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Юмор: Мечта поэта
Дата: 01.04.2007 00:01
Автор: , добавлено:

Я прекрасен. Умен, пусть немолод,
Плюс - воспитан в культурной среде…
Почему ж как Марат не заколот
Я кинжалом Шарлотты Корде?

Богатырской безудержной силой
От Геракла я неотличим -
Отчего ж как Самсону Далила
Не обрила мне кудри в ночи?!

Бомбу под ноги мне не швырнули,
Не стреляла эсерка Каплан -
И бандитские подлые пули
Не прошили мой старый реглан…

Отчего же судьба так жестока?
Я обижен был ею вдвойне…
Не прошибли почто альпенштоком
Меркадеры головушку мне?

Отчего же бревном, в самом деле,
Не повержен я, как Сирано?
Почему же завистник Сальери
Не подсыпал мне яду в вино?

Не спешат ни Дантес, ни Мартынов
Грудь пробить мне прицельной стрельбой…
Что ж, выходит, в безвестности сгинув,
Я усопну как смертный любой?

И помру, позабыт-позаброшен,
Не дождавшись Далил и Шарлот?
Снег могилку мою запорошит
И никто над ней слез не прольет?

(Как с тоски мне такой не напиться?..)
Где ты, киллер, товарищ и брат?
Где ж ты ходишь, мой праздный убийца,
Сердцу гения милый камрад?

На тебя же я, как на икону,
Ежедневно молюсь… Не томи!
И тогда на весь мир растрезвонят
ИТАР-ТАССы и прочие СМИ,

Всех читателей в траур вгоняя,
Не жалея прочувственных слов,
Что погиб от руки негодяя
Знаменитый поэт Боркунов.

И немедля утихнут зоилы,
Толстым рылом вконец посерев…
И всплакнут у разверстой могилы
Хакамада, Явлинский и Греф.

Упокоюсь в просторной гробнице
На Ваганьковском кладбище я.
И придут с моим прахом проститься
И известный артист, и швея.

У ограды посадят две ели…
(Хоть могли бы и три посадить),
И мой образ Зураб Церетели
Изваяет, вполне может быть.

И собранья моих сочинений
В Доме книги пойдут нарасхват -
Я останусь в умах поколений…
Так-то, друг мой, товарищ и брат.

Может, даже Героем России
После смерти объявят меня –
Вот тогда безобразный и синий
Я уйду, никого не виня.

Но учтите одно, недоноски,
Коль смолчит обо мне ИТАР-ТАСС -
Перед смертью проклятьем японским
Прокляну я немедля всех вас.

И восстанет мой труп из могилы,
Ликом страшный, глухой и слепой,
И пройдется по вам, гомофилы,
Полусгнившей мертвецкой стопой.

И в безмерной тоске куртуазной
Я взлелеял идею одну:
Чтобы вы не забыли наказ мой,
Я заранее вас прокляну!
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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:09

Could I take your name and number, please? <a href=" ">streetcar named desire thesis</a> The dispute centres on Germany's decision to allow Daimlerto continue using R134a - a potent global warming agent 1,000times more powerful that carbon dioxide - after all otherEuropean carmakers switched to a replacement made by HoneywellInternational Inc and Dupont.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:09

I work for myself <a href=" ">library essay in english</a> The agreement marks Twitter's biggest sports-related commitment to date for its Amplify service. Amplify was formally unveiled last May as a way for Twitter, broadcasters and advertisers to capitalize on peoples' use of social media while they watch TV - a phenomenon called "second screen" viewing.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:09

Who's calling? <a href=" ">harvard university essay</a> If signed into law, Cooper said the measure will severely restrict working people’s opportunities to vote early and on weekends; prevent new voters from pre-registering so that they can vote as soon as they turn 18 years of age; and stop people from voting if they show up at the wrong polling place by mistake.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:09

Lost credit card <a href=" ">general essay</a> The people crammed in that very control room are still just a fraction of the team that worked on Curiosity. Whether it was shrinking the instruments of the Sample Analysis at Mars in order to make a portable chemistry lab, or deploying both a parachute and a sky crane to make sure that Curiosity didn't crash onto the red planet's surface, hundreds of scientists and engineers poured their energy into the not-so-little rover that could.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:09

Gloomy tales <a href=" ">technology in india essay</a> Wright’s homer in the first was his 16th of the season, a two-run shot to left-center off of Wade Davis. The blast was the 220th of Wright’s career, tying him with Mike Piazza for second on the Mets all-time list. Darryl Strawberry is the club’s leader with 252.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:13

I like watching football <a href=" ">essay on responsibility for kids</a> Infection, pneumonia, blood clots and kidney failure are all possible complications after any major surgery. A new study shows that smoking boosts the risk of such complications following some of the most common colorectal ...

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:13

Just over two years <a href=" ">essay on national parks in india</a> The gathering of sour Bramleys, crisp, sweet Coxes or tough-skinned Russets marks the start of a series of seasonal traditions, from the relatively tame cider pressing to the peculiarly British Wassailing which, come January, sees cider devotees dancing in orchards under trees hung with cider dunked toast to ward away evil spirits.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:13

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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:13

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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:13

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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:14

Incorrect PIN <a href=" ">essay on my dream town</a> Trading was volatile, however, with disappointing U.S. dataand talk that former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers was aboutto be named as the next chairman of the Fed, buffeting thedollar during the early New York session.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:14

US dollars <a href=" ">argumentative essay on teenage pregnancy</a> "It's a tough track," he said. "Just looking at everybody as a whole, nobody really comes here and is just great every time. It's not a track that you see one team consistently dominate. We've had good cars here and brought back the same setup and it just didn't work. You're never really sure when you show up."

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:14

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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:14

I didn't go to university <a href=" ">acknowledgements in a thesis</a> "Two of the men are known Hilltop Youth activists," Rosenfeld said, referring to a fringe group of Jewish settlers suspected by Israeli authorities of vandalizing several mosques and monasteries in the past few years.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:14

Looking for a job <a href=" ">theological essay</a> Sanchez will start, so it’s possible that Smith will altogether avoid Suh and fellow defensive linemen Nick Fairley and Ziggy Ansah. However, losing the protection of the red jersey will allow Jets brass to better evaluate the rookie.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

Where are you from? <a href=" ">rip van winkle analysis</a> "One would expect something similar to an order from the Fed unless the banks had a very strong indication - formally or informally - that it's okay for them to continue holding these assets," said Saule Omarova, a visiting law professor at Cornell University, on Saturday.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

What's the exchange rate for euros? <a href=" ">the best research paper</a> While Bonds eventually said he had not received self-injectable substances, Circuit Judge Mary Schroeder wrote for a unanimous three-judge appeals court panel that his response could have influenced the grand jury into minimizing Anderson's role in the distribution of illegal steroids and PEDs.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

I'd like some euros <a href=" ">structure of 5 paragraph essay</a> First, MPs heard from Chief Inspector Jerry Reakes-Williams, who&rsquo;d led an inquiry into that meeting. He said he&rsquo;d recommended misconduct proceedings against the three reps &ndash; but been overruled by more senior officers. Then the MPs heard from the deputy chair of the Independent Police Complaints Commission &ndash; who said she&rsquo;d been &ldquo;astonished&rdquo; the reps hadn&rsquo;t faced charges of gross misconduct (maximum penalty: dismissal), let alone misconduct (maximum penalty: a final written warning).

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

About a year <a href=" ">pcos research paper</a> The relationship between the McDonnells and Star Scientifichas been the subject of criminal investigations after loans andgifts the company's Chief Executive Jonnie Williams gave to thegovernor were uncovered.

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I'm from England <a href=" ">custom essay service reviews</a> "[The clinic] was trying to relocate because they couldn’t stay where they were, because of the new regulations. . . . The fact they were forced to move, that’s a testament to the barriers these providers face,” Alena Yarmosky, a spokeswoman for NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, told the Post. 

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

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Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

Other amount <a href=" ">argument essay about abortion</a> Dec. 12, 2012 - With Operation Twist expiring at year end,Fed announces plan to expand QE3 by adding purchases of $45billion worth of longer-term Treasuries per month. It also saysit expects rates near zero would be appropriate as long as thejobless rate is above 6.5 percent and inflation does notthreaten to top 2.5 percent.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:15

Have you got any experience? <a href=" ">mahatma gandhi online thesis</a> Planned Parenthood of Montana will receive $295,000 to hire and train "navigators" to tell people their options for signing up for insurance, Lee Newspapers of Montana reported in a story published Friday.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:24

Can I take your number? <a href=" ">nineteen eighty four essays</a> To sum up, we had a sector which had grown too big and wasacting as a drag on the economy, all while doling out too muchin client money to insiders. Our reaction to bad decisions andthe verdict of the market was to create even more incentives tocommit capital to banking and give special status to some banks,all while failing to hold executives accountable.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:24

I'd like to open a personal account <a href=" ">discuss the characteristics and importance of a thesis statement</a> That's why I'm fighting to pass the Fair Minimum Wage Act, which would raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour in three steps of 95 cents each and then provide for automatic annual increases linked to changes in the cost of living. The bill also gradually would raise the minimum wage for tipped workers for the first time in 20 years. The tipped minimum wage currently stands at just $2.13 an hour. This bill would increase it to 70 percent of the regular minimum wage.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:24

Canada>Canada <a href=" ">resume writing service houston</a> “Whatever economic benefits that there might be because of gay marriage will be erased by a tsunami of health-care costs, and businesses will bear the brunt of those increased costs and that is bad for the nation’s economy,” said Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis at the American Family Association, a Tupelo, Mississippi-based evangelical Christian group that supports heterosexual marriage.

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:24

Just over two years <a href=" ">happyness essay</a> In addition to police from several states, eight FBI agents were assigned to the case from a command post at San Diego sheriff's headquarters, as the manhunt has expanded to Washington, Nevada, British Columbia and Mexico's Baja California.В 

Дата: 14.05.2016 18:24

What sort of work do you do? <a href=" ">american foreign policy theoretical essays ikenberry</a> IET Services Limited is trading as a subsidiary of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, which is registered as a charityin England & Wales (no 211014) and Scotland (no SC038698).

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(C) Орден света, 2004