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Конкурсы: Итоги конкурса одностиший. Сентябрь, 2005
Дата: 19.09.2005 17:03
Автор: не указан, добавлено:

Итоги конкурса одностиший, проводимого Орденом Света в сентябре 2005 года:

[COLOR=#FF2222]1 место: [/COLOR]
Gorhur :
Найти б того, кто выдумал реал!

[COLOR=#FF2222]2 место:[/COLOR]
Кибердятел :
И - нежный шепот из привата - "Сдохни, сволочь ..."

А также дополнительные призы:

[COLOR=#FF2222]За лучшее истинно женское одностишие:[/COLOR]

Tiger Lilly :
Дарьяна, от моей души тебя стошнит.

[COLOR=#FF2222]Специальный приз[/COLOR] от Сварливой кошелки:
fantazer :
Поймал себя на мысли о Кошелке.

И еще несколько [COLOR=#FF2222]поощрительных призов[/COLOR] в виде различных тонизирующих напитков:
molot_ok ,
vogt ,
Дикий Рыб ,
Melamori Blimm ,
Стадо Котов ,
Don Gonzales ,
Найтвольф ,
кино мордочка .

Для вас, уважаемые читатели, мы подготовили сборник лучших одностиший. Наслаждатесь.


Найтвольф :
Кто прав... тот точно из топ клана...

Как крест мне на себя надеть? Я мусульманин!

здесь мудрость покупается за деньги...

Кибердятел :
Эх, щас бы мне откатик дней на триста ...

Паж Кубк0в :
Ведь ПСЖ - лишь Поиск Смысла Жизни...

Мы только вышли из БК - я умер, ты же умерла...

БК ломает шмот... И жизни

Gorhur :
Найти б того, кто выдумал реал!..

[COLOR=Blue]Чисто женские:[/COLOR]

istoma :
Я всё прощу! Как только купишь екры.

Такой кулак, что хочется раздеться...

В бк я в третьем браке. Муж - в последнем

Я строю глазки. Не зайдешь по госу?

Тарман? Как трогательно!... Только не руками!

Мне б имидж в четверть всех моих пристрастий..

Ах, почему нет склонности "к разврату"?

Секс, говоришь? Лови семьсот открыток.

при взятии левла:
А где-то дома ждет любимый муж, вновь не причастный к моему оргазму..

Tiger Lilly :
В постели:
Опять мы уложился в три минуты.

Дарьяна, от моей души тебя стошнит.

Мой изумрудный, я , кажись, в тебе застряла.

Эмир в постели ? Голый ? Не вставляет.

Махадева :
Как много безинтимных дней прожито, пока я ап брала...

В БК характер стал покруче бюста...

В БК так много пошляков, что можно подскользнуться...

[COLOR=Blue]Про богов и Большое начальство:[/COLOR]

Don Gonzales :
После одного очень нашумевшего топика:
Кто тут брехал: "Эмгыр - не креативщик"???

И Джеткокос когда-то жил в общаге.

Gorhur :
Убил в бою шакала... оказалось, шефа.

В реале взял у дворника автограф.

Макака :
И мусорщики могут быть богами!

А может нас создал не Мироздатель?

айдер :
Наверно Мусорщик и Мироздатель - братья

Gunnm :
Кокос меня усыновил... жаль, только виртуально...

Melamori Blimm :
уж утро близилось - Эмир все не кончался.

Ты не Эмир ?? A ya hotel uj prikolotsya...

...случайно подобрал пароль к Эмиру...

кино мордочка :
О, Мусорщик! Какая ж Ваша тёща?

[COLOR=Blue]Меркантильные и о деньгах:[/COLOR]

Шансик :
Реал лишь для того чтобы на екры заработать

Найтвольф :
Что выбрать шубу для жены иль меч героев?

МАРГО королева :
...какая сумма тут нужна, чтоб выглядеть достойно?


Gorhur :
Кто ж знал, любимая, что ты в реале с бородою?!

Женился в Клубе... Скоро разведусь в реале...

Черт волосатый :
Я не пойду в метро - маньяки там не сексуальны

Кибердятел :
И - нежный шепот из привата - "Сдохни, сволочь ..."

кино мордочка :
я б Вас любил, да время таймом вышло!

Паж Кубк0в :
Мы лишь в бою отдаться можем страсти.. Не в реале

molot_ok :
ВЦ я растянул. Жена довольна.

(страшной девушке посвящается)
Я не могу любить вас без обкаста

Куда бы от жены телепортнуться?

fantazer :
Терпи любимая, я скоро буду в блоке.

Поймал себя на мысли о Кошелке.

stanislawuss :
Тайм 3 минуты! Лежу с женой в постели. Ищем найма!

Найтвольф :
тут тоже кровь бывает первой брачной ночью...


Gorhur :
И снова ночь... И снова не дошёл до магазина...

Ходил на бокс. Вмешался за соклана.

Сменил работу. Снова буду ньюбом.

Жена суёт рекламу юв. салона - любимая, да ты же РВС!

Уж поздно найма звать, пишите некролог...

Найтвольф :
Рога повешены бесчувственной админ панелью

Кибердятел :
В зоопарке:
"Скажи мне, Лось, какой закон нарушил?"

Зашел в БК, забыв включить компьютер ...

Забыл пароль??? Звони скорее Дэнсу!

После концерта отечественной поп-музыки:
"Так что - и Лада - Дэнс????? Ну извините ..."

Искал в метро хрусталь. Нашел проблемы.

О текущем конкурсе:
Вот так еще с ума мы не сходили ...

В супермаркете у кассы:
- А можно это все купить подарком?

Don Gonzales :
В БК и выход запаролен?

Первичке предпочел формат я А4.

Той Эпохалке Франклин улыбался...

Кожемяка :
Успел послать в приват «приве»… и умер.

Стадо Котов :
...так хохотал..что "Эли" все упали...

[COLOR=#FF2222]Обо всем: [/COLOR]

Кибердятел :
Не знал Брэд Питт, в каком изврате снялся.

Нас знахарь беспристрастности научит.

На одностишья б не словить пристрастий ...

Черт волосатый :
Фсех на кол. Форум - ф топку. Аффтар выпей йаду.

Ивашко :
Напал на Бога -- проиграл по тайму.

cliegg :
Мы близнецы, но не одноайпийцы!

Генералыч :
Боям опять пришел Refresh...

Кожемяка :
Я счастлив тем, что, к сожалению, не в блоке...

Force of Runes :
Развёлся снова...Снова неудачно...

Махадева :
Передо мною критовик-в его глазах читается семь классов...

Паж Кубк0в :
Я на себе поставлю крест - в Ордене набор...

Я - невидимка... Стихи читаю в общий чат...

Tiger Lilly :
Зайду в БК - и сразу жажду жизни.

Я предлагаю выпить йаду за победу.

Как я теперь шахтеров понимаю...

Убил жену. Понравилось. Втянулся.

Инхрустатор :
Xтоб кончили вы только после всех рефрешей

Кьяр :
В столице снова был завоз. Продам по госу нападалки.

Gunnm :
я снова "ньюб" в своей десятой инкарнации...

я выпил "элик"... появился интеллект...

а может прописать Refresh'y левел?

Throony :
Тебя послать к тарманам иль заблочить просто?

Jansus :
А для меня прокачка дело чести

Ками из стали :
Почем там нынче справедливость?

Gunnm :
я думал, что силен, но тут я встретил Пуха...

Генералыч :
Опять админам всё неймется...

Ну где ещё увидишь голых в боксе?

полуночъ :
А интересно, Тайсон - уворотчик?

Melamori Blimm :
какая благодать - обмодеренный форум.

на форуме в Бобруйск послали. Я сходила...

о, бедные мои мульты ! а я - при бабках.

Бк и садомазохизм... А ведь похоже!

Fille :
Хотел б я арты заиметь, пока же все наоборот...

cads :
Удары в пах решений не меняют.

А самый сильный маг - электрик ЖЭКа.

molot_ok :
Убийца мухи - критовик с газетой.

Вампиры съели пачку фумитокса

ВЦ не отрывать, жена ругает!

По тайму травму получил в реале

Пойдем, я покажу тебе свой сусел.

Зал Тьмы в моем подъезде. Нету лампы.

Стучал в приват. Противник увернулся

MikeRamz :
из всех страниц бы этих папироску смачную скрутить...

кино мордочка :
Божественный ВЦ -ты что такое?

Сахих :
Комар гордился званием вампира.

Gunnm :
Я стал последней жертвой дефицита...

Зачем мне Ваш пароль? Раскройте лучше душу...

zizi :
Он высоко взлетел, но низко пал..по тайму.

Найтвольф :
Что в РВС тебе моем искать? Оставь пароль и можешь уползать..

Я укусил Вас нехотя.. Так получилось.

Женись на мне я брошу мультоводить.

Тарманом здорово, но тянет в паладины.

fantazer :
Зачем перчатки мне ВЦ и так откусят...

stanislawuss :
Я не антисимит! Но как достали нюбы!!!!

Хреново выглядишь. Тебя опять убили?

Я стал бы артом, даже чуть дешевле!

Как хочется стать артом. Хотя бы в чьих-нибудь неопытных руках

Вчера был в найме. В будуаре. Подробности - в приват

Дон Румата :
Я думал в клуб попал, а мне лицо набили..

В БК бесплатно можно только в «хаос»...

Наелся чеснока, но вспомнил, что вампир... когда стошнило...

Лицо бойца увяло вместе с ёлкой...

Возьму в аренду званье палладина..

Теперь ахлимик я!... И тут проснулся...

Чем фулл дороже, тем боец... храбрее...

Бил сильно, сокрушительно, но мимо...

Кто хочет магом стать? Дам адрес Коперфилда..

И храбро в бой пошёл, прихлёбывая кофе..

Дикий Рыб :
И каждый бой я умирал. На полчаса...

Ругал себя он под перевоплотом.

Причина блока:
за ДВП. Дал Взятку Паладину...

Mitja :
Любимая, а может после боя?

как будет по-албански "не осилил"?

(о самизнаетеком)
кем "разлогиниться"? ты ник скажи конкретно.

сдал всех мультов - три мегабайта в rar'е

ЦП - не для задумчивых, однако...


Влюблен в БК? Теперь попробуй в даму...

Don Kortes :
Звоните, всё равно в реале меня нет...

Стадо Котов :
А, в "Дурке"..ведь торгового то нету

[COLOR=Blue]Бк и жизнь:[/COLOR]

Rizhiy99 :
Порой так сильно не хватает заклятия молчанья на работе

Don Gonzales :
"Свинья! Опять напился до пристрастья!".

Ах... Злые языки страшнее оправдахи.

Ну, вот и травма. Время выпить водки.

В моей коляске виноват Чубайс!

Макака :
Пополни счет в БК! Не выпей водки!

Продал быка, купил колье в БК…

Найтвольф :
Ну где ещё сажает знахарь в инвалидность?

Мой друг качок, увидел как качаюсь я...

Gorhur :
Да... а в реале сей букет не так уж страшен...

Пол-жизни за админпанель в реале!

Ну хоть в БК съем пару бутербродов.

Tiger Lilly :
Мне снится сон - зеленые глаза, ладошки, уши...

Паж Кубк0в :
Шлем снов, меч обреченных... Все как в жизни.

И стукнет забытью четыре года в марте...

Стадо Котов :
Я..на полчасика..уж третий год сижу..

SinnFein :
Внук перса мне назад не отдает. БК, 2045 год.

Lord Damascus :
В Бк качаю только силу! А в жизни слабый и унылый

Дикий Рыб :
Ударил молотом? а двигал вроде мышкой...

Где в "аське" кнопка "Наложить молчанку"?

В реале ночью не хожу на площадь.

Из школы выгнали по тайму!

Жена купила артефакт "Пила занудства"...

Дай сыну есть! Ты ж все равно в коляске...

Шесть виртуальных браков. Все удачно...

ох, лучше б я пошел по порносайтам!

Так на какой же стат влияет пиво?

А через 6 часов всегда похмелье...

Melamori Blimm :
как жаль что личный транспорт только в БяКе...

как жалко иногда - что виртуально все в БК

Кибердятел :
И, взяв за сутки первый ап восьмого, ...

Зашел Лексеем - вышел Кибердятлом

В реале у неё жена и дети ...

L___ICE :
ПродАл бы душу, да никто не купит...

Хочу Футболку под броней...чесать рукою

mcLander :
Ваш муж опять в БК? Неизлечимка - 40 кредов!

Азербайджан... Как много в этом... мата.

molot_ok :
Она разделась полностью. До сканов.

Квартиру защитил вторым паролем..

Прогулка. Дочку посадил в коляску...

Вчера меня кровавили в подъезде...

SinnFein :
"Снять все". Как часто эту кнопку я искал в реале...

А мне бывает часто страшно, ведь так реален виртуал БКшный...

кино мордочка :
я б Вам ВЦ отгрыз, да не допрыгну!

сейчас в БК, а раньше сексом занимался!

я б Вас пропил,так станьте ж эликсиром

мы изначально все в коляске,после родов

Гаявата :
я жизнь прожил... за кульманом в КБ, родился вновь в БК за монитором!

vogt :
А арты я забыл в реале…

Эй, маг, а ну ка наколдуй нам водки!

Я б с тещей в Башне смерти прогулялся…

Демон слепой :
Насчет ПГ ,французы были правы, их надо есть сырыми, без приправы

Макака :
Откуда дети, день и ночь в инете...

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I'll text you later <a href=" ">english literature phd thesis</a> Throughout the race &mdash; and particularly the final 40-lap segment followed by a green-white-checker finish &mdash; drivers were racing three-wide on the top while others used the bottom for position.
<a href=" ">live case study help</a> Her mother, Sarah Ridgeway, briefly left the court as a prosecutor described how Sigg saw Jessica walking to school, grabbed her, tied her hands and feet together, and strangled her. Her father, Jeremiah Bryant of Missouri, sat in the row behind her.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 18:58

i'm fine good work <a href=" ">prized possession essay</a> Management board member Heinrich Alt told reporters: &#8220;We don&#8217;t give up the fight against unemployment. That would be the wrong strategy. We see that the number of people out of work fluctuates. We also realised that the competition in the labour market has increased over the past year. We have 270,000 immigrants from other EU-countries, who entered the German labour market.
<a href=" ">short essay on democracy in india</a> Private equity investments in India were up 17.7 percent to$2.3 billion during the second quarter of this year compared tothe same period last year, according to Venture Intelligence, anindustry tracker.
<a href=" ">outline of a research paper</a> The scientific team on the toxicology unit in Europe fixated on the natural defenses which are built into the brain&#8217;s cells. When one gets a neurodegenerative disease, the cells of the brain and spinal cord are both lost to the disease because the cells are not simply regenerated. This makes the disease life shattering. The roles of these cells consist of decision making and movement control.
<a href=" ">essay online help</a> Mr Cameron said hospitals would need to work more closely with GPs and social care providers to relieve pressure on A&E departments. He told Sky News: "In the short term we're going to help them with an extra £500 million over the next two years. But what we really need to do is get our hospitals working more closely with general practitioners and with social care departments to make sure we treat more people more effectively in the community, as well as have them coming to A&E."

Дата: 12.09.2016 18:58

When do you want me to start? <a href=" ">essayons castle</a> "Physician feedback suggests high awareness amongst cardiologists and planned prescribing habits support multi-billion dollar potential for the class," Deutsche Bank analysts wrote in a note on Wednesday, forecasting peak annual sales of alirocumab of more than $3 billion.
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</a> Silvio Berlusconi waves to supporters next to People of Freedom (PDL) Secretary Angelino Alfano (R) while showing the logo of his re-launched political party, Forza Italia (Go Italy), in downtown Rome, September 19, 2013.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 18:58

Is this a temporary or permanent position? <a href=" ">essays on human rights</a> &ldquo;The unfortunate side effect of this flood of cash is that it has also enabled asset bubbles and imbalances to form in different parts of the global economy as investors have moved this cheap money into asset classes and regions, notably emerging markets, where they have been able to maximise their returns.
<a href=" ">university of florida essay prompt</a> The form had 16 questions total. But jurors were instructed to stop at the second question and award no damages if at least nine jurors voted "no" on the query, “Was Dr. Conrad Murray unfit or incompetent to perform the work for which he was hired?”
<a href=" ">naturalism essays</a> Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov, who are being held in federal custody, were brought separately into the courtroom in shackles, wearing orange prison jumpsuits. Phillipos, who is under house arrest, was dressed in a suit and tie for his court appearance.
<a href=" ">buy report</a> To many Islamists, the United States has been exposed as hypocritical. We promote democracy, but we will not stand by a democratically elected government when it is threatened. Many believe that Washington was complicit in Mursi&#8217;s overthrow. The Obama administration reportedly tried to broker a compromise that Mursi was unwilling to accept.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:31

I work here <a href=" ">literature essay competition</a> Still there's angst — especially about the shooter who eventually killed himself after he was wounded by a police sniper the morning of Aug. 5, 2012. Gurvinder understands that as a Sikh, his religion teaches forgiveness and peace.
<a href=" "></a> During a regional summit in Guatemala, Mr Kerry said he had agreed with Foreign Minister Elias Jaua on an "ongoing, continuing dialogue" in order to "establish a more constructive and positive relationship".
<a href=" ">avoid plastics essay</a> There are other conversations that should be just as uncomfortable: How can parents promote hero worship of athletes when they know so little about the person in the uniform? Why are we so quick to idolize someone based simply on their ability to throw or catch a ball?
<a href=" ">electrical essay</a> Many others on hand were young children. Some wiled away the hours before the launch by frolicking on the grass -- somersaulting, spinning like tops and flinging toy airplanes. But others -- including 8-year-old Arun Gottipati of Cupertino -- insisted they were there to learn.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:31

Go travelling <a href=" ">website evaluation essay</a> When asked by Newsnight whether someone with the right skills would be ruled out if they had a criminal record for hacking, Lt Col White said: "I think if they could get through the security process, then if they had that capability that we would like, then if the vetting authority was happy with that, why not?
<a href=" ">internet security essay</a> In documents submitted to the court by Unitech's lawyers, Deutsche Bank employee Sanjay Agarwal commented in an email in relation to the Unitech deal on September 12, 2007, that "no one likes to know he got screwed".
<a href=" ">business research methods question paper</a> The dollar's weakness against the euro was curbed by datashowing an unexpected fall in German investor sentiment in Julyand subdued euro zone inflation which added to expectations theEuropean Central Bank also will keep rates low to aid theregion's recovery.
<a href=" ">retrolisthesis of l5</a> Gold rose steadily for more than a decade through the 2000sbefore peaking above $1,920 an ounce in 2011. That bull runprompted miners such as Newcrest to expand output rapidly,bringing new mines online and driving up costs.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:31

I hate shopping <a href=" ">hard working essay</a> The ceremonies В began this morning, В June 18, first the funeral proper at the church in Georgetown, then the public memorial at the Kennedy Center. They are sweet, sober, and starstruck services that give Russert his full due and, more important, affirm everyone&#8212; by their presence&#8212;as worthy in the pecking order.
<a href=" ">essay on fear</a> TDF owns television and radio masts, as well as satelliteand internet operations. Prospective bidders could be hesitatingbecause a recent network sharing deal between two of itsclients, Bouygues Telecom and domestic rival SFR, could mean afall in business, one of the sources said.
<a href=" ">concept paper on marriage</a> In a far cry from the industry's early days, when hedge fund managers built their reputations on high-risk, contrarian bets backed by lots of debt, many are now recasting themselves in a more conservative mould, using less leverage and taking fewer risks.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 19:32

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</a> The support of Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, an aide to former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is not providing much help either. Almost three in four Democrats say Abedin's support had no impact on their view of Weiner.
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<a href=" ">essays in nursing</a> Only about 30 percent of 2012 high school seniors from low-income schools enrolled in four-year colleges the first fall after graduation, compared with 38 percent to 48 percent of those from higher income schools. The situation was almost flipped for enrollment at two-year colleges: at least 44 percent of graduating seniors from low-income schools enrolled there, while between 30 percent and 37 percent of higher income students did so.
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</a> Such thinking seems to be behind the emerging plan to arm the moderate rebels. This would be intervention on the cheap, since it would not involve the West committing its own soldiers or weapons to the fight. Britain and France last week succeeded in lifting a European Union embargo on weapons sales, despite strong opposition from other European nations which want to keep out of the conflict completely.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:32

What sort of music do you listen to? <a href=" ">short term long term goals essay</a> Cazorla forced a fingertip save from Demirel with 25 minutes remaining, but it had otherwise been a difficult spell for Arsenal as Fenerbahce enjoyed their strongest period. The increasingly influential Spaniard then struck the crossbar, before the Gunners finally delivered a second.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 19:32

Will I have to work shifts? <a href=" ">thesis on network security and cryptography</a> Freud avoided calling them "nudes", saying that would evoke an idea of perfection to which he did not aspire. "I don't want to paint people how they look. I want to paint people how they are," Sharp recalled the artist as saying.
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</a> "Gene is retired and he wants everybody to know that," Weiner said. "Don is a little bit more complicated, as he always is, but I do not expect that Donald Fehr will work with the Players Association again."
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</a> Passage has not been easy for the more than a dozen gun control bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers in the wake of several mass shootings, including the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut last year.
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</a> A member of a Rio Grande Valley gang known as the Tri-City Bombers even before he was a teenager, Garza insisted a statement to police acknowledging his participation in the September 2002 shootings in Hidalgo County was made under duress and improperly obtained.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:32

What do you want to do when you've finished? <a href=" ">violence in video games essay</a> Several Oppenheimer customers had close ties to thecompanies whose stocks they held, FINRA's complaint noted. Itcited one Oppenheimer customer in Boca Raton, Florida who ownednearly 40 percent of a tiny company's outstanding shares.
<a href=" ">evaluating a restaurant essay</a> "Universities that truly value their international students should be clear about the real cost of their courses allowing them to budget properly and start a course knowing they will be able to afford to finish it."
<a href=" ">essay on loss of biodiversity</a> But none of the Big Apple’s twirling rides is as old — or as unique — as the Fete’s copper-and-iron bicycle carousel, built in 1897. There are only two in the world: one in a museum in Paris and one on Governors Island.
<a href=" ">cost volume profit analysis essays</a> Also in need of interrogation is former Assemblyman Vito Lopez, who pushed the deal before quitting in a sexual harassment scandal. Investigators should speak to one of the victims of that harassment, Victoria Burhans, who says Lopez told her she could help pass the housing bill by sleeping with an unnamed Cuomo aide.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:32

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</a> The one problem with this gambit is there is always a chance that every nightmarish Marxist scenario predicted by Republicans won't come to pass. If it turns out that ObamaCare's implementation goes smoothly, people might end up liking it and voting to keep in power those that gave it to them.
<a href=" ">problems essay writing</a> Stop the madness! America is the richest nation on the earth and from the news every American citizen lives paycheck to paycheck with no savings, no &#8220;rainy day fund&#8221;. Why they might have to stop eating out, buy some groceries and learn to cook them. I even remember when coffee was brewed at home, not Starbucks or with expensive little sealed cups.
<a href=" ">thesis index
</a> You know that feeling when you're at a party, someone's on stage doing karaoke and they're dying on their arse? You just want to drag them off because it's painful to watch. It's how I feel every time I see an article about Blackberry these days. In fact, I could sum up that emotion in a sentence:
<a href=" ">persuasive essay stem cell research</a> The most striking difference, though, is in the increased complexity and severity of the questions confronting the collection of top business people, politicians, investors and academics. Europe’s sovereign debt crisis keeps trundling forward, bringing to the fore thorny challenges to sovereignty, the role of central banks and the solvency of nations. Instead of Clinton smiling from the podium, this year’s keynote address came from the troubled German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the leader with the most cards at the debt crisis table.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:33

I'd like a phonecard, please <a href=" ">phd thesis in social science</a> Refinery and energy companies in Pembrokeshire have been asked to ensure they have additional plans in place, while Neath Port Talbot council is reported to have asked businesses not to use angle-grinders during the strike to minimise fire risk from sparks.
<a href=" ">descriptive essay on taj mahal</a> Berkshire spent $4.64 billion on stocks in the quarter. While Buffett has said he makes Berkshire's largest investments, some investments are made by portfolio managers Todd Combs and Ted Weschler, who oversee several billion dollars each.
<a href=" ">photosythesis and respiration</a> The city council voted to end the gun registry in place since 1968 to comply with court rulings against Chicago and Illinois gun control laws, and to bring the city into line with a state concealed carry law.
<a href=" ">key words essay</a> The bill, which would require abortion clinics to meet thesame safety standards as ambulatory surgical centers, passed theRepublican-controlled state Senate last week in a 24-hour spanof activity that the state's Republican governor criticized ashurried.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:33

I'm sorry, I'm not interested <a href=" ">essay on the person i admire the most my father</a> Insp Andy Oliver from Devon and Cornwall Police told The Daily Telegraph he is urgently reviewing existing cases. In all three instances, ponies appeared to have been &ldquo;deliberately injured&rdquo; with gruesome lacerations. The latest case, however, is the first that led police to suspect the killing might be part of a &ldquo;ritual&rdquo;. According to experts, the south west has a long association with Satanic groups, some of which still perform sacrifices.
<a href=" ">essay for science and technology</a> This week Virgin Australia capped an extraordinary year foraircraft-backed bonds with a successful deal that is expected toensure the issuance momentum seen all through this year willcarry on into 2014.
<a href=" ">essay on business world</a> Strong, ready to use - nothing remarkable about it. Except that both the bolt and the socket it was tightly screwed in to were "printed". It was a revelatory moment. I began to understand how 3D printing might affect our conventional world and bring us closer to a Heartbeat Economy. This was the upside-down world in action.
<a href=" ">greater essays 5</a> But if Assad is assassinated or de-camps, the ultimate winners would likely be the Al Qaeda-backed Sunni militias. So a strike against Assad, to the extent that it weakens him, is a boost for right-wing Islamists. And were a strike to have no effect at all on Assad or the war, then it merely underlines our impotence.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:48

I'm in my first year at university <a href=" ">essay on my role model mahatma gandhi</a> The FBI, with more than 35,000 employees, at present usesmainly BlackBerry devices. It is unclear whether the agencyplans to replace all BlackBerry equipment with Galaxy models orwhether it will use hardware from both companies.
<a href=" ">essay about manifest destiny</a> Garrard’s guidance will be invaluable for Smith, who needs a veteran presence to help him navigate through his rookie season. Greg McElroy was helpful to Smith before the Jets cut him at the end of the preseason. Mark Sanchez was a “great mentor,” according to Smith, but his season-ending shoulder surgery this week effectively eliminates him from the landscape.
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</a> The Star provides news, events and sport features from the Sheffield area. For the best up to date information relating to Sheffield and the surrounding areas visit us at The Star regularly or bookmark this page.
<a href=" ">john stuart mill essays</a> The report examined the lowest cost monthly premiums issued by the states: $331 in California; $305 in Colorado; $226 in New Mexico; $275 in Oregon; $358 in Rhode Island; $293 in Virginia; and $349 in Washington.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:48

Just over two years <a href=" ">a railway journey essay</a> "Cyclists need to understand that they're held accountable to the same standards anybody else operating any other type of vehicle and I believe we have achieved that in this case," prosecutor George Gascon said at a press conference Tuesday.
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<a href=" ">essay on battle of plassey</a> The division, alongside Smiths’ slumping explosives detection business, will now be subjected to a groupwide restructuring which chief executive Philip Bowman believes could lead to £50 million in cost savings over the next four years.
<a href=" ">research paper for</a> McConaughey dropped 30 pounds (13 kg) for the role, the type of physical transformation Oscar voters tend to view favorably, while Jared Leto has been praised for his supporting role as a drag queen after a four-year absence from film roles.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:48

Yes, I play the guitar <a href=" ">essay writing services vancouver</a> Koenig and his colleagues are working to understand the composition of all of the nation's major deposits sampled over the past 150 years. In some cases, the mines were depleted of gold or copper, but the rocks left piled alongside mines and pits could hold a modern mother lode.
<a href=" ">free algebra help online</a> Ranchers described how the fluke storm struck Oct. 3, with heavy rain that rapidly turned into flurries. By the next day, as much as 4 feet of snow, combined with 70-mph winds, doomed cattle and sheep trapped out in summer grazing land known as gumbo fields for their soft sticky soil.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 19:49

We need someone with qualifications <a href=" ">essays teacher</a> Merkel is steaming towards victory in Germany&#8217;s elections Sunday. While euro cheerleaders hope for Germany to change its eurocrisis fighting efforts after a new government is secure in the Bundestag, I think they will be disappointed.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 19:49

I can't get a signal <a href=" ">college-paper writing services</a> At the annual student Design Expo at the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, one project stood out &#8211; an Android app, developed by students from Israel’s Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, that leverages YouTube to let people eavesdrop on songs being played by other Clashers users they spot on the street, the bus or anywhere else.
<a href=" ">types of academic essays</a> The Ocean County workers, nicknamed the "Ocean 16," hold oneof two winning tickets sold in New Jersey, though neither ofthose tickets has been submitted for validation, the New JerseyLottery said Saturday. Each ticket is worth $149.3 million,before taxes.
<a href=" ">essay writing the aim of my life</a> So the question isn't "should we rank colleges?" but "are the rankings in question any good?" When it comes to U.S. News' college rankings I'm afraid the answer is "not very."
<a href=" ">thesis statements for argumentative essays</a> SINGAPORE, Aug 23 (Reuters) - China Mobile Ltd hasawarded initial 4G contracts worth around 20 billion yuan ($3.2billion), with Chinese firms securing more than half of thebiggest prize in the global telecoms industry this year andforeign firms winning about a third, industry sources said.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:49

We need someone with experience <a href=" ">visual response essay</a> "I had assumed it would only play as a chalk and cheese rivalry drama - I never in my wildest dreams imagined we&#039;d get the sort of bang for your buck in terms of the visuals and the action. I&#039;m surprised and astonished with what they did on the driving side."
<a href=" ">write my resume for me</a> The opinion — issued in August, and declassified last week — is momentous. It is the first time that the court, created to monitor U.S. agencies that collect secrets and therefore operating in secrecy itself, has chosen to make its proceedings public. As an antidote to the purveyors of paranoia, it is required reading.
<a href=" ">essay place i would like to visit</a> Here is one of Ipatov&rsquo;s early wins. The Tartakower Variation of the Queen&rsquo;s Gambit is one of the most solid at Black&rsquo;s disposal. White takes the direct route and storms the kingside before Black can react and breaks through. 9...c5!? was possible, but is a loss of tempo, and the other counter in the centre backfires after 10...e5 11.g5! hxg5?? 12.hxg5 Bxg5 13.Qh7#.
<a href=" ">essays in french language</a> Paying tribute to Ms Curran, Johann Lamont, the Scottish Labour leader, and Alistair Darling, the leader of the pro-UK Better Together campaign, Mr Balls said: &ldquo;The arguments for separation are falling apart.&rdquo;

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:50

Can I use your phone? <a href=" ">essay on indian festivals</a> The first report from the UN&#8217;s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in six years, which brings together hundreds of scientists, says it is more sure than ever that mankind is the main driving force behind global warming.
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<a href=" ">essay on what i want to be in future</a> Courtney Love is getting anything but affection from Lily Allen &#151; and their clash is all over Twitter. The feuding singers have been at each others' throats since London's Brit Awards in early February, according to E! Online. Following the NMEs, Allen took to Twitter to address reports that Love had confronted her about putting a 'lock' on anyone else wearing Chanel to a previous award show. 'She's upset because she has got it into her head that i put a lock on some dresses for the brit awards. She's made no secret of this and, when i saw her at the NME's she tried to talk to me and i told her to shut up and stop spreading stupid rumours about me.'
<a href=" ">corruption essay in punjabi language</a> So the news out of USAMRIID that a handful of monkeys were successfully treated up to five days after they were infected with Ebola is welcome indeed. If Ebola does, in fact, become an airborne virus, it's great to know that there might, in fact, be a potential emergency treatment on the horizon.

Дата: 12.09.2016 19:50

Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=" ">a pair of silk stockings essay</a> “When we did the movie we immediately fell into just feeling the part and making friends with the cast. And it became really similar to the movie, and a lot of the organic relationships that happened off screen ended up showing themselves on screen,” London recalls.
<a href=" ">college essay help online</a> The play does not follow Shephard&rsquo;s book in its entirety. Instead &ldquo;it is a play about her relationships at the time of her setting up her business&rdquo;, Kimpton says. Spry&rsquo;s relationships make for racy reading. Although always known as Mrs Spry, she was never married to the man she lived with, Henry Ernest Spry, known as Shav. Had this emerged, it would have cost both their jobs and reputations.
<a href=" ">the write stuff thinking through essays 2nd edition</a> Negotiators for Verizon and Vodafone have agreed to a deal in which Verizon will pay about $130 billion for its stake in their U.S. joint venture. The terms still need to be approved by the companies' boards.
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Дата: 12.09.2016 19:50

I wanted to live abroad <a href=" ">research paper organization</a> China, the world's biggest mobile market - where only about a fifth of its 1 billion users are on 3G - has emerged as a fierce battleground for smartphones. Each niche has a different local challenger: Xiaomi, for example, offers phones which could be mistaken for iPhones at first glance, but which sell at less than half the price of an iPhone 5.
<a href=" ">mba essays writing help</a> The yield on Spain&#8217;s benchmark 10-year government bond, which moves inversely to prices, fell 0.06 percentage point from Tuesday&#8217;s close to 4.14% soon after the Bank of Spain&#8217;s statement. The extra yield demanded by investors to hold Spanish bonds instead of German Bunds, the gold standard for haven instruments in the euro-zone, narrowed to 2.37 percentage points, the tightest level in two years.
<a href=" ">internet is the most important invention essay</a> After the television cameras lingered on her, 73-year-old announcer Brent Musburger made the cringe-worthy observation, “That's AJ McCarron's girlfriend. You quarterbacks, you get all the good-looking women. What a beautiful woman. Wow."
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Дата: 12.09.2016 20:20

I'm on a course at the moment <a href=" ">an essay on teacher</a> "Ever since I was arrested I have played out what has happened in my mind over and over again, asking myself how could we have gotten out of it. But each time I think it wasn't even an option. We both had loaded guns put to our heads. They were more than prepared to use them. If we didn't do it, we were told we would die."
<a href=" ">intermediate second year chemistry model papers</a> As the novel opens, the two are preparing to come home, literally and metaphorically. Andrew has summoned them. Both arrive to discover Philip Topping in residence. The son of Andrew’s closest friend, Topping grew up on the fringes of the family as a Dyer wanna-be. He has moved in.
<a href=" ">difficulty in writing essays</a> Australia drew to within 38 late on the fourth afternoon with hundreds from Ponting and Michael Clarke, but England, 59 for one going into the last day, looked comfortably placed to draw the game. Warne&rsquo;s mesmeric spell on the final morning induced a sort of paralysis, during which he also bowled Pietersen round his legs for two.
<a href=" ">essay notebook</a> The U.S. and China introduced a new round of sanctions against North Korea at the United Nations that the U.S. said would significantly impede the development of Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs, in response to its test last month of an atomic bomb.

Дата: 12.09.2016 20:20

How long have you lived here? <a href=" ">essay on listening</a> "The power of QE3 was in its infinite nature," says Guy Lebas, chief fixed income strategist at financial services firm Janney Montgomery Scott. When Ben Bernanke began signaling the coming end of QE3, says Lebas, the program became increasingly "useless."
<a href=" ">uga essay</a> A total of 48 MSPs claimed winding-up expenses in 2011 because they stood down before the elections or lost their seat. These included staff salary costs, staff redundancy and office and accommodation costs, which contributed to the higher total in 2011-12.
<a href=" ">dissertation on social work</a> And he, Cameron, is poised and ready to repeat Blair's actions given the slightest opportunity. Not to mention his own invasion of Libya. No wonder one of reasons people give for their contempt of politicians is their gross hypocrisy.
<a href=" ">financial essays</a> Obviously this is a trend more suited to those of you with a smaller cup size, however as Sam shows us here, bigger busted girls can look great in them (with a little careful arrangement and no sudden movements, obviously) so snap one up before it&#39;s too late!

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(C) Орден света, 2004