Дата: 01.04.2007 00:01 Автор: , добавлено:
Я прекрасен. Умен, пусть немолод,
Плюс - воспитан в культурной среде…
Почему ж как Марат не заколот
Я кинжалом Шарлотты Корде?
Богатырской безудержной силой
От Геракла я неотличим -
Отчего ж как Самсону Далила
Не обрила мне кудри в ночи?!
Бомбу под ноги мне не швырнули,
Не стреляла эсерка Каплан -
И бандитские подлые пули
Не прошили мой старый реглан…
Отчего же судьба так жестока?
Я обижен был ею вдвойне…
Не прошибли почто альпенштоком
Меркадеры головушку мне?
Отчего же бревном, в самом деле,
Не повержен я, как Сирано?
Почему же завистник Сальери
Не подсыпал мне яду в вино?
Не спешат ни Дантес, ни Мартынов
Грудь пробить мне прицельной стрельбой…
Что ж, выходит, в безвестности сгинув,
Я усопну как смертный любой?
И помру, позабыт-позаброшен,
Не дождавшись Далил и Шарлот?
Снег могилку мою запорошит
И никто над ней слез не прольет?
(Как с тоски мне такой не напиться?..)
Где ты, киллер, товарищ и брат?
Где ж ты ходишь, мой праздный убийца,
Сердцу гения милый камрад?
На тебя же я, как на икону,
Ежедневно молюсь… Не томи!
И тогда на весь мир растрезвонят
ИТАР-ТАССы и прочие СМИ,
Всех читателей в траур вгоняя,
Не жалея прочувственных слов,
Что погиб от руки негодяя
Знаменитый поэт Боркунов.
И немедля утихнут зоилы,
Толстым рылом вконец посерев…
И всплакнут у разверстой могилы
Хакамада, Явлинский и Греф.
Упокоюсь в просторной гробнице
На Ваганьковском кладбище я.
И придут с моим прахом проститься
И известный артист, и швея.
У ограды посадят две ели…
(Хоть могли бы и три посадить),
И мой образ Зураб Церетели
Изваяет, вполне может быть.
И собранья моих сочинений
В Доме книги пойдут нарасхват -
Я останусь в умах поколений…
Так-то, друг мой, товарищ и брат.
Может, даже Героем России
После смерти объявят меня –
Вот тогда безобразный и синий
Я уйду, никого не виня.
Но учтите одно, недоноски,
Коль смолчит обо мне ИТАР-ТАСС -
Перед смертью проклятьем японским
Прокляну я немедля всех вас.
И восстанет мой труп из могилы,
Ликом страшный, глухой и слепой,
И пройдется по вам, гомофилы,
Полусгнившей мертвецкой стопой.
И в безмерной тоске куртуазной
Я взлелеял идею одну:
Чтобы вы не забыли наказ мой,
Я заранее вас прокляну!
Скада: 5 gogachka: 5 Anorfin Edhel: 5
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| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:51 I'm interested in this position <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?essay-on-john-locke ">thesis statement placement mla</a> The world is also changing; the virtualization war isn't just fought in big-business datacenters. The public cloud is now a larger theater of operations and here is where VMware's approach is muddier than Microsoft's. With the recent announcement of its own Hybrid Cloud Service offering, VMware has a lot of catching up to do. In the end, if I want to host VMs in a public cloud I don't really care about the underlying hypervisor, I care about cost, uptime, security and ease of management. The catch, of course, is that it'll be easier to move a VM from my own vSphere infrastructure to the VMware Hybrid Cloud Service than to Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Windows Azure (just as it's simple to move a VM from VMM to Windows Azure using AppController). It's hard to see VMware competing with a premium label and pricing against established players such as AWS and Windows Azure. Microsoft has 19 years of experience in running large "cloud" services on the Internet; this experience is clearly making its way back into products such as System Center and Windows Server 2012, and VMware will have to prove it can muster the equivalent public cloud chops. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:51 Very interesting tale <a href=" http://ngamgirl.net/essay-on-our-school.pdf#reflections ">report writing format</a> Officials have said military personnel, who are paid twice amonth, would receive their Oct. 1 paychecks but might see theirOct. 15 paychecks delayed if a government shutdown takes placeand no funding deal is reached by Oct. 7. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:51 Do you play any instruments? <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?recommendation-for-further-study#leather ">cathedral analysis essay</a> The surveys are exhaustive. “Essentially, we ask about their whole life,” Croft said. Children are weighed and measured. Parents report the number of children who have been born and died within the last five years. How long had babies been breastfed? Had any children recently suffered from fever, cough or diarrhea? What vaccinations had they been given? |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:51 Have you got any ? <a href=" http://ngamgirl.net/essay-rubrics-for-middle-school.pdf#jump ">thesis affiliate program</a> Virginia, of course, borders Washington, D.C., meaning a lot of those 800,000 furloughed federal workers will be voting either for Cuccinelli or former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe in November. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:51 Is it convenient to talk at the moment? <a href=" http://www.helixdigital.com.au/how-my-writing-has-changed-my-self-evaluation-essay/#endlessly ">essays on diversity</a> Russian proposal.. A genuine clean offer for resolving the issue at hand by peaceful means..or..a delaying tactic for a different agenda? I…ummm..am going to have to mark that ballot with a big ‘D’ for delay. Someone convince me that I am wrong. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:59 I'd like to open a business account <a href=" http://ngamgirl.net/polygamy-thesis-statement.pdf ">advantages of higher education essay</a> In addition to trying to completely block the unreleased app, BlackBerry is adjusting the system to avoid a similar scenario down the road. "While this may sound like a simple task, it's not," Bocking said. "This will take some time. I do not anticipate launching this week." |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:59 I came here to work <a href=" http://catraffictickets.com/index.php/write-me-a-custom-report.html#noisily ">oedipus tragic hero essay</a> Peter Kelley, who was in private practice with Rhodes in AnnArbor, Michigan, between 1978 and 1981, said Rhodes will demandeveryone come prepared and won't tolerate any attempts to gamethe system. "He can smell that a mile away," said Kelley. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:59 I work for myself <a href=" http://blog.gngcreative.com/freelance-writing-projects/#downstairs ">compare and contrast colleges</a> The app, which functions as an integral part of Bjork’s Biophilia Educational Program, a series of workshopsshe created for kids to learn aboutВ science, art, music, and technology and held around the world, is one large app containing separate sub-apps that correspond to a song on the album, such as “Crystalline” or “Moon.” Each individual app provides interactive games, music, and art and is designed to inspireВ users to explore the universe and its physical forces. Users can interact with the music, learn about it, and create their own version. For example, once you open “Thunderbolt, “В a songВ В designed to explore the time between when lightning strikes and whenВ thunder is heard through its use of arpeggios, you can spread two fingers apart to see lightening zip between your fingers. The further apart you spread your fingers, the more notes the app plays.В Each of theВ apps explores the themes behind the songs and provide essays explaining Bjork’s inspiration. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:59 I like watching football <a href=" http://www.jasonclarke.net/uwe-dissertation/#treatment ">essay on the history of civil society</a> Owners of calls, contracts which allow them to buy thecompany's shares at a fixed price by a certain date, benefitbecause the value of the call option goes up as the stock rises.A put conveys the right to sell the stock at a preset price. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:59 I'd like to change some money <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?child-labour-essay-in-english ">apa research proposal paper</a> That elusive win wonГўВЂВ™t come easily for Eli after Peyton tied the a single-game record with seven TD passes in the BroncosГўВЂВ™ season-opening trouncing of the defending champion Ravens last Thursday. |

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| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 17:59 I'd like to send this to <a href=" http://anion.hu/what-do-i-write-my-essay-about.pdf#angle ">graduate admissions essays</a> ГўВЂВњWe were coming to bring the stuff to the police station and before we could do that they were at our door, kicking in my door,ГўВЂВќ Henry said. ГўВЂВњI was sleeping. I get woken up by two officers pulling me out of my own bed.ГўВЂВќ |

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| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 I'd like to change some money <a href=" http://www.jasonclarke.net/uwe-dissertation/#defective ">essay of management</a> Garcia took time to get warmed up on a soggy golf course Sunday, and it's a good thing he hit his stride. With birdies galore on the TPC Boston, he took a one-shot lead into the third round, made five birdies on the back nine for a 6-under 65 and needed just about every birdie to keep his nose in front. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 We'll need to take up references <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?essay-on-dog-as-a-domestic-animal#afforded ">research paper on financial services in india</a> The IPO of the infrastructure fund would help reduce True's debt burden to around 30 billion baht from 100 billion baht ($3.2 billion) now, Noppadol said, adding that the new debt level would be reasonable for financial management. |

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</a> Jason Ader, whose Ader Investment Management allocates moneyto a number of small hedge funds, said most of the moneymanagers trying to gain a tactical advantage in the fiscalcrisis were short-term traders. He said an indication that mostmanagers were not particularly worried about a governmentdefault is that so-called crash protection on Standard & Poor'sfuture contracts was still priced relatively low as ofWednesday. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 International directory enquiries <a href=" http://anion.hu/dissertation-writing-for-construction.pdf ">literary analysis essay on a poem</a> Unless human society/technology crashes, mosquitoes will certainly be extincted this century. I've meditated on this issue and ways to accomplish it myself. Current mosquito eradication and abatement efforts rely on "passive" or non-self reproductive techniques. In order to extinct the mosquito multiple self reproducing agents needs to be employed. A mosquito based venereal disease for example that propogates throughout the species(s), infecting both males and females, that kills female larvae and lets infected males grow to infect other females. This would cause the infected male population to bloom and drive the female population to zero, and would spread out radially from ground zero. In order to increase success multiple such agents would need to be created and released simultaneously in order to overcome various local resistances to any one specific agent. There should also be multiple simultaneous "ground zeros". I think this is inevitable because eventually the genetic technology will be available to any individual or groups interested in exploiting it. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 Will I get travelling expenses? <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?easy-scholarships-to-apply-for-no-essay#lights ">essay on philosophy of education</a> But Mike Kiely says the average cost charged by BT for work on the mainland could be between £61,814 and £80,278, allowing the telecoms giant to draw down a public subsidy in each case of about £47,596 or 77% of the total. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 I went to <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?online-article-writing ">descriptive analysis essay</a> But once hits its stride, Saints Row IV is a pleasure to try and keep up with. Its relentless insanity will occasionally tire, but its in these moments you can appreciate the smarter elements. Despite everything, this is a more mature game than its predecessors, Volition ditching much of the puerility and nastiness that spoiled Saints Row 2 and was left in traces throughout The Third. Here the script is genuinely funny and the characters well-rounded and entertaining. There are still plenty of toilet gags and f-words, but delivered with wit and a smile rather than bile and a smirk. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 I've been made redundant <a href=" http://vivasportklub.pl/students-and-social-service-essay-in-tamil.pdf#assist ">essay writing on my hobby dancing</a> * As Senate leaders announced a deal to reopen thegovernment and extend the country's borrowing authority, someGOP lawmakers were looking ahead to the next budget fights - andthey weren't optimistic. () |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 Do you know what extension he's on? <a href=" http://catraffictickets.com/index.php/write-me-a-custom-report.html#stretched ">essays on religion and politics</a> Pay-TV company BSkyB has reported solid three-month results, despite the launch of BT's free live sports channel for its broadband subscribers in August. BSkyB said it had added 111,000 broadband customers in the three months to 9 September and 37,000 new customers to its pay-TV offering. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 On another call <a href=" http://www.sillakeskus.ee/my-best-friend-essay-kids.pdf ">literary analysis essay irony</a> A statement said: "Early inquiries indicate that this is a chemical-related incident. However, both bodies will undergo forensic analysis. Scotland Fire and Rescue carried out robust examination of the hotel room and are satisfied the deaths were isolated to the room only. There was, and is, no risk to hotel guests, staff or members of the public in the area surrounding the premises. |

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| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 I have my own business <a href=" http://ngamgirl.net/5th-grade-essays.pdf#problem ">essay writing my unlucky day</a> International law would not necessarily support Netanyahu’s insistence upon Palestinian demilitarization. These binding rules would not automatically expect Palestinian compliance with any pre-state agreements concerning armed force.В This sobering statement remains correct even if these agreements were to include certain explicit U.S. guarantees to Israel. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:00 We've got a joint account <a href=" http://www.laughmom.com/an-essay-about-love/ ">writing good essays</a> Granville Bantock fits the image perfectly. His jovial bearded figure dominated the Victorian British musical scene, but despite the strenuous efforts of a few enthusiasts his music hasn’t survived, and this year’s Proms season offers a welcome chance to be reacquainted with it. Choosing the five pieces must have been hard, as Bantock did nothing by halves. He composed over 800 works, and even the most ardent Bantockian knows only a handful of them. Excess was the keynote of his character. His interest in the Orient, spurred by a training for the Indian Civil Service (his father didn’t approve of his musical interests, and wanted him to get a proper job) amounted almost to mania. His daughter Myrrha recalls “Chinese porcelain dogs, bronze dragons, Russian ikons, Javanese brass jars and all kinds of other Eastern ornaments were continually appearing, for G.B was never able to resist the temptation to spend money on such things. There was about him a kind of lavish oriental extravagance which made the hoarding of money completely foreign to his nature. Beautiful things were there to be enjoyed, and he surrounded himself with them until our house was a veritable storehouse of Eastern treasures.” A photograph survives of “G.B” dressed up as a Chinese conjuror for one of the family’s annual Christmas pantos. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:01 I didn't go to university <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?thesis-project-in-architecture ">brand thesis</a> A whole host of stylish leading ladies including Miranda Kerr and Olivia Palermo have been working the summer hue into their styles although it is a notoriously tricky colour to wear. Paula Patton nails the trend aplomb in this couture Oliver Tolentino dress which she teamed with bright yellow Christian Louboutin pumps and an Anita Ko snake bracelet. |

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</a> Aereo has denied that its technology infringes on content owners’ copyrights. If it takes up the caseГўВЂВ”which is far from certainГўВЂВ”the Supreme Court could have a major hand in shaping how TV is distributed over the Internet in coming years. A decision could have major implications for media companies at a time when they’re struggling to cater to growing consumer interest in online video. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:01 Where do you study? <a href=" http://iorarua.com/iorarua/index.php?anaesthesist-journal ">paranthesis rules</a> The resurfacing technique used on existing baths is simply paint. Other readers have reported varying degrees of success. Some firms seem to spray with “enamel” paint, while others use a two-part epoxy paint applied with a roller. As with any paint finish, the result will depend on the skill of the painter, and the surface preparation. I’m afraid I can’t comment on the quality or longevity of these processes, as I have never had it done. |

| | Ãîñòü Дата: 14.05.2016 18:01 Lost credit card <a href=" http://catraffictickets.com/index.php/an-essay-on-my-summer-vacation.html ">online essay checker for grammar</a> Bulger's trial had originally been expected to run through September. Prosecutors told the judge they would need 12 weeks to work through their witnesses and the defense expected to take another month to make its case. |
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