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Юмор: Мечта поэта
Дата: 01.04.2007 00:01
Автор: , добавлено:

Я прекрасен. Умен, пусть немолод,
Плюс - воспитан в культурной среде…
Почему ж как Марат не заколот
Я кинжалом Шарлотты Корде?

Богатырской безудержной силой
От Геракла я неотличим -
Отчего ж как Самсону Далила
Не обрила мне кудри в ночи?!

Бомбу под ноги мне не швырнули,
Не стреляла эсерка Каплан -
И бандитские подлые пули
Не прошили мой старый реглан…

Отчего же судьба так жестока?
Я обижен был ею вдвойне…
Не прошибли почто альпенштоком
Меркадеры головушку мне?

Отчего же бревном, в самом деле,
Не повержен я, как Сирано?
Почему же завистник Сальери
Не подсыпал мне яду в вино?

Не спешат ни Дантес, ни Мартынов
Грудь пробить мне прицельной стрельбой…
Что ж, выходит, в безвестности сгинув,
Я усопну как смертный любой?

И помру, позабыт-позаброшен,
Не дождавшись Далил и Шарлот?
Снег могилку мою запорошит
И никто над ней слез не прольет?

(Как с тоски мне такой не напиться?..)
Где ты, киллер, товарищ и брат?
Где ж ты ходишь, мой праздный убийца,
Сердцу гения милый камрад?

На тебя же я, как на икону,
Ежедневно молюсь… Не томи!
И тогда на весь мир растрезвонят
ИТАР-ТАССы и прочие СМИ,

Всех читателей в траур вгоняя,
Не жалея прочувственных слов,
Что погиб от руки негодяя
Знаменитый поэт Боркунов.

И немедля утихнут зоилы,
Толстым рылом вконец посерев…
И всплакнут у разверстой могилы
Хакамада, Явлинский и Греф.

Упокоюсь в просторной гробнице
На Ваганьковском кладбище я.
И придут с моим прахом проститься
И известный артист, и швея.

У ограды посадят две ели…
(Хоть могли бы и три посадить),
И мой образ Зураб Церетели
Изваяет, вполне может быть.

И собранья моих сочинений
В Доме книги пойдут нарасхват -
Я останусь в умах поколений…
Так-то, друг мой, товарищ и брат.

Может, даже Героем России
После смерти объявят меня –
Вот тогда безобразный и синий
Я уйду, никого не виня.

Но учтите одно, недоноски,
Коль смолчит обо мне ИТАР-ТАСС -
Перед смертью проклятьем японским
Прокляну я немедля всех вас.

И восстанет мой труп из могилы,
Ликом страшный, глухой и слепой,
И пройдется по вам, гомофилы,
Полусгнившей мертвецкой стопой.

И в безмерной тоске куртуазной
Я взлелеял идею одну:
Чтобы вы не забыли наказ мой,
Я заранее вас прокляну!
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Дата: 15.05.2016 02:56

Can you hear me OK? <a href=" ">medicine dissertation</a> "I sat and thought: 'If I was a dolphin what kind of pulse would I send out in order to see these fish in bubble clouds?' and then I decided on a pulse that was a positive and negative pulse."

Дата: 15.05.2016 02:56

I've been cut off <a href=" ">globalization essay introduction</a> The president sought congressional approval for a militarystrike against Syria for a suspected poison gas attack againstrebels, only to meet resistance from within his own Democraticranks as well as from Republican lawmakers. He averted thepossibility of a humiliating defeat in Congress by embracing aRussian proposal for destroying Syria's arsenal of chemicalweapons.

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I live in London <a href=" ">text in context essay</a> Among the 89 people killed by the crush were 17 children and 31 women, he said. Hours later, relatives were searching for missing loved ones among the bodies that were lying grouped together on the bridge.

Дата: 15.05.2016 02:56

What qualifications have you got? <a href=" ">essay writing lesson plan high school</a> Like the Chechens, the Ingush, despite their history of relative loyalty to Moscow, were deported to Central Asia towards the end of World War II by Stalin who accused them of collaborating with the Nazis. They were allowed to return only in 1957 when Khrushchev was Soviet leader.

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Дата: 15.05.2016 02:56

I've been made redundant <a href=" ">trade thesis</a> In May, after Bernanke spoke about potentially slowingstimulus this year, the S&P 500 fell 7.5 percent. Theindex is unlikely to see a similar decline on any surprise nextweek, with many analysts citing its 50-day moving average assupport. Currently, the index is 0.7 percent above that level.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:03

I didn't go to university <a href=" ">honors dissertation</a> In Rwanda, things changed faster than the data could be collected. Between 2005 and 2010, the use of contraception in Rwanda rocketed from 10 percent to almost 50 percent, said Cameron Nutt, a researcher at the Dartmouth Center for Healthcare Delivery Science and a research fellow to Binagwaho. As a result, the average number of children per woman dropped from 6.1 to 4.6. The most recent census, which was from 2002, did not reflect the changed birthrate.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:03

What line of work are you in? <a href=" ">essay about teenagers and fashion</a> A big U.S. corn and soybean harvest now under way isexpected to replenish supplies, thus boosting export prospectsand processing volumes for Cargill as well as rivals such asArcher Daniels Midland and Bunge. ADM and Bungealso reported disappointing earnings for the quarter ended June30 tied to short corn and soybean supplies. Both will reportquarterly earnings in the coming weeks.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:03

How much is a Second Class stamp? <a href=" ">ronald reagan research paper</a> Actress Famke Janssen had accused Carlos Echeverria of stalking her a few years ago. He&#39;s now wanted for questioning after Janssen told police someone had broken into her apartment and left picture book &#39;The Lonely Doll&#39; near her bed.

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In tens, please (ten pound notes) <a href=" ">creation versus evolution essay</a> A note was not found at the scene, but authorities said a .22 caliber semi-automatic long rifle was taken from the home and is the suspected weapon used in the murder-suicide. The sheriff said authorities are still working to determine a motive and are talking with neighbors and friends of the family.В 

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:03

I wanted to live abroad <a href=" ">online jobs for students</a> The Washington state woman called a “danger to society” was sentenced to 34 years in prison for plotting to kill a 70-year-old Navy veteran – a two-time Purple Heart recipient – because she wanted to steal his valuable coin collection.

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On another call <a href=" ">thesis themen marketing</a> Cruciferous vegetables, but broccoli in particular, make for anti-cancer powerhouses thanks in part to a compound called sulforaphane that actually helps the body fight the spread of tumors. Recent research revealed the underlying reason: sulforaphane may inhibit an enzyme, called an HDAC, that <a href="">works to suppress the body's tumor fighting ability</a>, as we've previously reported. And sprouts are even more potent: three-day old broccoli sprouts have 20 to 50 times the sulforaphanes as mature broccoli, <a href="">according to Johns Hopkins research</a>. For more about the cancer fighting properties of <em>all cruciferous vegetables, check HuffPost blogger Dr. Joel Fuhrman's <a href="">analysis of cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and more</a>.

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Дата: 15.05.2016 03:06

Special Delivery <a href=" ">online dating essay</a> Nicholas wasn&#039;t best pleased. So displeased, in fact, that she shot him three times, got into his company car - a white Cadillac - and drove off. She then failed to kill herself and ended up in prison.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:06

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Дата: 15.05.2016 03:06

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We need someone with experience <a href=" ">homework desk</a> Real-time U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only; comprehensive U.S. stock quotes reflect trading in all markets and are delayed at least 15 minutes. All quote volume is comprehensive and reflects trading in all markets, delayed at least 15 minutes. International stock quotes are delayed as per exchange requirements.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:07

Accountant supermarket manager <a href=" ">essay on animal abuse</a> To be sure, the riskiest parts of the shadow banking system may still be too small and too diffuse to create systemic risk. And regulators globally plan to collect data on now-opaque segments of the financial markets, and enforce tougher rules on a host of areas including credit funds, exchange-traded funds, hedge funds, private equity funds, securities broker-dealers, credit insurance providers, securitization and finance companies.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:07

Please call back later <a href=" ">gambling addiction research paper</a> In July, Uralkali pulled out of a trading venture with its local partner, raising the prospect of a price war between the two former Soviet republics. The arrest is likely to escalate the frictions between the two companies further.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:07

I do some voluntary work <a href=" ">comparison and contrast essays</a> &#8226; As successive generations, or &#8220;birth cohorts,&#8221; emerged over time, the percentage of deaths from obesity grew. For example, estimates suggest that obesity accounted for about 3.4 percent of deaths at age 66 for white men who were born between 1915 and 1919. By the time a white man born between 1935 to 1939 died at age 66, obesity accounted for about 5.8 percent of deaths in that group.

Дата: 15.05.2016 03:07

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Дата: 15.05.2016 03:07

Remove card <a href=" ">corruption in society essay</a> The dollar hit a seven-week low of 95.79 yen, maintainingits recent downward trend, and was last down 0.4 percent at95.98 yen. The yen showed no immediate reaction after theBank of Japan kept its policy on hold, as expected.

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