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Юмор: Мечта поэта
Дата: 01.04.2007 00:01
Автор: , добавлено:

Я прекрасен. Умен, пусть немолод,
Плюс - воспитан в культурной среде…
Почему ж как Марат не заколот
Я кинжалом Шарлотты Корде?

Богатырской безудержной силой
От Геракла я неотличим -
Отчего ж как Самсону Далила
Не обрила мне кудри в ночи?!

Бомбу под ноги мне не швырнули,
Не стреляла эсерка Каплан -
И бандитские подлые пули
Не прошили мой старый реглан…

Отчего же судьба так жестока?
Я обижен был ею вдвойне…
Не прошибли почто альпенштоком
Меркадеры головушку мне?

Отчего же бревном, в самом деле,
Не повержен я, как Сирано?
Почему же завистник Сальери
Не подсыпал мне яду в вино?

Не спешат ни Дантес, ни Мартынов
Грудь пробить мне прицельной стрельбой…
Что ж, выходит, в безвестности сгинув,
Я усопну как смертный любой?

И помру, позабыт-позаброшен,
Не дождавшись Далил и Шарлот?
Снег могилку мою запорошит
И никто над ней слез не прольет?

(Как с тоски мне такой не напиться?..)
Где ты, киллер, товарищ и брат?
Где ж ты ходишь, мой праздный убийца,
Сердцу гения милый камрад?

На тебя же я, как на икону,
Ежедневно молюсь… Не томи!
И тогда на весь мир растрезвонят
ИТАР-ТАССы и прочие СМИ,

Всех читателей в траур вгоняя,
Не жалея прочувственных слов,
Что погиб от руки негодяя
Знаменитый поэт Боркунов.

И немедля утихнут зоилы,
Толстым рылом вконец посерев…
И всплакнут у разверстой могилы
Хакамада, Явлинский и Греф.

Упокоюсь в просторной гробнице
На Ваганьковском кладбище я.
И придут с моим прахом проститься
И известный артист, и швея.

У ограды посадят две ели…
(Хоть могли бы и три посадить),
И мой образ Зураб Церетели
Изваяет, вполне может быть.

И собранья моих сочинений
В Доме книги пойдут нарасхват -
Я останусь в умах поколений…
Так-то, друг мой, товарищ и брат.

Может, даже Героем России
После смерти объявят меня –
Вот тогда безобразный и синий
Я уйду, никого не виня.

Но учтите одно, недоноски,
Коль смолчит обо мне ИТАР-ТАСС -
Перед смертью проклятьем японским
Прокляну я немедля всех вас.

И восстанет мой труп из могилы,
Ликом страшный, глухой и слепой,
И пройдется по вам, гомофилы,
Полусгнившей мертвецкой стопой.

И в безмерной тоске куртуазной
Я взлелеял идею одну:
Чтобы вы не забыли наказ мой,
Я заранее вас прокляну!
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Дата: 15.05.2016 08:15

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I'd like , please <a href=" ">research paper figures</a> The second main Islamist movement, the Nour Party, broke ranks with the Brotherhood and supported the military's political "road map", although it has distanced itself somewhat since the shootings at the military compound.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:16

Where's the postbox? <a href=" ">help writing sat essays</a> Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and his deputy Khairat el-Shater will face trial at the end of the month for inciting violence that killed eight people outside the movement's Cairo headquarters on June 30, the same day millions rose up across Egypt against former president Mohammed Morsi.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:16

About a year <a href=" ">essays on service to others</a> "It is groundbreaking if, in the end, the court recognizes that these prosecutions are tinged with a racial animus," said Michael James Falconer, who represents one of five defendants in the case. "With this ruling, Castillo has already gone further than I could have hoped for."

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:16

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Дата: 15.05.2016 08:16

Do you have any exams coming up? <a href=" ">business studies grade 12 essays</a> Pretty quiet on the stock exchange announcements this morning. Thomas Cook, which brought us exciting news of its new logo last week, has just sold its businesses in Egypt and Lebanon to Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo of Bahrain for £6.5m.

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Дата: 15.05.2016 08:16

Do you like it here? <a href=" ">introduction for persuasive essay</a> New York Fed President William Dudley, in an interview withCNBC broadcast on Tuesday, said that he "wouldn't want to ruleout" a reduction in the Fed's bond-buying program later thisyear, adding that the Fed expected slower economic growth nowthan it did in June.

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Three years <a href=" ">help writing a essay for a scholarship</a> Then end the Federal Reserve! End the madness of paying a privately-owned central bank for lending us fiat money at interest! We the people should not be held responsible for odious debts. Default on the debts created by this 100 year fraud! Hang the banksters! Return to a constitutional gov&#8217;t!

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Do you like it here? <a href=" ">fit essay</a> Since arriving at Atlantic Media in 2007, Smith is said to have re-calibrated the Washington, D.C.-based media company to more effectively navigate the waters of the digital landscape. In recent years, the company expanded its offerings from The Atlantic Monthly, a 156-year-old publication, and National Journal to new media offerings like the Atlantic Wire and the digital magazine Quartz. Smith was seen as playing an instrumental role in launching those last two efforts.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

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Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

Get a job <a href=" ">chronicles of narnia essay</a> Despite the many variations of bank rescues, the situationcould have been worse. "For all the inconsistencies that you hadin terms of how banks are bailed out, something that did bringsome coherence to the whole process was the intervention of theEuropean Commission," said Roberto Henriques, a credit analystat JP Morgan.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

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Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

I can't get a dialling tone <a href=" ">introductory paragraph and thesis statement</a> &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t think Dracula is a role I&rsquo;m born to play but it&rsquo;s one where I don&rsquo;t have to fight how I look,&rdquo; he says, over the first of several Marlboro Lights. The cigarettes end up dotted with blood &ndash; he is still in costume after a rather ghoulish scene.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

How do you spell that? <a href=" ">essay first impression</a> Carla Churchill Lentz, mother of the teen who was critically injured, said emergency workers have told her there is no way her daughter should have lived inside such a mangled car. Of the priest, she said, "I do believe he certainly could have been an angel dressed in priest's attire because the Bible tells us there are angels among us."

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

Could you please repeat that? <a href=" ">culture shock essay</a> Flipboard toyed with the idea of launching on the Web first, McCue told ReadWrite. But "it was starting to feel like just another website," he said, and he worried that the user-interface ideas Flipboard was experimenting with—like flipping pages by swiping across a screen—would not "resonate" with desktop PC users.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:17

I'd like some euros <a href=" ">a short essay on endangered species</a> For nine seasons John Goodman was Dan Conner, Roseanne's (only slightly) better half. Like Barr, Goodman won a Golden Globe for his role and while rumors frequently swirled that the two were at odds off screen, it was Dan's love for Roseanne that showed everyone at home that she couldn't be all bad. Goodman has since hosted Saturday Night Live an astounding 13 times. Most recently he has stepped onto the stage in a 2008 production of 'A Christmas Carol' at the Kodak Theater and voiced the character of 'Big Daddy' La Bouff in Disney's 2010 'The Princes and the Frog.'

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:20

A few months <a href=" ">two fast food restaurants essay</a> The United States, the source of about a fifth of revenuesfor FTSE 100 companies, is expected to have added 184,000 newjobs in June, but strong recent gains in equities mean thatrecovery is already more than priced in.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:20

I work with computers <a href=" ">research paper on social work</a> Cohen is also known for his collection of expensive art andreal estate holdings. He paid casino mogul Steve Wynn $155million for Pablo Picasso's "Le RГѓВЄve" and owns properties valuedwell into eight figures.

Дата: 15.05.2016 08:20

Could I make an appointment to see ? <a href=" ">top sites to buy an essay</a> The headhunters were called in on the watch of the company&rsquo;s then-chief Francois Steiner, who departed shortly afterwards &ldquo;due to circumstances that require him to spend time in Paris&rdquo;.

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(C) Орден света, 2004