 U.S. states and territories are designed to stop Apple from committing further antitrust violations after U.S. District Judge Denise Cote on July 10 said Apple had a "central role" in a conspiracy with five major publishers to raise e-book prices. xvideos Improving stop and searches has slipped as a priority since the Stephen Lawrence inquiry and while police still focus on whether stops are disproportionately used against some groups no attention is given to whether they are general effective in cutting crime. beeg "In the months of negotiations, the British never made the arguments that they are putting forward now," said Othmar Karas, an Austrian member of the European Parliament who played a key role in negotiating the rules. xnxx The average age was 66, according to Forbes senior editorKerry Dolan. Only 32 of those selected were 48 or younger,fitting them into Generation X or Generation Y, while the restof the list were baby boomers. Many of the younger billionairesare household names who made their fortunes in the tech industry- Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (20), Computer maker Michael Dell(25), Yahoo's Jerry Yang (327), Tesla Motor's Elon Musk (61) andGoogle's Larry Page and Sergey Brin (13 and 14).

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

Will I get paid for overtime? xnxx Jennifer Aniston's beloved pooch, Norman, may have gone on to doggie heaven last month, but he'll always be with her. The actress has tattooed the name of her 15-year-old corgi-terrier mix on the inside of her right ankle in a touching tribute to her furry best friend. xhamster Obesity continues to be one of the nation's leading public health problems — health officials call it a longstanding epidemic. A third of U.S. children and teens and more than two-thirds of adults are obese or overweight. xvideos The Scotsman provides news, events and sport features from the Edinburgh area. For the best up to date information relating to Edinburgh and the surrounding areas visit us at The Scotsman regularly or bookmark this page. xhamster “I like that I’m able to take a look at these kind of issues in really deep journalistic ways that I might not have elsewhere,” she says. “They’re going to be well-told stories that focus on human beings and their struggle.” porn Woods said his original plan was to play nine holes this morning and then chip and putt and get treatment later in the day, but during the round he felt good enough to go the distance and get a full look at the golf course before play starts tomorrow.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

Will I get travelling expenses? xvideos Conley wrote in his decision that if the law were enforced,there would "almost certainly be irreparable harm to those womenwho will be foreclosed from having an abortion in the next weekeither because of the undue burden of travel or the late stageof pregnancy, as well as facing increasing health risks causedby delay." xxx The first concrete sign of agreement came when the Senate, on a vote of 71-29, with 17 Republicans joining all 52 Democrats and two independents, cleared the way for an up-or-down vote on Obama's choice of Richard Cordray to serve as director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. xxx All three of Singapore's banks - DBS Group Holdings Ltd, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd andUnited Overseas Bank Ltd - have had representativeoffices in Myanmar since the 1990s, while Singapore-listed YomaStrategic Holdings is aiming to become one of thecountry's biggest conglomerates by opening department stores,importing trucks and developing plantations. xxx As Dropbox puts it: “In the case outlined here, the user’s computer would first need to have been compromised in such a way that it would leave the entire computer, not just the user's Dropbox, open to attacks across the board.” (More on this in a minute.) porn The report also said young people find it increasingly appropriate to communicate delicate news using text-based methods either online or by phone, as 16 percent of 16-24 year-olds said they would end a relationship via text-based mediums.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

Get a job xnxx "Protection declined during the follow-up period. However, one third of the children in the trial have now received a booster dose of vaccine. We will learn next year if this protects these children for a further period." beeg Kilpatrick was not the main culprit behind Detroit's filing for bankruptcy - a long process in which many officials took on more debt while the city's tax base shrank - but Kilpatrick's "corrupt administration exacerbated the crisis," prosecutors said. xvideos "Approving such a massive number of housing units three days before we go to negotiations is sick,’’ says a Palestinian official familiar with the negotiations who asked not to be named. "We may not come" to the talks, he says. The Israeli move and the Palestinian response illustrates how, despite agreeing to hold the first talks in three years, relations between the Israeli and Palestinian governments continue to be rancorous – an atmosphere that appears to bode ill for successful negotiations. porn Indiana, which eliminated the Knicks in the second round and reached Game 7 of the conference finals, added Luis Scola, C.J. Watson and Chris Copeland during the offseason and also welcomed back Danny Granger, who missed most of last year after his own knee surgery. xxx To determine eligibility for federal subsidies, explainedNathan Wilkes, a member of the board of Connect for HealthColorado, the system "first goes through Medicaid determination.That means connecting to a legacy system," he said.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

US dollars xnxx At the film's premiere at the Toronto Film Festival last month, director Bill Condon said "The Fifth Estate" was not a judgment about WikiLeaks or Assange, but rather a portrayal of the complex issues surrounding transparency, privacy and security. xnxx The lawsuit by the Teamsters Local 282 Pension Trust Fund of Lake Success, New York and two individuals, Charles McCurley and Lewis Wetstein, concerned alleged conflicts of interest in Moody's "issuer-pays" model, where debt issuers pay for ratings. xnxx Their treatment follows the pattern for other Algerians released from the U.S. maximum security prison of being interviewed by a judge on arrival to determine what, if any, charges they would face in a criminal court, said Farouk Ksentini, president of Algeria's official National Human Rights Commission. The process usually takes a month, he said. sex videos
Besides allowing emerging growth companies to quietlynavigate the IPO process, the bill also opened the door forhedge funds to advertise private securities deals and allowedfor crowdfunding, a capital-raising strategy that lets investorstake small stakes in private start-ups over the Internet. xxx No group has said it carried out the attacks but officials have blamed the rebel Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), which is accused of links to the 1994 genocide, and critics of the government recently exiled in South Africa.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

A jiffy bag beeg These imbalances are partially or wholly linked to "the roleplayed by the government in economic activity, which hasresulted in the oversized growth of its administrative sectorand the complication of procedures, thus hindering sustainablegrowth," KUNA quoted him as saying. porn Overall, black women had the highest risk of dying from obesity, at 27 percent, followed by white women at 21 percent. Additionally, obesity is nearly twice as common among black women as it is among white women. xxx In August, the Department of Justice authorized spending another $2.5 million in Newtown to help compensate police for overtime, forensic work and security since the shooting. The gunman, who had killed his mother at home before going to the school, killed himself as police closed in. sex videos
In 2003, Newman notched a series-high eight victories. Many of them were credited to Borland, whose winning formula was built on the dichotomy of unconventional setups derived from unassailable axioms of quantum physics and aggressive strategies rooted in the uncertainty of educated guesses on tires and fuel. Newman often triumphed by stretching his fuel tank to the limits, leaving competitors and fans howling about its legality (a scenario that might sound familiar to followers of Johnson's No. 48 Chevrolet). beeg But the visible scorching on the top rear of the fuselage ofthe 250-seat plane puts a major innovation of the 787 - itslightweight, carbon-plastic composite construction - under aspotlight with a fresh set of questions around the plane thatBoeing and investors had hoped were behind it.

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:44

Where's the nearest cash machine? porn Artisan's new detailed plans submitted to Edinburgh Council reveal a ВЈ150 million mix of leisure, retail and offices linking New Street and East Market Street with Waverley station and the Royal Mile, covering a total area of around 220,000 sq ft. xxx Heading east on the north side of E. 151st St., the officers encountered a man running towards them in the middle of the street pursued by Shaaliver Douse, who was firing rounds from the south sidewalk near Courtlandt Ave., cops said. sex videos
“Over the past, what, five years or so, four or five years, we’ve had first-time winners at virtually every single major,” Woods was saying before the British Open. “The fields are so deep now and the margin between the first player and the last player in the field is not that big anymore; it’s very small.” boobs However administration officials said that despite Britain not participating militarily, the diplomatic support of a coalition of nations, including France and Turkey, could provide sufficiently broad backing for military action. sex videos
Retired Rear Admiral Veronica "Ronnie" Froman described an encounter a couple of years ago in Filner's congressional office in which she said Filner stepped between her and doorway, ran a finger up her cheek and whispered, "Do you have a man in your life?"

Дата: 29.10.2019 21:45

Remove card boobs "It's not painful and it doesn't itch," said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert and chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt Medical Center, noting that the rashes center on bite sites that are often hidden on hairlines and in the underarms or groin area. "We may not even notice them." sex videos
Levine quickly denied the charges, telling the Daily News Saturday: "It never happened. Each and every conversation we had with Dr. Kelly and the other doctors in which multiple people took part in, there were notes taken and transcripts made, which we will be delighted to release, but we would have to have his permission. xhamster Girardi was asked if he thought the closer was exhausted from all the pomp and circumstance and celebrations lately. Plus, when the Yankees were still in the playoff race, Girardi went to him multiple times for multi-inning save chances. xxx The source close to Third Point said the announcement showsSony has sharpened its focus on improving the entertainment unitand is addressing concerns the firm brought to managementearlier this year. xvideos Officials from the Nuclear Regulation Authority said a leak is "strongly suspected" and urged plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. to determine where the water may be leaking from and assess the environmental and other risks, including the impact on the food chain. The watchdog said it would form a panel of experts to look into ways to contain the problem.

Дата: 29.10.2019 23:01

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Preheat the oven to 180C/gas mark 4. Spread the butter all over the salmon and season lightly. Place the flower petals and herbs all over the fish. Put the cider in a roasting bag, and then the salmon. Secure the bag tightly and place on a roasting tray and cook for about 20 minutes. Remove the fish from the oven and let it rest. Serve with potatoes and green salad. xnxx The vessel, the Henna, had been due to leave mid-afternoon after its owner put up a 3 billion won ($2.76 million) bond and it was unclear what was delaying the departure. But the South Korean judge overseeing the case in Jeju had yet to give the go-ahead, an official in the island province said. porn The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said ProSharesAdvisors LLC was not liable to investors who claimed they weremisled about the risks of holding on to 44 of its leveraged ETFsfor more than one day. xvideos Although Ballmer did treble revenues at Microsoft during histime in charge, and managed to steer the company away fromobscurity or crisis that befell other tech firms, heconsistently attracted criticism for management miscues. boobs "They know their loved ones were there, on the site. Most of them are now waiting for confirmation - because that makes it official," said Steve Lemay, the parish priest of Lac-Megantic, who has been meeting with families. "It's clear that they are not waiting for the missing to return."

Дата: 29.10.2019 23:01

Cool site goodluck :) porn The Miss America pageant was televised live by ABC, which picked up the contest again in 2011 after dropping it in 2004 because of a steep ratings decline. Miss America has seen its popularity ebb and flow over its nearly 100-year history and it has been the target of critics who say the pageant format objectifies women. boobs “The baby boomers are currently putting their own parents in to residential care and they are seeing what it is like and in many cases they don’t like what they see,” he said. The answer lies in whether the basic model of the care home can be reinvented, he added. xnxx Valve does not release sales statistics for games sold through Steam - but estimates from consultancy IHS Screen Digest suggest it is responsible for 75% of PC game sales, bringing in about $1bn (£620m) in 2012. porn Serving two groups - Ripon theological college community and a small religious order, the Sisters of Begbroke - the Grade II listed Bishop Edward King Chapel in Cuddleston was praised by judges for being an "exquisite piece of design and craftsmanship". The brief for Niall McLaughlin Architects was to design an uplifting spiritual space of great potency within an extremely small area. beeg Seeking to break the stalemate over Edward Snowden's status, Attorney General Eric Holder has assured the Russian government the NSA leaker would not face the death penalty if he were returned to the United States.В 

Дата: 29.10.2019 23:01

Another service? xxx On July 18, Detroit became the largest city in U.S. history to seek bankruptcy protection. Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr has said retirement benefits could be cut as the city struggles to pare down more than $18 billion in debt. boobs “You will not remember when the Reverend Jesse Jackson ran for the presidency. It lit up the sky. He didn’t just get black votes, he got millions of votes from white working class people, from women, from [people of all ethnic minorities and nationalities]. xhamster On one side stood the Muslim Brotherhood and allied Salafis as well as representatives from cities that had sacrificed the most blood and treasure during the civil war. These hardliners were pushing for an ongoing revolution to uproot just about all of those who played a role in the former regime. In the opposite camp stood the National Forces Alliance. They are sometimes called “liberals,” which critics would say is misleading. beeg Speaking shortly before Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls ruled out borrowing for day-to-day spending in 2015-16 if the party wins power at the next election, Mr McCluskey stated that a Labour Government's aim should not be “keeping in with the bond markets at all costs”. sex videos
Pipeline operators are required to identify line sectionsthat pass through high consequence areas (HCAs), those withsubstantial populations or environmentally sensitive habitatsand watercourses, and take special measures to reinforce themand monitor for potential integrity problems.

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