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Интервью: Интервью с Фреткой.
Дата: 05.10.2007 17:18
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Ее любили и ненавидели! Она работала как автомат по выдаче пощечин. Создала уникальный, неповторимый образ персонажа с наплевательским отношением к устоям и авторитетам. Образ, который заслуживает премии самый яркий ньюб 2007 года по версии Бойцовского Клуба.

Одно из последних не публичных заявлений:
Фретка (8/08/2007):
Итак, свершилось! Звезда в шоке, но из последних сил пытается совладать с собой.
Не буду скрывать, что последние события ужаснули меня. Я говорю об актах агрессии, фретконенавистнечества, я бы даже сказала - фреткогеноцида, имевших место недавно. Судьба журналистов-борцов за правду тяжела. Нас запугивают и убивают. Так, диверсионные группы камикадзе-элементалей систематически проникали на территорию общежития в Capital-city, с целью устрашения и нанесения тяжких повреждений отдельным частям моего звездного тела. Остается загадкой, как это допустила служба охраны общежития; полагаю, что диверсанты пробирались в здание под видом поклонниц моего таланта, желающих получить автограф.
Сегодня ситуация лишь усугубилась: злоумышленники захватили контроль надо мной, заблокировали передачи и доступ в Клуб. Я констатирую факт: Фретка пала на поле боя, пала жертвой журналистских баталий, жертвой своих языковых навыков и способностей. Она пала, но дух ее будет вечен. Сегодня, вместе со Scipio, вслед за Мэртвым Пывнем я покидаю Клуб!
Поеду с мамой на украинскую ривьеру, а потом уже и к школе надо будет готовиться.

Спустя два месяца.

Poul Fox: Ситуация: узнала ты о БК и захотелось…
Фретка: Ну, признаться честно, я долгое время проводила в интернете… Играла в другие проекты, не браузерные… Как российские, так и иностранные… Игроки одного из этих проектов меня знают очень хорошо: для них я организовывала вечеринки в реале, одно время была мегаартницей и имела самого богатого персонажа в игре… Потом этот проект мне надоел... Вообще… Захотелось чего-то нового... Как-то увидела, что муж играет в какую-то игрушку… Что-то тыкает там, кого-то бьет... Заинтересовалась, посмотрела… Решила для разнообразия поиграть.

Poul Fox: Игровой процесс не затянул? В то время как люди хотят быть магами и воинами, ты захотела стать журналистом?
Фретка: Ну не знаю. Если предыдущий проект, в котором я проводила свободное время (специально его не называю) мне надоел за полтора года (игры как на русском, так и на американском серверах), то в БК по прошествию пары-тройки недель мне уже наскучило. Наскучило тупо кликать мышкой зоны блока/удара... Захотелось драйва, чего-то большего... Поэтому то, что я стала журналисткой - это вполне естественно.

Poul Fox: Идеал для подражания был из БК или из реальной жизни?
Фретка: Ну почему все думают, что я кому-то подражаю? По-вашему, если личность яркая, запоминающаяся, то это не личность, а лишь тупое подобие чего-то? Нет… Смиритесь с тем, что я - это я. Я такая единственная и неповторимая. Мне будут подражать, я же считаю подражание ниже своего собственного достоинства.

Poul Fox: Направление твоих работ просматривалось сразу: ты пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет известнейших игроков БК? Как выбирались темы для статей/опросов/интервью?
Фретка: "пыталась поставить под вопрос авторитет"???? Звучит смешно. Если авторитет можно поставить под вопрос, - какой это авторитет? Сам посуди. Это не авторитет вовсе… Можно сказать, что Фретка - ветер перемен, ворвавшийся в сонное царство, где "авторитеты" пылятся на полке, плесневеют. Но ведь "авторитеты". Я просто реагировала на важнейшие события БКшной жизни. Взвалила на себя тяжкую ношу - открыть глаза рядовым игрокам на то, что творится в игре. Свежим взглядом всегда легче подобное уловить.

Poul Fox: Однако, свои свежие взгляды многим пришлись не по вкусу. Чего ты довилась? Популярности, уважения, известности?
Фретка: Со стороны виднее, чего я добилась. Как говорила, если я не ошибаюсь, Ксюша, "кто меня не любит, тот мне завидует". Значит, если меня многие не любили, то многие мне и завидовали. Значит, я действительно звезда. И как раз-таки я авторитетом и являюсь.

Poul Fox: Какие самые запоминающиеся моменты имели место быть в игре? В игре в журналиста?
Фретка: Ну вот опять. Ты подобными вопросами пытаешься навязать читателю мысль. Что я не та, за кого себя выдаю. Играю, подделываюсь под кого-то. Нет. Я с этим категорически не согласна. Я уже повторяла: игры никакой не было. Просто описывала ярко, живо то, что видела. Вот и все... Что касается самого запоминающегося... Да, много моментов... Меня всегда удивляло, насколько в виртуальных сообществах сложно переплетение интриг... Это как бы концентрат всего того, что мы имеем в реальной жизни. У меня ведь имеется и некоторое количество готового материала. Который не пошел в печать по тем или иным соображениям. Например, из-за невыполнения заказчиком условий и неоплаты заказных обличительных статей. Не люблю халявщиков!

Poul Fox: Бедняжка. Кидалово в БК, к сожалению, не наказуемо. Так много текста и не намека на ответ. Так все же: игра имела яркие моменты? Может встречи в реале? Виртуальная любовь? Угрозы?
Фретка: Да. Не наказуемо... Особенно если недобросовестным заказчиком является паладин. С белым крестом. Встреч в реале не было... В этом проекте я светиться не хотела. Быть может потому, что активно участвовала в жизни предыдущего, а супруг у меня очень ревнив. Любви я тоже не искала особо. Расценки в инфо у меня висели. Хоть бы один человек предложение виртуальной свадьбы сделал. Угрозы... Кто не знает (или просто не может), как по-другому привлечь мое внимание... Угрожали, нападали, используя админский ресурс (анблессед - яркий пример). Уж лучше бы фулл-арт подарил.. Толку было бы больше.

Poul Fox: Что же послужило причиной ухода такой яркой и неповторимой личности? Надоела игра? Перекупили хед-хантеры из других он-лайн проктов?
Фретка: Ну тут есть несколько моментов. главную причину назвать сложно. Во-первых, проблемы в личной, семейной жизни. Это я комментировать не хочу и не буду. Во-вторых, обязательства перед "сильными мира БК". Когда что-то знаешь. Но по принятым на себя обязательствам писать об этом не можешь. Лучше не писать вообще. В-третьих, на данном этапе мне не до БК. Может, игра поднадоела, может, времени просто не хватает. В любом случае, я решила пока приостановить свою игру. Временно... Не уверена, будет ли это месяц-другой. Или пол года – год... Также не уверена, будет ли игра продолжаться Фреткой или же будет создан новый персонаж.

Poul Fox: Среди твоих почитателей - большая часть персонажи женского пола? Что это? Лесбийское начало или у тебя какая-то особенная (не женская) привлекательность?
Фретка: Никогда не занималась статистикой. И даже очень долго не знала, что Мироздатель - это тоже женщина. Быть может, женщинам просто легче понять друг друга?

Poul Fox: Немного цифр?
Фретка: Давай попробуем

Poul Fox: рост:
Фретка: 178

Poul Fox: вес:
Фретка: 73

Poul Fox: объем груди:
Фретка: млин.. я хз.
ммм.. реально хз.. щас возьму рулетку

Poul Fox: сиськастенькая.
Фретка: 80

Poul Fox: Бедра:
Фретка: 100

Poul Fox: А сколько жмешь от груди?
Фретка: Давно в зале не была. Последний раз вроде 70 поднимала.

Poul Fox: А на грудь сколько принять можешь?
Фретка: Не пью.

Poul Fox: Получился вполне нормальный фигурный мужичок.
Фретка: Да)
Фретка: Ой… ((

Poul Fox: Попался.
Теперь колись: что побудило к созданию проекта "Фретка"?
Фретка: Если честно - банальная скука и напряги в реале. Напряги по многим параметрам - как в семейной жизни, так и в делах. Хотелось отвлечься: играл в другие игрушки - надоедали. К тому же не хотел с супругой пересекаться в виртуальном пространстве… Поэтому решил вернуться к БК. Несколько раз начинал, помнится, играть… Но постоянно бросал. Чтобы не было скучно, решил поставить себе задачу - попробовать поработать в веб-коммьюнити, дабы узнать, что это такое. Ну, и параллельно просто скидывал негатив… Сознательно проецировал его на фретку…

Poul Fox: Конченая цель? И были ли цель вообще?
Фретка: Если честно, какой-то глобальной цели как таковой не было. Хотелось, как уже сказал, скинуть негатив, расслабиться в виртуале... Попутно попытаться понять, что такое веб-сообщества изнутри.

Poul Fox: Причины сворачивания проекта те же, что и у самой Фретки?
Фретка: Ну, в общем и целом – да... Вдаваться в детали не хочу. В первую очередь, конечно же, это проблемы в личной жизни... Фретки как таковой рядом со мной сейчас не существует…Вернее - ее реального прототипа.

Poul Fox: Чего не успел сделать? На сколько удалось реализовать потенциал?
Фретка: Это опять же… С какой стороны посмотреть. Если с точки зрения отдыха, возможности скинуть негатив, постебаться - то все прошло отлично… Если же с точки зрения изучения принципов работы в веб-коммьюнити... Были определенные огрехи, которые обязательно учту, если решу делать в БК (или других проектах) что-то новое.
Негативный опыт - тоже опыт.
Фретка: Меня сразу вычислили по той же самой аське. Было немного обидно. Потом, зря я взял за прототип свою супругу. Естессно, в нет ее фото я выкидывать не могу, поэтому образ получился неполным. Скорее нужно было взять кого-либо из знакомых. Например, из мира шоу-бизнеса... Договориться, что буду использовать ее фото. Ее личину для себя. Как с месяц назад я именно так и видел продолжение своей жизни в БК… Вполне возможно, отдохнув, я к этому вернусь.

Poul Fox: Тут проскакивала инфа, что Фретку видели в людях. Люди, кто играют в терру, например. Ничего об этом не слышал?
Фретка: В реале - точно не видели. Наверное, путают с Геополитиком (была у кого-то такая версия). А так - да. Персонаж был мой. Что же касается тех, кто меня видел в реале из БКшников – да, такие люди есть… Я же говорил. Тяжело, будучи журналистом, знать информацию не для разглашения... Которую даже Пывень не знает.

Poul Fox: Как думаешь, персонаж получился положительный или отрицательный?
Фретка: Если честно - не знаю. И даже не пытался задумываться. Уверен лишь в одном. Персонаж получился ярким. А это, безусловно, само по себе положительно.

Poul Fox: Что пожелаешь БКшникам?
Фретка: Если честно, БКщный социум мне напоминает сейчас общество на Украине времен майданов. Находятся люди, которые в смутные времена перемен стараются урвать для себя кусочек славы… В целом., хочу сказать, что для игроков сейчас готовится много новшеств… Кому-то это нравится, кому-то – нет... В любом случае, на мой взгляд, дабы водоем не зарастал, его нужно регулярно осушать и чистить... Воспринимайте то, что сейчас творится - лишь как чистку… Дальше будет лучше. Дальше будет интересней…

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В Lily Collins arrives for the German premiere of 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' (Chroniken der Unterwelt) at Sony Centre on Aug. 20. A study by McAfee found that Collins is the most treacherous star to search for online.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:19

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* Societe Generale, France's No. 2 listed bank, is exploringthe sale of its Asia private banking arm, people familiar withthe matter told Reuters, seeking to exit a market where smallmanagers are getting hit by rising costs and competition. japanes ngentot dg menantu
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Boehner said the Republicans demands all involve bills the Republican House has been trying to get enacted for several years on which the Senate has failed to act. There are at least 22 such measures and it was not clear how many they would tack on. xvidios jepang
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But even if Cruz speaks throughout the night, a vote Wednesday will occur regardless because the Senate is operating on “auto pilot,” as Reid described it Monday. According to a senior Democratic leadership aide, Senate rules dictate that the Senate will automatically adjourn at noon Wednesday then return to session to hold a cloture vote on the motion to proceed, which will require 60 votes. telugu movies
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Дата: 24.10.2019 13:20

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German voters seem a lot more interested in things like potholes and a lack of noise ordinances than the European financial crisis or what to do about Syria, which is one reason why polls indicate that Merkel's alliance should cruise to victory Sunday. bokep arab
It's a responsibility that goes back to the founding of the republic. The framers, in Article I, Section 8 gave Congress the power "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." bokep indonesia/
On Nov. 22 1952, an Air Force C-124 cargo plane crashed into Mount Gannett in Alaska. All 52 members were instantly killed. But 61 years later, a melting glacier is giving up the secrets of that crash. bokep selingkuh
Chou has said publicly he has no intention to stand down,and executives - none of whom wanted to be named because of thesensitive nature of the issue - said HTC has no clear internalsuccessor. "Part of the weakness is there is no obvioussuccessor, and that's not been good for morale," one said. video bokep barat terbaru
The proposed U.N. resolution would "require the destruction of a category of weapons that the Syrian government has used ruthlessly and repeatedly against its own people. And this resolution will make clear that there are going to be consequences for noncompliance," said Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:20

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"This cover makes him look like some kind of cool rock god... it's horrible," said a commentary on the magazine’s Facebook feed. Over 5,000 people have commented on Facebook since the magazine cover was revealed on Tuesday night, with many saying they were cancelling their subscription or would never buy the magazine again. bokep selingkuh dengan istri tetangga
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Facebook's so-called mobile app ads - which allow companiesto promote their mobile apps to Facebook's 1.15 billion users -will include new capabilities designed to boost the amount oftime that consumers use the third-party apps, the company saidon Tuesday.

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If Carl Icahn's decision to sell is proven to be the rightinvestment call and Netflix's shares fall, both father and sonwill see their profits from the investment pared, given theystill own 2.67 million shares, or a 4.5 percent stake. Therewill be no additional penalty for his son's funds if the shareprice falls below the Icahn selling price. tamil movie
Ingrid also was expected to dump very heavy rains. It had maximum sustained winds of 75mph (120kph) and was centred about 125 miles (200 kilometres) east-northeast of the port city of Tampico as it moved northwest at 3mph (6kph). A hurricane warning was in effect from Cabo Rojo to La Pesca. ngentot hewan
Theresa Fyffe, Director of the Royal College of Nursing, said: "We all want to see more care delivered safely in the community so more patients are treated in their own homes with fewer admitted to hospital. video selingkuh
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The release of Tymoshenko, jailed for seven years in 2011 after what the West said was a political trial, is expected to clear the way for the ex-Soviet republic to sign landmark agreements with the European Union at the end of November.

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The company could also reap a big technology dividend forCNOOC and China. The experience of operating a major oil-sandsproject for the first time will give Beijing the expertise totap its own potentially huge reserves of heavy oil, industryanalysts say. bokep sama ibu tiri barat
"The Act of Killing" speaks to the eternal question of what sort of person can visit such pitiless violence on his fellow man—and, by extension, the question of what sort of species we are. Some of these men are such primitive creatures that their world is defined only by strength or weakness; they may be no more capable of moral behavior than a crocodile about to snap its jaws. Others, though, seem to be feeling twinges of remorse and, having warded off all doubts and guilt until now, are up for a bit of reflection. bokep thailand
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The A’s missed early chances in a rematch of last year’s playoff matchup that Detroit survived on its way to the World Series — and there was little the raucous, yellow towel-waving sellout home crowd of 48,401 could do until Cespedes finally energized the ballpark.

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The NHL Players’ Association and the NHL announced a long-awaited agreement on Friday with the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) to secure participation of NHL players in the upcoming 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia. bokep barat mom
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Pershing Square started building up its Air Products holding in June and unveiled the holding at the end of July, as rumors swirled and Air Products adopted a "poison pill" takeover defense to stop Ackman going beyond 10 percent. bokeh barat
Average secondary prices have fallen about 24bp since theFederal Reserve surprised the markets and held off on taperingtwo weeks ago, to end at 99.3 as of October 4. The JP Morgan USleveraged loan index yield to a three-year takeout increased to5.53 percent from 5.46 percent over the same period. desi
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Дата: 24.10.2019 13:21

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Addressing the pause, or slow-down, in global temperature rise since 1998 had been described as "central" to this report. While acknowledging this hiatus, the final analysis downplays it and points out that this period began with a very hot El Nino year. El Nino is a cyclical weather and climatic pattern that affects the Pacific Ocean, but which has knock-on impacts for conditions felt over the rest of the globe. tamil xxx
UBS's shares hit a two-year high last week after the bankdisclosed a quarterly profit that beat analyst views, even afterpaying $885 million to settle a lawsuit with the U.S. housingregulator over the mis-selling of mortgage-backed bonds. bokep pelajar
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With relatives staying on her couch, Jane might like more space to move into. Like millions of other young Americans, Jane has long been excited about someday buying a house, and she nearly has enough in her savings account for a down payment. But if the government hits the debt ceiling, it could send interest rates on U.S. treasuries spiking, as investors move away from these investments that once looked like such a sure bet. blood gas
Whether Canada’s deadliest train disaster in more than a century was the result of human error or equipment failure remains to be determined. But the accident has supporters of the stalled Keystone XL pipeline project brandishing statistics that purport to show a superior safety record of pumped oil shipment over that carried by rail.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:21

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Tackling lawlessness in Yemen, which lies near important oil shipment routes and borders the world's biggest oil exporter Saudi Arabia, is an international priority for the United States and other Western countries. It is home to an al Qaeda wing that has planned international bomb attacks.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:21

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In June, Muscle Milk dropped an endorsement deal with NewEngland Patriots player Aaron Hernandez amid an investigationinto the death of one of his acquaintances. Hernandez wascharged with murder on June 26. naa songs telugu
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"The good news is that early in my career, I played a lot of good guys. I was saving Santa Claus and being a lawyer, and I had a lot of good behind me," McDermott says, "I don't think I would enjoy just playing bad if I hadn't been good for so many years." video jepang
The first wave of U.S. data released on Thursday after thegovernment returned to work was fairly upbeat. But the mainfocus is squarely on the September payrolls report, which theLabor department said will be published on Tuesday.

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Initially, in a statement issued just after midnight, TimeWarner said it would remove CBS and the company's cablechannels, including the premium service Showtime. The actioncame after weeks of often contentious negotiations overincreases in fees that CBS receives from cable and satelliteoperators. bokep indonesia/
Nvidia Chief Executive and co-founder Jen-Hsun Huang said ina statement on Monday that Kress, who most recently was seniorvice president and chief financial officer at Cisco's BusinessTechnology and Operations Finance organization, would help thecompany extend into visual computing, mobile and cloudcomputing. bokep vina garut
After the ruling, Silva said she would announce on Friday whether she would run on another ticket, but added there had been no talks with other parties and she planned to keep building her own party to renew Brazilian politics. bokep selingkuh sama mertua cantik
"The critical-illness policy was something I took out, not thinking I'd ever use it. I am self-employed and I don't have any staff, so if I'm off ill I can't earn any money. Having the policy meant I could pay my mortgage and look after my family." When critical-illness insurance works as designed and pays out, policyholders describe it as a life-saver. bokep selingkuh
Although digging is not currently possible, the artifacts already excavated were recently analyzed further and more publications of the team's work will be appearing in the future. The archaeologists also plan to survey the surrounding area to get a sense of the size of the kingdom of Idu.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:21

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"Breaking Bad" is the show to beat for the night's tophonor, best drama series, and Bryan Cranston as the unlikelymeth mastermind-turned-ruthless drug kingpin Walter White is favored to win best actor in a drama. That would make him afour-time winner for that role. naa songs telugu
Lindsey Rubnitz, 22, just moved into a building around the corner. “This location is perfect,” she says of Clinton Hall. “Our building is filled with young people who are going to love having a beer garden next door.” bokep sma
That’s certainly part of the reason, but Ferguson’s teammates believe there’s another factor regarding why he decided to speak up more this year: the rotating door at left guard. Following Moore’s departure, the position has been unsteady, with Stephen Peterman, Vladimir Ducasse and Brian Winters all rotating through during the preseason. new telugu movies
Currently, there are 13 pipelines bringing crude oil into Cushing with a total capacity of 1.7 million bpd, according to energy intelligence company Genscape, an increase of nearly 815,000 bpd over the past three years. bokep indonesia
The ruling, from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, overturned a lower court decision from July that said Bernanke should submit to a deposition by lawyers for former chief executive Maurice "Hank" Greenberg.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:22

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The agreement could come as soon as Wednesday and would bethe fourth in an investigation into the alleged manipulation ofthe London interbank offered rate, or Libor, and otherbenchmarks on which are based interest rates for trillions ofdollars of loans. () ngentot memek tembem
“The way I look at it, I think you have to win most of the series,” Girardi said when asked about dropping the opener to a team eight games below .500. “By losing the first game, you put yourself in a tough spot. I think you need to take advantage of situations.” xvideos jav
The 1,069-bed teaching hospital on First Avenue was nationally ranked for exceptional care in 12 of the 16 specialties, including orthopedics (No. 5); rheumatology (No. 7); neurology/neurosurgery and geriatrics (No. 10) and cardiology/heart surgery (No. 15). desi videos
WASHINGTON - Worries about rising interest rates and falling stock prices dinged U.S. consumer sentiment in early July, while other data showed a firm rise in wholesale prices, which could make the Federal Reserve more comfortable reducing its monetary stimulus. video bokep barat terbaru
Liz Dux, head of abuse at Slater and Gordon Lawyers, who represents 72 potential victims, said: “My clients all need closure and whilst we welcome a detailed understanding of how Savile was able to operate unchecked for so many years, at the same time we need to recognise that until these reports are concluded their suffering continues.”

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:23

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"A chemical attack occurred in Damascus on the morning of 21 August, resulting in at least 350 fatalities. It is not possible for the opposition to have carried out a CW attack on this scale. The regime has used CW on a smaller scale on at least 14 occasions in the past. There is some intelligence to suggest regime culpability in this attack. These factors make it highly likely that the Syrian regime was responsible." vidio porno barat
The year-end challenge raises the stakes in a standoff witha local metalworkers union. A strike last week briefly haltedproduction, and union leaders have threatened to furtherhamstring operations unless the company hikes wages by 10percent. bokepdo jepang
"We think we have the potential once again for an earningsseason where expectations are a little too low, and when theearnings finally do come out, we could have a little bit of anupside surprise," said Ryan Detrick, senior technical strategistat Schaeffer's Investment Research in Cincinnati. tamil xxx
This loss to savers has been a boon to state-owned enterprises and other heavy-industry firms, which can effectively tap a giant source of cheap finance intermediated by powerful banks. That’s the financial machine that has driven China’s investment- and construction-led economic model, and it remains very much in place. True structural reform still has a long way to go in China. video ngentot jepang
"This is really going to put Ennahda on the spot right now," said Laryssa Chomiak, director of the Tunis-based Institute for Maghreb Studies. "The Tunisian public was not happy with the way in which the Chokri Belaid assassination investigation was dealt with... if they mess this up, I think it's going to be extremely bad for them, for their domestic support."

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:23

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Rihanna is definitely not shy when it comes to her lyrics, her opinions and her revealing clothing choices. That's why the 'Battleship' star's sexy spread for Elle's May 2012 issue comes as no surprise. abg cantik
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Whoopi had a tour bus and asked me for my posters because she wanted to put them on the inside of the vehicle. She thought it was funny when they took it for a wash that people would think it was my bus and not hers. Once she was sick and hospitalized in Chicago. I don’t recall exactly what was wrong at the time, but she had to cancel her run. I visited her in the hospital like a good friend. I told a pal of mine who ran a great restaurant to bring her and the hospital staff some food. I made sure video ngentot
Originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina, Knight moved to the area about five years ago and lived in Reston, Virginia. She had two daughters and enjoyed spending time with her family and friends, the family spokesman said. xhamster desi
The Internet and social media in Kenya, which played a central role in this year's elections by allowing Kenyans to question candidates, took on a new function Tuesday—spreading messages of peace to avert new bloodshed.

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Elsewhere, Australian engineering company UGL Ltd added 1.4 percent after the company said on Monday that it willsplit its engineering and property businesses after reporting a73 percent fall in annual profit. ngentot memek basah
The region of 1.8 million people is striving to heal a sectarian divide that mapped onto a deadly political rift between “loyalists” supporting the union with Britain and “nationalists” seeking unification with the Republic of Ireland to the south. video bokep istri selingkuh
"The (network-operator) SFR split-off is a possibility that the board will consider in due time," CFO Philippe Capron told reporters on a conference call. "We are presently looking at the option, and conducting a feasibility study on it." video ngentot jepang
In June, it was reported that Britvic would only look to resurrect the deal if it could be significantly renegotiated, with its chief executive taking the reins of the enlarged company instead of AG Barr boss Roger White, and Britvic shareholders taking a larger share of the group.

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“Definitely, a history of high tensions between Tehran and Washington will not go back to normal relations due to a phone call, meeting or negotiation,” Araghchi was quoted by the semi-official Far news agency as saying. jav gay
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Smile, you just got arrested?! Minnesota Vikings star Adrian Peterson smiled for his mug shot on July 7, 2012 after resisting arrest. The running back was arrested in Houston for allegedly pushing an officer after refusing to leave a nightclub. Police say it took three officers to subdue the NFL star.

Дата: 24.10.2019 13:24

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In a statement, the government said it "contacted the American authorities and asked it to present clarifications" regarding the al-Libi abduction. It also said it hoped the incident would not impact its strategic relationship with the United States. desi tv
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The potential damage to the public from what Jeffrey Beall calls "predatory publishers" can be far-reaching. Academic articles, even in the sciences, are cited by legal professionals in order to determine matters of law. pijat jepang
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However, in the decade leading up to 2012, global temperatures actually declined by .09 degree F (.05 degree C), according to Thomas Karl, director of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center. Karl said the 50-year trend indicates global temperatures have consistently increased about .27 degree F (.15 degree C) per decade.

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"The fact that (obesity) is leveling off, that's a surprise and a major change from the steady increase that we've seen over time," Iannotti, who worked on the study while at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland, said. "This is great news." tamil news paper
It is the most determined offensive yet against the sect,whose nickname translates as "Western education is sinful" andwhose struggle to carve an Islamic state out ofreligiously-mixed Nigeria has destabilised Africa's top oilproducer. video sex jepang
I don’t propose to know if they would be — they’ve already come down from the lifetime ban Selig wanted to the 211 games — but even if, say, as many as 60 games were taken off the sentence, it would still amount to A-Rod getting three times more punishment than all the other 12 guilty players in the Tony Bosch Biogenesis case. And it would still keep him out of the game for nearly the entire 2014 season and, for all intents and purposes, end his career. telugu mp3
“My dad always encouraged me to do fun, silly things,” she tells Confidenti@l. “I’m that way now with my two kids.” The show premiered Saturday morning at the Atlantic Theatre on W. 20th St. “I cannot wait to see little kids watching the show,” says Shannon. bokep janda
The arrival of Kotov, Ryazanskiy and Hopkins returns thestation to its full, six-member live-aboard crew. CommanderFyodor Yurchikhin, NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and EuropeanSpace Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano have been running thestation on their own since Sept. 10.

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On this week's edition of the Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Robinson Cano to discuss next week's All-Star Game, his participation - and hopeful redemption - in the Home Run Derby, as well as what the Yankees have to do in the second half to reach October. ... plus much more! bokep pns
Congressional authorisation for the U.S. government to spendmoney runs out at the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, and asmall number of Tea Party-backed U.S. senators have beenthreatening to stall a bill to renew the funding. xhamster desi
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"Obviously he pitched fine, but that's not what we have seen through most of the first half," said Collins. "He's had a small blister that we have disregarded because it hasn't been bothering him. He didn't throw as much between starts as he normally does and I think you saw the effects of it because his command wasn't what it normally is." abg mesum
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Among the flesh-and-blood cast, Wilson is too dry, though Farmiga gets her ooky on just by making her mouth into a V-shaped smile. But her fragile spaciness is a buzzkill. Then there’s poor Taylor, forced to writhe and scream and vomit as possession pops in. If “The Conjuring” were less of a con job, horror fans would not feel equally as trapped. vidio porno barat
In the 11th, d’Arnaud ripped a groundball up the middle that glanced off Marlins shortstop Adeiny Hechavarria’s glove into center field to leadoff the inning. He was stranded on third. He came to the plate in the 12th feeling pretty confident. pijat jepang
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It is still early in Carlyle's investment horizon. Carlylehas plenty of time to try to reverse Getty's fortunes, asprivate equity firms typically invest in companies for three toseven years before selling them or floating them in the stockmarket through an initial public offering. jepang sex
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Sunday’s loss was the worst during Tom Coughlin’s time as coach and it dropped Big Blue to 0-3 for the first time since 1996. The offensive line allowed Eli Manning to be sacked seven times, six of them coming in the first half, and the defense allowed DeAngelo Williams to run all over them (120 yards on 23 carries) while Cam Newton did whatever he wanted, throwing three touchdown passes and rushing for a fourth. ngentot sma
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Дата: 24.10.2019 13:24

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"We're expecting this to be the largest privacy-related rally – potentially – in U.S. history," said Evan Greer, campaign manager of Fight for the Future, an Internet policy group that's helping organize the event. "We are expecting thousands of people to come out to D.C. The rally has been endorsed by over a hundred organizations, from the far left to the far right." bigg boss telugu vote
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You'll easily spot Jack around town driving a dark- green Land Cruiser with game-viewing roof hatches, roof rack, two spare tyres and a high-lift jack. Without fail, he will be wearing a short-sleeved shirt, leather Aussie hat or baseball cap, a battered pair of short shorts (or "stubbies"), a beaded belt with mobile phone and Leatherman pocket knife attached, brass bracelets, short socks and safari boots by Bata, whose ad runs: "the boots that say you know Africa". xhamster desi
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Jonglei is the site of multiple conflicts. South Sudan's military has been battling a rebel leader named David Yau Yau who the government says has been supported by Sudan. Yau Yau is also a member of the Murle community.

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